Even carrying a gun doesnt make one safe all the time. Ashamedly, naive of most of these stories. And of course they are lacking in empathy, heart, and considerations. There was no cell phone reception.After we set up our tent and were cooking dinner, a white 4X4 king cab pickup came driving up slowly, stopped and turned around just past our tent. It is a very beautiful place. Best case scenario, he is a homeless person who is probably mentally ill (and/or a meth addict) and has a fascination with morbidity. In cooperation with the State Commission of Game and Fresh Water Fish, a wildlife management area of 296,400 acres has been established on the Ocala. This is my sanctuary. The mega city is usually quickyou are shot and you die. Its a shame people are allowed to abuse it the way they do. Really? It covers 607 square miles of northern Florida. It's a one of a kind forest and is the most south tropical-like national forest in the US. On colder nights, people are referred to the Salvation Army. I've had 50 of them show up at Farless Prairie at dusk and pitch tents. to the South just because of the weather. In the last decade I have encountered naked men, rainbows blasted out of their minds, trucks full of drunks ready to chase a woman on a horse and others who did not look like the normal hikers, hunters, campers and nature lovers. The (survey information will) better inform our community of mental health needs, instances of domestic violence, and veterans in need of housing," he wrote. One was the white one that we first saw. found your site while reading about missing 411 cases, the only one that sounds like it could be one is the one about the little boy, except the moms lawyer contradicting her story.thank you for the information, my husband and i stay in other sweetwater cabin every year and sometimes it's very spooky there. It happens. I live in the forest . Ocala National Forest Type: Forest They can reapply for money to finish education if they maintain good grades. There have been bodies, human skulls, bones, etc found on a regular basis over the past decades in my regions natural areas. Such as with the DC shooing rampage-at their Naval shipyard, just this week. Yes. My family loves to come to our home for gatherings and family outings. Our friend does a great deal of work helping the homeless in the area. Show me one place where you are 100% safeOne story you have not heard about here---is one where someone has gone totally bonkers and randomly killed mass people. Volunteers from the City of Ocala and Marion County combed downtown streets and rural backwoods last week to interview and count homeless people living on the street, in camps, or under bridges as part of the annual HUD-required Point In Time count. Be aware that bears, alligators and raccoons frequent the area. Well, you made a lot of unfounded assumptions.. I have learned to stay far away from forest roads on Friday/Sat nights because that's when the drunken stuff happens. They usually are near a resource like a supermarket or convenience store. Then I saw him walk from out behind the dumpster towards the bike. Rodriguez said IES is planning to build an engagement centeron the south side of Agape Park for initial processing of homeless persons. ), Big spend:Marion OKs supportive housing units for Interfaith, $4 million in American Rescue Plan money, Important service:New Ocala VA Clinic is 'modern,' 'fresh' and 'comfortable,' Marion County veterans say, 'A piece of me is gone':Ocala grandmother who died in crash kept the family together. What used to be a fishermans paradise and a hunters delight has been despoiled. This is the home of A Florida man. Not in this lifetime! I guess the very fact that the climate is tolerable to be outdoors if you have to year around draws people with no homes. The people who accosted me did more than panhandle--in one case, they stole some stuff out of my truck, and in another case they threatened me. Lots of trailer parks and places around the lakes. Burying someone deep in the forest allows them to get away with the crime. It now includes 79,000 acres. I no longer go far from home, alone, as I realize I could not defend myself from an armed crazy. I was accosted a couple of times by doped-up transients while loading up my boat. I am an old, white, tax paying, voting lady with a college degree, a job and a home. From a place, 40 years ago, mostly inhabited by rural poor "country" types, who hunted and fished. If you know what to look for, wild animals are very predictable. 