D) seamounts Why? St. Helens is a medium-to-high-silica, quietly erupting shield volcano, and Hawaii has low-silica, explosively erupting stratovolcanoes. SELECT TWO C consists of the line segments from (0, 0, 0) to (2, 3, 4) and from (2, 3, 4) to (6, 8, 5). D) Red Sea Harry Hess suggested which of the following? Volcanoes occur above the downgoing slab of a subduction zone. c. Moment Magnitude Scale a. D) Island arc Now oceanic crust and lithosphere are formed at ____. c. 3 e. 99%, Which of these would likely produce the most reliable absolute age of formation from radiometric dating techniques? _______ volcano has steep flanks, symmetrical cone shapes, distinct craters, and a silica-rich magma that results in an explosive eruption style. Rocks composing Earth's crust are classified as __________. b. Alvin normally operates with one pilot and two scientific observers. A) decreases in proportion to the distance I wasnt using all my normal senses What didnt work was my idea to stand behind the camera and cameraman, lean over them both and look past the IMAX lens out the pilots viewport I quickly went back to looking out the side window and watching the video. Not only is the pilot flying blind, the cinematographer has to work with no assistant. Original horizontality D) mantle; crust C) Himalaya Mountains With no mouth or digestive system, they survive in a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria living within them. Then they came across the wondrous sight of other life forms unlike any ever seen before. Which of the following are not characteristic of active continental coasts? He says these vent environments are toxic to over 99% of the organisms that live in the ocean. Name a common device that is used to accomplish each energy change: Hydrothermal vents and circulation are usually associated with ___________. D) convergent plate boundary (continent-continent) B) the magnetic pattern of rocks on the seafloor. Despite bumping into a few walls and coming to within a yard of 752 Fahrenheit (400 Celsius) vent fluids, Alvin escaped the shoots unscathed, except for the odd little mishap. The discovery was made with a remotely- towed camera scanning sediment some 12,000 feet (3700 meters) below the surface. -convergent boundaries with subduction zones -divergent boundaries of the mid-ocean ridge -convergent boundaries with oceanic to oceanic plate subduction -divergent boundaries of the East African Rift -transform boundaries like the San Andreas . It seems increasingly likely that life might exist elsewhere in our own solar system; here organisms resembling the chemosynthetic microbes at vents might exist, perhaps forming the base of complex food webs comprised of higher organisms. At _________, plate material is incorporated into the mantle and recycled. Consider a water wave traveling across the surface of the ocean. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. a. Fossils a. Broad New York Times, Unprecedented views C) lithosphere; mesosphere b. a result of Earth's magnetic field periodically changing direction Volcanoes of the deep sea Flashcards | Quizlet Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Hydrothermal vents, Chemosynthesis, 2 broad chemoautotrophs at hydrothermal vents and more. The deepest known depression of this kind is the Mariana Trench, which lies east of the . C) Aleutian Islands A) asthenosphere; lithosphere c. at the edges of the ocean basins a. Metallic/non-metallic e. Florida, Which of the following is not characteristic of submarine canyons? c. along transform faults Deep-sea hydrothermal vents (black smokers) are located at what plate boundary? The least explosive volcano with the lowest silica content and lowest volatile content is a ______. The fossils preserve, in intricate detail, the hexagonal pattern of tunnels that underlie the holes first spotted by Peter Rona on the floor of the Atlantic. c. The rock cooled quickly on the surface c. 50 million years Production [ edit] Richard Lutz served as Principal Investigator and Lutz and Peter A. Rona served as Science Directors of the film, which was funded by the National Science Foundation and co-produced by Rutgers University. They are fabulous gardens that few people have ever seen. Although there is gold elsewhere in the oceans, it is dissolved in the water. C) an oceanic-continental convergent c. Thrust Localized geographically and chronologically D) an oceanic-oceanic convergent B) Aleutian Islands Mt. d. 12% Correct! a visual experience that is almost guaranteed to alter your view of life on this planet. Since then, dozens of vents have been found along the Mid-Ocean Ridge in the Atlantic and the Pacific. e. Rock type Mineral grains are cemented into solid rock deep-sea trench, also called oceanic trench, any long, narrow, steep-sided depression in the ocean bottom in which occur the maximum oceanic depths, approximately 7,300 to more than 11,000 metres (24,000 to 36,000 feet). St. Helens is a medium-to-high-silica, explosively erupting stratovolcano, and Hawaii has low-silica, quietly erupting shield volcanoes. What does this mean? Over 12,000 feet below the surface, the Alvin pilot carefully works the sub through eerie towers rising up from the ocean floor and black smoker vents spewing mineral-laden fluid superheated to hundreds of degrees. C) paleoclimatology The stiff basaltic rocks of the sea floor are bent as they enter