'; }; We have scheduled an update for this section of the website, and invite you to come back at a later date to view our new content. if (jQuery('.rag-modal-window:contains("Thanks for contacting us")').is(':visible')) { var id = jQuery('[property="og:url"]').attr('content').split('/')[jQuery('[property="og:url"]').attr('content').split('/').length - 2]; Optima Camelview Village is built on a structural bay with varying cantilevered landscaped terraces, creating a rich urban experience where no two buildings are the same. listing_totalvalue: price { mls: '6156366', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/20027dec-f7a7-416a-8866-64fe4e4c00db' }, } By continuing to use this website, you agree to UniCourts General Disclaimer, Terms of Service, else { { mls: '6341760', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=fmwGoXKPz8b&brand=0' }, { mls: '6069690', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/11fbd94c-b072-4afd-b6ff-9f9a8aa24451/' }, { mls: '6038909', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/2cfbb48b-8325-49e8-9aac-3ed696d0d15b/' }, { mls: '6054935', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/15dfb877-f8c5-461a-b660-a0d9b60ea9db/' }, if ((window.location.origin + "/" == window.location.href)) { I've been living in optima camelview for 4 years and just loooove everything about it. { mls: '6227930', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/33bb54a4-6a01-4fd1-aa7b-479e9294914f' }, if (MLSnums.indexOf(MLSNumber) != -1) { Even with the shades drawn. Optima Camelview boasts 17 acres of landscaped terraces, exceeding the total 13-acre site area. } Like I said, I really think it makes an excellent investment opportunity at the Optima. styleSheet.innerText = cssString; { mls: '6056546', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/4ee31779-f7aa-4e20-aa0e-5ae7390d7b62/' }, I'm also looking for a condo to buy in this general vicinity and that's on my "no-go" list. Just not really my type of people. } { mls: '6216301', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/2bd2b0af-ea2b-4d2e-a0ea-8f48eb6c0bed' }, Here's what the new hallways look like once they're complete: Residents have to live with a construction zone for a little while but it's well worth it! Self-fulfilling prophecy - Homeowners are often afraid that their property values are going to go down and as such decide to sell their condos. $blogImageContainer = ''; } Optima Camelview Village is a 700-unit mixed-used community on 13-acres just north of Scottsdale Fashion Square. { mls: '6297811', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/ff33ae03-e2d8-412e-aad2-5785f1d84cca' }, Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. $('.blog-post').each(function () { { mls: '6049261', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/57520b53-1390-4b1c-acaf-579c73198153/' }, Overlapping forms and voids create a diverse and provocative composition of space. So make sure your unit comes with a spot on the purchase. The case status is Other. { mls: '6422070', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=uHpvXpeQAyt&brand=0' }, The information below is strictly based on hearsay and what we learned from being involved in several transactions from the Optima Camelview in Old Town Scottsdale. Optima Camelview Village - Optima Camel View Village Sign In Sign In My Optima Contacts Amenities Moving In/Out Paying Your HOA Dues Reserving Facilities Governing Documents, Rules, Policies and Forms Governing Documents Community Rules Policies }; Where blossoming private terraces climb to gardened rooftops in the sky. View details for all of the Optima Camelview condos listed here for sale. { mls: '6120670', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/188e93d0-1afe-4463-a148-2a86abadb56c' }, Price Tag: $1,490,000 Location: Scottsdale Luxurious End Unit located in the Optima Condo High-Rise comes with an extended Penthouse Style outdoor living garden and is facing those unobstructed South-Eastern Views. Optima Camelview Homes For Sale | Stephanie Moser 623-451-6698 The Moser Group 24/7 Direct: 623-451-6698 9170 E Bahia Dr Scottsdale AZ 85260 Watch List Translate Login Connect Close x Stephanie Moser Direct: 623-451-6698 9170 E Bahia Dr Scottsdale AZ 85260 Home Buyers Sellers Rentals Investors Phoenix Condos Concierge Contact 623-451-6698 Home }; { mls: '6024227', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/c51edbf1-5f4e-4128-80cd-d3b85a93e718/' }, { mls: '6058607', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/252f6e77-e8c3-497d-9b9e-d3384549db83/' }, { mls: '6256705', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/9a1e0139-d1cc-4af0-a5cd-2b0fda4eb6c4' }, Landscaping is a critical element of the architectural composition; 23 acres of roof gardens were constructed on the 13-acre site. 7975 N Hayden Road, A-101 Scottsdale, AZ 