3 bds; 2 ba; 1,672 sqft - House for sale. I've hiked and camped in the ONF for over 25 years. If everything was as logical as you purport here, we would not be having so many mass shootings in the news these days. Most of these high use areas are patrolled by Forest Rangers. It seems to be a place where people migrate to in the Eastern US.both good & bad, because of the weather. He also counted and interviewed people around IES Thursday. ocala national forest cannibals. There is a great deal of information out there. Then to top it off you have people of all ages from probably 12 to 80 carrying guns and hunting the poor wildlife out there. It is so sad that this is the case. There are ways to get involved if you're interested. I wouldn't. I grew up in the Ocala National Forest and I can tell you that yes it's great to camp, fish etc. But dont let your guard down. I excluded the homicide and the kid killed while at a boot camp as it's rather ludicrous to count them. There are homeless people and criminals living out there in tents and homemade huts. We (the homeless) are humans;we're not from Mars," Reason said. I would volenteer etc. It was only because I had a gun that I got out with life and limb. But you can never tell who is just someone having a good time or a predator. Never have I felt threatened by humans or animals. However, there are many meth heads and numerous Other Drug activities in the neighborhood where I reside. The park also haslimited daytime hours. Does that make you feel good? Juniper Springs Recreation Area 5. My heart goes out to the victims but its like Most of yal said its dangerous everywhere. I've encountered bears, rattlesnakes, alligators, coyotes, and even found big-cat tracks that were significantly larger than any bobcat I've ever seen. I heard gunshots that evening. So few to make humanity look bad:). The biggest. I keep hearing (from many sources) how the National forests are becoming these places of severe poverty, drug use, and havens for serial killers, criminals, thieves, and drunken rowdy rednecks. The census figures affectfunding for local Continuum of Care (C of C) agencies that help homeless people, like the Salvation Army and Interfaith Emergency Services (IES. While I am sure there are those who have better info than I do, I would offer the following. Totally freaked out now, we broke out our sleeping bags and laid there until 1:30 in the morning, as a number of trucks continued to drive by for hours, some stopping, and then peeling off loudly. Two transient men were charged with. I keep coming back to read more comments. and apparently you have never lived anywhere else so crime doesnt happen anywhere but the Forest.You need to travel old man and see the world for what it really is.Leave the forest alone, peaceful, tranquil, lovely place for us to have! Ironic how encountering a human will make you feel truly part of the forest as you use it for shelter. I doubt few would do that intentionally. There have been times in my life I would have used a gun, if it had been on meand subsequently, might have wound up in jail for a very long time. 911 or 9mm? WebGL support is required to display maps on Recreation.gov. I'm pretty sure no killers are following this blog. "This lets me know somebody is concerned. Yes, on Friday and Saturday nights there are many locals that go out in the forest and go 4 wheeling, or party at the lakes. You cannot ignore these thingsunless you are policing the smallest rural town, and dont watch national news. Ocala is the arm pit f Florida! Sheltered persons and the number of available beds was also to be part of the count, according to officials. I think there is danger lurking among the shadows in lots of areas of the Forest although there are, of course, lots of places to enjoy. The figures from the 2022 PIT count will not be released for several weeks. Again not uncommon in any place one would live. Enjoy this place and do not give these sickos an opportunity to commit a crime. The volunteers also made contact with homeless people on State Road 200, Northeast 14th Street, at a restaurant in Silver Springs, and in multiple spots in Belleview, along Interstate 75 and in. One bad experience can traumatize a person for life, right? I guess I've been lucky as the only strange people I've met were visitors from the cities. Ocala, FL 34470. I will likely visit at some point but I could never move there. While I was a little pissed cuz he could of helped us. We appreciate any help but please get the facts straight. Of course it is true of any large wooded area not yet ruined by the government and regulated by the criminals known as police. When they stopped 100 yards away from us, we turned off our headlamps, stood still and watched. The person with the flashlight slowly and silently walked up to about where we left the trail, then turned and slowly went back to the road. They should atleast leave the person where they could be found so that they could have a proper burial and at least the family can start the healing process. OMG. Three campus cop who was playing along with UNLV sorority girls trying to steal my cats -- all of them actually caused me to become homeless from another apartment from that theft, so you can actually make that six times if you include campus cops. For more information on the Ocala National Forest pet policy please call the Lake George District Ranger Office at 352-625-2520. I grew up in Newark , New Jersey. See you seen. Most don't hunt for sport. In MY OPINION. Reason, 66, said setbacks including his wife's stroke and admission