subduction zones. Feedback: E) an oceanic-oceanic divergent, The Peru Chile Trench is an example of ________ plate boundary. Calculate the volume occupied by 1.00 mol N2N_2N2 using the van der Waals equation in the form of a virial expansion at (a) its critical temperature, (b) its Boyle temperature, and (c) its inversion temperature. Oceanography show, produced especially for release in conjunction with Volcanoes of the Deep Sea.The episode, called 'Voyage to the Abyss,' features the story of9on, a jaw-dropping place that Dr. Richard Lutz, Volcanoes of the Deep Sea Science Director, has visited almost every year since 1991 to observe vents growing and changing over time. Millions of shrimp jockey for the prime, hydrogen sulfide-rich spots near the vents. c. transform Picture II shows a hot-spot-type shield volcano, and picture I shows a subduction-zone-type stratovolcano. A) Pangaea a. At TAG, Volcanoes of the Deep Sea delves into the mystery of lifes survival in toxic, volcanic environments and engages audiences in the search for one of the planets most ancient and elusive species. B) The continents plowed through oceanic lithosphere on their own power. What is the difference between a joint and a fault? Which of the following energy sources is thought to drive the lateral motions of Earth's lithospheric plates? But, some other hot spots don't seem to start as deep. During those years, Low and his team worked closely with members of the deep-sea science and exploration community to develop the project and create a method to light the ocean far superior to anything ever before used. C) tablemounts The vents have provided a window into the interior of the Earth and insight into the planets dynamic nature. B) The correlation of rocks found in adjacent positions on matching continents. Are found only under oceans. SELECT THREE THAT APPLY c. boulder, clay, silt, cobble, pebble, sand c. Matching up rocks of similar properties in different regions C) Frederick Vine c. Number of organisms present e. 20 mm, Deep ocean sediments are thickest where the underlying crust is _________. c. friction H2SS+2e+2H+, SO2+4e+2H2OS+4OH\mathrm { SO } _ { 2 } + 4 e ^ { - } + 2 \mathrm { H } _ { 2 } \mathrm { O } \longrightarrow \mathrm { S } + 4 \mathrm { OH } ^ { - } Lutz says that if the vent environment existed on land, it would resemble a toxic-waste site. And yet, there may be more life in the dark regions of the planet than anywhere else on Earth. More! b. Coriolis Effect Which one of the following statements is not true of the rock cycle? C) Himalaya Mountains The research vessel Atlantis pulls out of the Azores. B) Hot spots c. Period The holes, freshly made in the sediment, appeared to be the work of a tiny creature. Time (age), What are the characteristics of an index fossil? Picture II shows a subduction-zone-type flood basalt, and picture I shows a hot-spot-type stratovolcano. A volcano punched through the region deforming the stratum c. Calcite A) Convergent plate boundary Are there many different kinds of vents? B) convergent plate boundary (oceanic-oceanic) d. transport sediment to the ocean bottom a. sedimentary C) Sandstone Volcanoes of the Deep Sea was on its way to becoming a reality. Rutgers biologist Dr. Richard Lutz is science director on the Volcanoes of the Deep Sea project and a member of the first-ever biological expedition to a vent site. e. absent, Oceanic crust __________. c. transform Large volcanoes on the seafloor that are cone-shaped on top because they never reached sea level are called ________. E) Mid-ocean ridges, Which of the following is characteristic of continental-continental convergent plate boundaries? a. c. Sulfides -Lava flows A) San Andreas Fault Describe Newton's third law of motion, the law of action and reaction, in your own words. Hawaiian volcanoes are caused by a hot spot that brings up mantle material from deep inside the earth. (Even scientists at the leading edge of vent research are seeing this environment as they have never seen it before). While Reeve and Low were trying to outdo each other on the ocean floor, the education outreach team was watching the daily rushes with growing excitement. c. The few minerals that can have multiple different crystal habits depending on formation. Because layers of weak bonds cause the mineral to easily cleave into sheets. Both involve water in their formation C) Ice age Especially low in water and carbon dioxide compared to most melted rocks. Ronas find soon caught the eye of Seilacher. E) The Atlantic Ocean, Based on the Theory of Plate Tectonics, you would expect to find ________ heat flow at the mid-ocean ridge and________ heat flow at subduction zones when compared to other parts of the crust. Photograph courtesy NOAA and NSF Photograph Photograph Photograph Photograph PDF Minerals that have the same chemical formula but different crystal structures. Especially rich in Diet Pepsi compared to most melted rocks. B) Volcanic island arcs A) Himalaya Mountains C) an oceanic transform Feedback: Slide-past (or transform, with horizontal but no vertical movement) earthquakes and faults such as the San Andreas. C) East Pacific Rise A) Oceanic-continental convergence These deepest earthquakes probably: Are the shaking of the ground caused by "implosion" as minerals rearrange to denser forms as the pressure on them rises in downgoing slabs. Reverse A) Shallow earthquakes Which of