85258. var styleSheet = document.createElement("style"); { mls: '6333715', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=cESAXVpXjEi&brand=0' }, Among dramatic waterfalls, reflective pools and lush landscaping are amenities such as three swimming pools, outdoor putting green, racquetball and basketball courts, fitness center with separate workout studios, plus a spa, sauna facilities and locker rooms. { mls: '6141947', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/6d01ad8c-c1dc-4438-9c3a-68c7f8f6aa81' }, var fileref = document.createElement("link") All information should be verified by the recipient and none is guaranteed as accurate by ARMLS Listing Information presented by local MLS brokerage: Zillow, Inc., local REALTOR- Chris Long - (480) 907-1010. } { mls: '6193324', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/9765efd3-03dc-4827-b542-b73e6b0069d6' }, { mls: '6114776', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/e00dbb62-5cbf-4588-b5f7-c1c8cdb4f452' }, var currentAttrValue = jQuery(this).attr('href'); listing_pagetype: 'other', Reviews online seem mostly positive but would love to hear directly from a resident :) Thank you in advance ! { mls: '6209607', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/a7743574-ae59-4a6a-a063-d470f1a82720' }, }(jQuery)); The compensation for the alleged defects was amicably agreed upon between the Optima Camelview Home Owners' Association and the company that insured the Optima developers. { mls: '6382123', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=y6hKPnGYARZ&brand=0' }, What's more interesting, however, is that shortly after the renovations that the money was awarded to complete started. Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 { mls: '6206059', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/1f281062-85cc-42d2-8545-c6dcb21b84a4' }, 109 Scottsdale, AZ 85251. Business suites at Optima Camelview Village include a wide range of amenities, and functional office space. We see the price going up after the settlement. Cancellation and Refund Policy, Privacy Policy, and if ($blogImage.length == 0) { { mls: '6390237', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=51UWxkhcDAa&brand=0' }, Let's look back here to very late 2016. { mls: '6027182', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/4e9bff16-f83e-4cf4-b8d8-b3a64acb668e/' }, if ((window.location.href.indexOf('details') > -1) || (window.location.href.indexOf('property') > -1)) { { mls: '6059206', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/dc5286ba-a7e8-4c15-a1e6-d5090862c855/' }, if (window.location.href.indexOf("category") > -1) { $.each($('.property'), function () { You can fill out our contact form or call or text us at 480-387-3990. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; { mls: '6246201', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/c3ee0fb6-bc35-4002-a1fa-fb83604610f6' }, { mls: '6382123', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=y6hKPnGYARZ&brand=0' }, if (jQuery('.rag-modal-window:contains("Thanks for contacting us")').is(':visible')) { 'listing_id': window.google_tag_params.listing_id, MLSNumber = $(this).find('.MLS-number .number').text(); Here's what the indoor pool looks like right noweek. Court documents are not available for this case. $blogImage = $("img:first", this); if ($('.property').length) { // ADD VIRTUAL TOUR TO PROPERTY PAGE $blogSummaryContainer = ''; { mls: '6114776', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/e00dbb62-5cbf-4588-b5f7-c1c8cdb4f452' }, $virtualTourButtonData = $(".info-button").attr("data-property"); // ADD VIRTUAL TOUR TO PROPERTY PAGE { mls: '6041665', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/2d1ae890-9518-4384-8c40-c303471ea5aa/' }, jQuery(this).addClass('active'); Would not recommend. if ($blogImage.length == 0) { } return true; var set_timer = setInterval(function () { { mls: '6357715', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=HAy65xkNLcd&brand=0' }, Among dramatic waterfalls, reflective pools and lush landscaping are amenities such as three swimming pools, outdoor putting green, racquetball and basketball courts, fitness center with separate workout studios, plus a spa, sauna facilities and locker rooms. var google_tag_params = { While we can't say for sure the reason for this decline, there a few items that often lead to reduced condo sales prices while there is pending or active litigation in a condominium community in Arizona. listing_id: id, { mls: '6078083', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/c2e5ca9a-62e3-408c-abde-38a672e72589/' }, { mls: '6054873', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/22382fc2-6ade-4303-8db1-e4a020225c30/' }, It was settled prior to any litigation. { mls: '6433019', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=YHj1imPFNxa&brand=0' }, I Highly recommend. close_accordion_section(); var currentDate = new Date(); September 8, 2020. Optima Camelview Village Condominiums. } var google_tag_params = { { mls: '6360395', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=EXyxnUH6g3Y&brand=0' }, { mls: '6053511', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/02e7c662-2b4f-4f78-b4ae-343d538fee32/' }, } if (window.location.href.indexOf("category") > -1) { { mls: '6117452', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/ca0cde0c-97e2-4c37-9c64-bb7748a3af07' }, var cssVersion = 1; jQuery('.accordion ' + currentAttrValue).slideDown(300).addClass('open'); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref) $blogImage = '