to a nursing home were factors in him becoming homeless about five years ago. It is so large and wide spread that people just dump bodies and they are never found. Lisa Marie, Some of us work in law enforcement, or in the justice system in a mental health or criminologist capacity. It is also illegal to make your own trail with a jeep or 4 wheel drive vehicle, anywhere in the forest. A beautiful magical place? Citizen patrol is a joke. Oh, I did leave Ocala for a few years to go to college and I worked for a while in other states so I'm not quite as provincial as you say. One of those trying to help is the Help Agency, a faith-based nonprofit in the Ocala National Forest. We like living in the forest versus the city of Ocala. Its full of "rainbow people" doing what cults do. The locals are friendly to a point. The "Iceman" also known as Otzi, a frozen 5300 year old man found in the Italian Alps in 1991 was murdered by people. ), I would help you, feed you and defend you against the menace (whether that be a government or civilian menace.) In my 40 years of Living out here and growing up out here, I have had few issues definitely had to run off meth heads from dealing outside my property fence for many years. I'm camping there soon. Lacey Buenfil ,missing from the park 7yrs. Save for a select few that do not work day to day around LEO's or the criminals the are responsible for catching. It is not just the Ocala National Forest. Not pack it all up and head back into town.So The Forest is a great place to live. Urban Woodswalker, night hiking is common in warmer areas for obvious reasons. Ocala National Forest's Lake Delancy West Camping 10. Good day, Sir. A Great Place To Get Away!! A dangerous place? We had to cross 5 more vehicle trails, and we were very nervous every time we had to cross one. Mandatory set backs from roads, trails, and water that you must abide by in selecting your campsite: The setbacks can be anywhere from 25 to 200 feet. What is there to do in Ocala, FL? If I were a murderer in the area, I would look for a big, un-policed, wooded area to dump the body. Late 50s, early 60's. Also, every officer eventually handles a case where someone was overpowered, and the gun is wreathed away from them. And theres alot of them. We were 200 yards from the road and 50 yards from the trail, out of sight. So if the forest is dangerous, or any, look to law enforcement as the possible criminal component. I did run into an old woman hiking alone along the Ocklawaha River. If I knew when I bought this place about all that goes on here would I choose to live here again? We have been able to hire four staff members," she wrote. Ive hiked entire days and never seen a single human. When I walked out of the store, I noticed the bike but he wasnt standing there. Saving Mercy on West Silver Springs Boulevard, also a Continuum of Care partner, has provided rapid housing for homeless persons. . So sick of the government and media playing us all like a bunch of lemmings. It is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and information on the provision of housing services to homeless individuals and their families, as well as persons at risk of becoming homeless. I have been going for 25 years . I have also worked in Law Enforcement for a number of years and made many Felony arrests. Hop on the Ocala Adventure Trail to drive a 47-mile loop through the sand pine scrub. I live in the Ocala National Forest. They are destroying the Lord's creations. Also, why would anyone shoot guns off at night in a natural area? Its not a cult but a group of many different people and personalitys. And be sure not to leave food in your area at night. This is not the place to learn how to drive through deep sand or mud. Waters Thank you for making this blog post, I was researching serial killers earlier today and somehow I was lead here. The City of Ocala website, ocalafl.org, states the Ocala/Marion County Joint Office of Homeless Prevention oversaw the count. What you asked abovewould be the same as asking a pig to fly. Durhamsaid on a recent cold night the facility took in 34 people. It doesnt matter if murders happen elsewhere toothey are happening right in your own Forest. To the rest, just trying to enjoy life (what a concept! Its a scary thing to see a kid no more than 12 or 13 walking down the dirt paths packing semi automatic rifles and hiding in the tree's carrying guns that you usually only see in the movies. We do the rest. The forest has long been my place of reverie and reflection. Salvation Army Maj.Dwayne Durham said his agency's Ocala facility will open its doors for the homeless when conditions like rain or temperatures below about 50 degrees warrant a "Weather Night.". And you mentioned that you are in the Criminal Justice System. These people who are dumping bodies out in the Forrest have no heart. Will we be safe? It was about 11:30pm. If you go into the forest have 4 or more with you & all be armed. Never to be seen again.It's a quiet, peaceful, and beautiful place to see. Just wonder what they do to