the following statements describes minerals? C) tablemounts Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. Deep ocean hydrothermal vent communities represent the last true frontier on Earth, she says, and they offer a unique opportunity for educators to engage students and the public in an oasis of interdisciplinary topics: biology, geology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, science communication, deep ocean film technology and more., While Stephen Low has always tried to do the impossible with his films, hes also always been about much more than just thrills and chills. Cross cutting relationships e. Both come from older bedrock, Which is the correct order of grain sizes from smallest to largest for clastic (detrital) sedimentary rocks? Some scientists believe vents may well exist in distant spots like Europa, a moon of Jupiter whose ice-covered surface may hide a deep saltwater sea. E) a continental-continental divergent, The Red Sea is an example of ________ plate boundary. Mt. They are now believed to exist in all of the worlds oceans. The lithosphere floats on the ___________. They have since been found in the Atlantic, Indian and Arctic oceans. Shake Maps d. gravity ab. c. Metallic/submetallic Here, millions of tiny shrimp jockey for position near sulfur-rich emissions pouring from chimneys shaped like something out of a Dr. Seuss tale. a. convergent plate boundary d. along the east coast of South America c. Rayleigh D) Faults on land, The tectonic forces called slab pull and slab suction may act in unison at which type of plate boundary? But the deep ocean is different. b. isotopic annealing D=0.66[ks1.25(ghfLQ2)4.75+vQ9.4(ghfL)5.2]0.04. Matching up continental coasts based on matching shapes d. at hot spots 88% B) Volcanoes d. metamorphic e. ocean trench, The oceanic crust is youngest __________. c. transform Mn(CN)64Mn(CN)63+e. D) Mariana Trench Especially rich in water and carbon dioxide compared to most melted rocks. Which of the following is the most convincing piece of evidence set forth to support the concept of sea floor spreading? e. 400 million years, Which of these would likely produce the LEAST reliable absolute age of a rock from radiometric dating techniques? a. Pyroclastic flow At what temperature is the gas most perfect? Kuseks enthusiasm comes through loud and clear. D) Hydrothermal vents a. The low-silica lava from the Hawaiian hot spot flows easily without large explosions, so the lava spreads out to make broad, gentle volcanoes that look like shields of medieval warriors. a. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The temperature below which magnetic material can retain a permanent magnetization is called the _____., The former late Paleozoic supercontinent is known as ____., The modern-day Red Sea is explained by plate tectonics theory because it is ____. Why are mica minerals "like a sandwich"? Occasionally the booms with the lights would bump into things and that would stretch some of the components wed have to fix them at night, says Strickrott. C) Hot spots E) Volcanic island arcs, Which of the following is characteristic of oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundaries? A) a continental-continental divergent A) Mendocino Fault Organize at least seven of your body's cell processes that require energy. What sets them apart is that they use energy from chemicals dissolved in the hot springs, instead of sunlight, to produce food. Out of this World. d. consist of coral overlying volcanic rock a. were explained by Charles Darwin -Some evaporite minerals D) turbidity currents A) Basalt a. e. Logarithmic Scale, How do we determine the location of an earthquake? A) decreased; increased e. The layers have slowly rotated as the ground around them has been compressed with lithification, A tectonic event has occurred in the area since deposition of the stratum, Which of the following is typically the shortest period of time? (b) arsenic d. Variable Giant bus-sized bombs thrown through the air by the violent eruptions, and interleaved thick lava flows that followed the violent eruptions. In this example, the mineral is tested in a lab and there is only 25% of the parent radiometric isotope left over. With the help of Rutgers University, major funding from the National Science Foundation, and support from science centers, the project amassed a $7.0 Million USD budget (plus an extra million dollars worth of dive time on the submersible Alvin) and production began in earnest. D) The mid-ocean ridge rises more than 2.5 kilometers above the surrounding deep-ocean floor. c. igneous At roughly 40,000 miles (64,400 km) in length, this globe-encircling formation is the worlds longest mountain chain. Mineral deposits that had previously been believed to take eons to develop were being formed in just a few short years. Show/Hide Transcript DEEP DIVE GREATEST HITS LET'S GET STARTED! e. Arctic. The energy that drives tectonic plate movement comes from __________. The pilot steers from the starboard observers seat while watching several video feeds. Also along on the month-long cruise are six members of the films education outreach program a testament to the importance of education in the project. d. That the atoms are arranged in an orderly, repetitive manner. Which one of the following is not one of the five principal ocean basins? With some funding in place from the National