'; The indoor pool & basketball court are not easy to find in other projects. Status: ACTIVE List Price: $2,333,000 5 Bedrooms 4.00 Baths 3920 Sq Ft 2009 Year. { mls: '6065294', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/95503993-33ec-44ca-9c7d-b24b8de6c2fe/' }, The Judge overseeing this case is Cooper, Katherine. }(jQuery)); $('.small-12.columns.show-for-medium-up.sub-bar .popup[href*="contact"]').first().addClass('info-button'); Pretty interesting. Case Details Parties Dockets { mls: '6036439', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/75509038-a534-4372-8944-2c67dd2a8ab3/' }, They may be older, but you won't hear your neighbors and carport or garage parking comes with pretty much everything. } { mls: '6056546', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/4ee31779-f7aa-4e20-aa0e-5ae7390d7b62/' }, if (window.location.pathname == '/') { { mls: '6201393', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/001a5a09-17ec-43ec-bdbb-2774f4b11751' }, Optima Camelview Floor Plans. { mls: '6437812', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=nSHMKcos1Uz&brand=0' }, I'd say overall, there's just a lot of activity happening right now in the Optima, and it's definitely an interesting community to keep an eye on. Optima Camelview 7137 E Rancho Vista Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Year Built 2007 Floors 7 Avg $ Per SqFt $356 Avg HOA Fees $1080/mo Optima Camelview offers an exclusive address in the center of Scottsdale unlike anything built here before. And the best part of all, documents in their CrowdSourced Library are FREE. { mls: '6055884', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/2a7404c5-8ffb-48ea-b641-f5bdea9801cf/' }, $blogSummary = $(".post-content", this); Optima Camelview Condos Scottsdale AZ Penthouse Tour and Amenities 17,786 views Jun 26, 2016 One of a kind luxury penthouse condo at Optima Camel 109 Dislike Share Save The Kay-Grant Group. Yelp users havent asked any questions yet about Optima Camelview. Finally, one place to get all the court documents we need. Fear of the unknown - Potential buyers are generally scared of purchasing into anything that may result in them have any sort of role in litigation, The threat of litigation over defects lead to prices at the Optima Camelview to fall, The HOA and the developer's insurance company settled and The Optima got a big chunk of money, The HOA is now using that money to make the Optima even nicer and more updated, Because these projects are occurring prices are dropping again while things are "under construction". } addToHeader("https://u.realgeeks.media/thekaygrantteam/accordion-kay-grant-1.css?v="+cssVersion); { mls: '6390237', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=51UWxkhcDAa&brand=0' }, jQuery(this).addClass('active'); Many of the improvements happening right now in the Optima Camelview Village are also due to things being 10 years old and the Optima just wanting to keep things looking good. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. An exclusive address in the center of. var fileref = document.createElement('script') We see the price go up, and it's kind of interesting what happens here. { mls: '6100159', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/6fc1a1cf-685e-46d7-947b-bb3638b88863/' }, { mls: '6205970', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/fcd576d9-8e24-47dc-a9eb-35dad4f67d8c' }, { mls: '6428403', tourLink: 'https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=HVkvvtrCDWe&brand=0' }, { mls: '6088977', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/5b8549e6-6ee6-4884-a2dc-c8bab1abe50d/' }, Discover Optima Camelview Village- a dynamic landmark of architectural beauty and refined urban living. styleSheet.innerText = cssString; } if (typeof fileref != "undefined") { { mls: '6036439', tourLink: 'https://embed.ricohtours.com/75509038-a534-4372-8944-2c67dd2a8ab3/' }, MLSNumber = $(this).find('.MLS-number .number').text(); And in my personal opinion, this is actually creating an investment opportunity 's pretty interesting, it! 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