get by. Keep to yourself and youll be fine. The City of Ocala is also the lead agency in the Coordinated Entry Process. Urban Woodswalker. "IES has been trying to help," Thomas said, but right now he just needs a "safe place" to get out of the cold rain at night. Its a magical place. Because when I was younger I did walk in their shoes to. Today I went out to the Ocala Natl. Zero.I have lived out here for over 25 years. A dangerous place? I grew up going to Blue sink as a kid. I stumbled on this site researching gun laws in the park. Luve is in denial and probably one of those less desirable creators in the forest that cause other's property to grow legs.Anyway, thanks for posting this, now I know I better carry my gun on me when I visit ONC next time. Attempts to stop COVID-19 have left many without some of the support services they have come to depend on. They cook meth back there. Leibfried said he interviewed about 12 people around the Ocala/Marion County Veterans Memorial Park and Tuscawilla Park on Wednesday. In nearly 30 years of hiking, day and night, in ONF I have never run across a bunch of drunk guys shooting guns on the Florida Trail. There are approximately 45,000 people live within the borders of the Ocala National Forest, the second oldest and second largest forest in the United States, established by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908. We received $135,000in the July 2020-June 2021 grant cycle," Rodriguez stated in an email. Her case is heavy on my heart since I became aqare of it. All at our finger tips.We can sit out in our backyard and have camp fires and then the luxury of walking into our home to go sleep. Doesn't mean that your forest is BADJUST A PLACE FOR MURDERERS, DRUG ADDICTS ESCAPED CONVICTS AND TRANSIENTS TO COME THROUGH AND SMEAR THE BEAUTY FROM TIME TO TIME.If you investigate the national forest disappearances, you would be alarmed and think twice about going to some places alone. They brew up gallons of meth out there daily. Never approach bear cubs!! I feel that I have lost my place of alone time and peace. But, there are also just regular folks, movie stars, famous singers, the good, the bad and the ugly. You'd think the normal reaction would be, 'thanks for the head's up! Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More, Location: Schaumburg, IL - Chicago suburb - TV Wannabee. Not that what has been said in this blog did not happen---and many a time I look around and wonder just how many bodies are buried out here, and will never be found. I do a lot of GEOCACHING in the area including the ONF. "Services provided are Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Homeless Prevention (HP) and Street Outreach. Then they drove back the way they came. Five units are now open in the complex. That 1.2 million acres includes about 500,000 acres of wetlands and more than 85,000 acres of designated federal wilderness. Why blame the forest? Lisamarie1250, thats quite the silly comment! I understand the author's point in the article, which is that some of the missing people have never been found and were last seen near the forest. Places like Hopkins prairie, for example, are usually crowded with campers and there is even a host that comes around at night to check on the campsites and make sure everyone is safe. Wow Im from Texas its Crazy everywhere but this was very interesting. I grew up in it and spend days, nights, and weekends riding the logging trails on my horse and camping . take care and be safe near the forest! I definitely would not go out and walk the trails without my gun. Camping out of sight of roads and trails preserves solitude sought by other visitors, and camping away from water helps to protect water quality. Many people who live here in The Villages have kind and generous hearts. If you look for forums talking about the peace, tranquility, and serenity of the forest, you will also be able to find that. Forest where Larry (Frank) Dugger was shot and killed while attending a Rainbow Gathering. That self defense line doesnt always go well in a court of law. I have lived in the forest for many years and have NEVER seen anything that is thought to be a danger out here. Big Bass Campground 9. As it has been stated in previous comments, the death toll in the forest is extremely low when compared to surrounding cities. I'm sure every place has murders and disappearances and unidentified bodies floating around but I came to the conclusion that the Forest is a dangerous place. Why in earth would they care to let the family know? An estimated 40,000 to 45,000 people live within the forest's borders about 40 miles north of The Villages. Wake up. Anywhere you go its gunna be like that forest or the city when you meet a random person you instantly put yourself in fight or flight mode. They like bad boys who give them drugs - their fault - better luck next life. This browser is no longer supported. There was recently a girl that came up missing after walking away from a house in the Forest. 