Science Foundation and investment by The Stephen Low Company, the team began shooting in late 1999, testing a new lighting array and camera configuration on the deep sea submersible Alvin. E) Mendocino Fault, Which of the following is an example of an oceanic transform plate boundary? b. On Alvin we have to do our own loading. a. felsic E) Aleutian Islands, Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. e. A joint is a local bar frequented by geologists after mapping faults. B) decreased; decreased c. no deep sea trenches d. silt, sand, clay, boulder, pebble, cobble b. divergent D) Hot spot How does burial metamorphism occur? Look up the normal freezing point, boiling point, heat of fusion, and heat of vaporization of ammonia (NH3)\left(\mathrm{NH}_3\right)(NH3). e. Base isolated steel. The temperature below which magnetic material can retain a permanent magnetization is called the _____. Hot spots and spreading ridges make low-silica, basaltic volcanoes, which don't explode powerfully. b. Atlantic The ecosystem is also a treasure of valuable metals including gold. a. Adhesion a. d. hot spot e. Cohesion, What do chemical and detrital sedimentary rocks have in common? c. Fracture zones adjacent to midocean ridges Though we call them smokers, the black clouds pouring from them are not actually made of smoke. e. as a consequence of earthquake activity, The Wilson cycle summarizes the stages in the life cycle of an ocean basin. d. Along the edge of continental shields d. shelf, slope, and rise E) Volcanic island arcs, The San Andreas Fault ________. If not, why not? C) San Andreas Fault c. increases in age towards ridges C) Rift valley Before hed even wrapped Titanica, his 1993 deep-sea experience, Stephen Low wanted to do a film on hydrothermal vents. d. softness The shock came not only from the depth, but from finding life in an environment that we once would have thought to be completely hostile to its development. D) Panthalassia e. 1, Porphyritic rocks with coarse grained crystals in a finer grained groundmass indicate what? Which tectonic setting generally has the least explosive volcanism? We knew the most interesting thing in the deep ocean was not a bunch of wrecks, but the vents, he says, easily one of the most important discoveries in the history of exploration.. Chief Alvin pilot BLee Williams, who has nearly 300 dives under his belt, says the experience was disorienting at first. e. Lahar flow, Detrital sedimentary rocks are defined and named based mainly on their _______________, while chemical sedimentary rocks are defined mainly on their ____________. a. volcanoes d. Both made by erosion A fault is a fracture with movement; a joint is a fracture with no movement. D) an oceanic-oceanic convergent b. Each poker-chip-sized hexagonal imprint was pockmarked with several hundred tiny holes laid out symmetrically, giving it the look of an otherworldly Chinese Checkers board. Another type of vent was first discovered in 1991, during a dive on the East Pacific Rise. A) Drummond Matthews c. directed stress D) mantle plumes a. youngest Tectonic plates move about as fast as ________. D) Mendocino Fault b. Repeat the earlier exercise using the Swamee-Jain approximation (equation below). c. transform plate boundaries Nearly 4000 feet below the surface of the Pacific Ocean - in an area between Samoa, Fiji and Tonga - the West Mata volcano was discovered. b. Low-grade metamorphic The test took place during an expedition to a deep-sea vent site known as 9North, located in the Pacific in 9,000 feet of water. This finding was pivotal to the theory of plate tectonics. Especially warm compared to most melted rocks. a. float on the asthenosphere b. are moved by convection currents in the mantle c. are generated at spreading centers d. are incorporated into the mantle at subduction zones e. All of the above are correct. c. Low-grade metamorphic rocks Picture II shows a hot-spot-type shield volcano, and picture I shows a subduction-zone-type stratovolcano. C) Mountains E) Iceland. D) Alfred Wegener a. SELECT THREE THAT APPLY a. Mt. b. Luster Scientists didn't realize the true extent of oceanic volcanism until the 1950s, when they discovered the global mid-ocean ridge system. Explain these results. d. Ash flow ab. Porcelain white crabs pick their way around and over them, while eerie, eel-like zoarcid fish hover and hunt. c. A tectonic event has occurred in the area since deposition of the stratum A rift zone that may eventually open into a major ocean if Arabia and Africa continue to separate, Early results of the Deep Sea Drilling project clearly justified the conclusion that, The ocean basins are relatively young; most ocean basin rocks and sediments are Cretaceous or younger in age. e. Oxides, Which mineral property involves observing the powdered color of a mineral? % of the following is characteristic of oceanic-oceanic convergent b ) the magnetic pattern of rocks found adjacent... Likely produce the most convincing piece of evidence set forth to support the concept of sea spreading! Also a treasure of valuable metals including gold equation below ) are called ________ Ice age Especially low in and! Large volcanoes on the east Pacific Rise subduction-zone-type flood basalt, and Hawaii low-silica! Material is incorporated into the planets dynamic nature minerals `` like a sandwich '' reliable! 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