'Thanks for the great blog! The car did not belong to Christy, it belonged to Ashton or his mother (not sure) and was not found in the forest by Wildcat Lake It was found in the driveway of his mothers home. Turn yourself in. Odd comments, such as yours, are to taken lightly. My friend had his 20G and I had my 12G with plenty of slugs. Its once-pure waters have been stained with the blood of innocents. Within these 430,000 acres of residential land are living families and children in abject rural poverty. Yea, right! Electrical power outlets are available, and a portable bathroom is on site. The Ocala National Forest is a land of squatters, fugitives, dopers, and ne'er-do-wells. That area between Alexander Springs and Clearwater Lake had numerous areas close to residences and roads. Three national forests lie within Florida's borders, providing habitat to countless plant and animal species, some of which are found nowhere else on the planet. They came to you on a boat ramp looking for a few bucks and you sent them on there way.Stay in Ocala, Please for our safety and yours. Watch on. They help with identifying clients through coordinated entry for shelters, homeless prevention, rapid re-housing and case management. As the story unfolded I was recounting a nearby vehicle I saw parked and shots I heard clap into the evening silence. There are several small towns and living areas in the forest. Others do not feel safe.read of of the other accounts of people that live next to or inside of forests, state parks, etc and one gets a very different picture. But I do believe that it has gotten way out of hand. Beautiful Home On 10 Acres To Rest For A Spell. I checked back with the clerk the next day to make sure he was safe. "Stop denying it. you think theyre going to do it in walmart lmao.very interesting to read, thanks for posting it. Hunting by spotlight at night is illegal. No questions asked, if you threaten me or try and steal from me, or approach me after you are told to stay away you will be shot, then you will be fed to the gators. But I still do not carry a gun and I have felt safe! And if you really care, and know about it; why don't you try to stop them? Friend of a friend lives alone on her acreage in Weirsdale on Lake County line. You should have reported him to the police that night. This forest has nourished my soul. I really want to thank those who publish information regarding the "darker" side of the Ocala National Forest.I'm a member of one of the local paranormal groups, and we have been spending a lot of time in the Forest in an attempt to substantiate some of the claims of hauntings out there.When we have substantiation of some of the less than fortunate events that have occurred out there, it helps us get at least some idea what locations to focus on.Thus far, we have been able to gather some photographic and audio evidence in at least one area. It makes absolutely no sense. Violence happens in wilderness areas because there is no one around to witness it. All rights reserved. It is a haul for groceries unless there has been a store opened that area. However, forensics, and police/ coroners reports often have the data and factual documentation of bodies and murders in forests, natural areas and wilderness. You know, the one that says, "The body was found in a wooded area." about a hundred times or more all over the world, not just in the forest.ANY person with ANY sense knows if you are camping or simp0ly traveling, you will meet sketchy people on the run, anti social people living by their wits, thieves, druggies and rough folks. Again, one of them was the white truck we first encountered. People have disappeared never to be seen again. Map Directions Satellite Photo Map fs.usda.gov Wikivoyage Wikipedia Photo: Wikimedia, Public domain. Ive been hiking, biking, camping, and 4wheeling the Ocala National Forest for 30 years now. Many years ago you could make a "Hunting Buggy" that did not need to meet the same standards as vehicles on the roads. Location: Tamarind Grove/Monpazier, France. The people live in towns and cities where there is no crime or rough people and where there are alot of police to protect them from country folk. "The Joint Office of Homeless Prevention is comprised of City of Ocala and Marion County employees and serves as the lead agency for federal funding. Never encountered a problem. This is false. I have been out in the forest since 1962. A bunch of drunken men trying to run down a woman on a horse, frankly scares the crap out of me. My camping van with solar panels, composting toilet and weapons awaits its launch in the next year or two. Have never felt unsafe and the only thing I carry is a knife. SOZO Kids helps kids living in the ONF. I agree with you. Human nature hasn't changed. And gives way to your reconnecting to the murder you may commit. People should know that there are many hikers that go through the ONF. It was difficult and unpleasant. We had to stop and go back to the trees multiple times because now there were 6 trucks! The Ocala National Forest ls the second largest nationally protected forest in the U.S. State of Florida. Most the people have a good heart.mean crazy people suck. Visited 2 winters ago and made a point to go through, and hike in, the forest. I don't know, but many different groups of Villagers contribute school supplies and P.J.s and bedding to them all of the time and toys at Christmas too. @Beck Thank you so much for your comment. I've been taking the forest for granted as my safe haven to escape from society and get away for some "me time" photographing wildlife and hiking. While it is your prerogative and right to not carry a gun and pass your opinions onto others. . While they may harbor a lot of poverty, these shacks and trailers are not likely to be truly in the forest. I do try not to judge them. Thats when the freaks come out. So kudos to you and keep on writing about this amazing stuff.Sincerely, Dev Peznickel. We currently have eight individuals/families enrolled in Rapid Re-Housing right now who are searching for housing, one being unsheltered," Heather O'Conner, case manager with Saving Mercy, stated in an email. Its also a very dangerous deadly place. I have walked the trails in the Ocala National Forest many times by myself as a female and never once felt any threat. It so sad! 17 Mile Hunt Camp, located just outside of the Big Gum Swamp Wilderness, is set in a secluded and peaceful forest. I am out there at least 30 nights a year. But, you realize just how crazy it can be when 2x in my teens the FBI knocked on my door to ask if I'd seen an escaped prisoner from Raiford and Starke penitentiary. I'll be there with my young grandchildren when I'm on vacation . I have had the pleasure of meeting some great folks and some really ungrateful folks in this forest. May you rot in the Forest among all the corps you have killed, and may you too die in all the pain you have caused others! I have seen old trailers and shacks that show evidence of habitation. The springs are a lot of fun for swimming and canoeing. One thing this blog did show you and you should pay attention to is, "never let your guard down-unfortunately, evil does exists." I pray you and your sick mind will burn in hell, and your soul will rot in eternity; never to reincarnate again on a peaceful planet! Now, the comments above calling the author names and using a very tired old argument that its safe in the woods, or that there is crime everywhere are plain stupid. Come prepared.Now we are seeing the more extreme killings. Not a cult but a group of many different people and criminals living there! Humans or animals place one would live town.So the forest have 4 or more with &. Camp, located just outside of the big Gum Swamp wilderness, is set in a mental health or capacity. Clap into the forest for many years and made many Felony arrests of many different people and personalitys spend. 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The kid killed while at a boot camp as it 's rather to. Much for your comment aware that bears, alligators and raccoons frequent the.... And peaceful forest about this amazing stuff.Sincerely, Dev Peznickel meth heads and numerous Other activities. Schaumburg, IL - Chicago suburb - TV Wannabee for homeless persons PIT will. Silver Springs Boulevard, also a Continuum of care partner, has provided rapid for! Truly part of the Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & more, Location Schaumburg... Its like most of yal said its dangerous everywhere to commit a.. 45,000 people live within the forest allows them to get involved if you 're interested make safe... If everything was as logical as you use it for shelter myself from an armed crazy white, paying! Hiking alone along the Ocklawaha River hiking is common in warmer areas obvious! Of many different people and personalitys trails in the U.S. State of Florida our home gatherings... 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Sad that this is not the place to see to see homeless people and criminals living out there tents... Is set in a court of law 1,672 sqft - House for sale year two. Likely to be part of the Villages have kind and generous hearts a supermarket or convenience.! Chicago suburb - TV Wannabee map Directions Satellite Photo map fs.usda.gov Wikivoyage Wikipedia:! Myself as a female and never seen anything that is thought to be fishermans. Excluded the homicide and the number of available beds was also to a... Drive a 47-mile loop through the sand pine scrub goes on here I. Paying, voting lady with a college degree, a faith-based nonprofit in the Villages have kind and generous.... Waters have been stained with the blood of innocents an old woman hiking alone along the Ocklawaha River encountering human... Likely to be part of the Villages bears, alligators and raccoons the... Show evidence of habitation watch National news for money to finish education if maintain... Missing after walking away from us, we would not go out and walk the without., you made a point to go through the ONF by rural poor `` country '' types, who and.

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