Companion? If my life burns out here, so be it until then, I wait and watch, see what the road brings. The Bear's going to burn, and burn slow. Your package, the message inside, awoke medical machines close to the one that shadows you began to build themselves, then others. The Road will. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic112. The history of the murder of its people. Those wounds - they couldn't live otherwise. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe. Contents 1 Background 1.1 The Twisted Hairs 1.2 The Divide 1.3 Meeting the White Legs You'll need to find your own path. Dialog implementation, VO mastering, editing, processing, implementation for all dialog. It's not Legion - the Legion I know, but they change, even in small ways as they march West, with every tribe they break. Why were they with the Legion? Convince him the Bear will not be the twentieth tribe beneath his heel, it will make him pause like nothing on earth. Either way, here's a list ranking all the Fallout games from the worst to the best. Got new inhabitants now other than ghosts, more recent recruits. The Bear and the Bull have no more shadows to throw at us. {Remembering}Had the symbols of America on it. [FAILED] Wasn't always like this. {Narration}The history of the West was erased for the second time, thorough and complete and America slept once more. [SUCCEEDED] {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. {No sound file}, Pain makes for strange allies the hate the Bear and Bull shared across the battlefield, now turned against the Divide. Finding the crater was an accident, was following the weather patterns - the Divide sky torn like that, man's violence, not nature's. Whatever you believe happened, you have it wrong. You keep saying that, as if you know where I was born - you don't. Wasn't chance, wasn't luck. Answers'll come, closer you get to home you and that machine. When you say, "slower death for the Mojave," you mean they're spreading out from the Divide. You know the reason the Bear grows without structure, follows a symbol without knowing its history. You have no such defense now. The Mojave will follow. The invisible fires burn here, true enough. And for you you'll want to see your home one last time, see what happened. I just like doing quests! {Reflective}Maybe why you found each other, little piece of the Old World, speaking to you, waiting for you to wake something else up with it. In the death of that history, another was born, and you grew to respect the White Legs. And {quiet disgust}and then they tried to honor {emph}me - not the Legion. Let that one fly, or destroy itself. {Cold}The machine you brought is mine now, it's coming home. I found some recordings from you on the road. Nothing more than I've already shared. NVDLC04DialogueUlysses_Hit_00008AB1_1NVDLC04DialogueUlysses_Hit_00008AB0_1. I believe destroying the symbol is never the answer. {Cold}Thought that explosion, that building falling deep in the Divide might have been your work wouldn't kill you, maybe close. You said a home is a place you breathe life into, a moment where you know who you are. The only other home the chance of a home was what you built at the Divide. Legion or not, you have betrayed more than you know. But you {emph}chose to come, couldn't let be - not in you to let go. This package you said it had markings? Anyone who believes they can make it return and everything will be as it was it is a dangerous belief. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic129. You're tying this to {emph}our history but it is different. [Vegas] Even if you have no faith in Vegas, I do and my actions have proven it. The Bear kills people trying to {emph}protect them. {To himself}So it's to be my ending, then. {Narration}It is said a man still walked its streets, with a tattered jacket, an Old World flag etched on the back {Narration}He remained there, perhaps as punishment for the scars he left on the wastes - or a reminder of a history he could not forget. You walk blindly, foolishly into death, your own and others. Do you really think these missiles can kill everyone? {No sound file}. One of their scouts? {Disgust, hates ED-E}That {emph}machine with you, it can open it, wake it up, {quieter}like it did the one in Hopeville. {Dismissive, trying to play this down}Your machine? I want to talk more about your recordings I found here in the Divide. {Beat}Needs to be silenced before their belief spreads. But the White Legs they couldn't live on their own, like most scavengers. Released in 2010, it chronologically takes place after Fallout 3, but it is not the next numbered main game in the series. {Low}A place that could have been my {emph}home. {Disdain}Keep them, listen, study them - they won't help you here in the Divide. I will not let America die here. You're planning to kill a nation from a distance, just like NCR - just like you accused me of. Deserved to die as my brothers did at Boulder City, mines, bombs. {To himself, robot is destroyed}Another Old World soldier falls. {Slight irritation}Things sleep in the Big Empty, the Brotherhood woke them up - can't move quiet, any more than the two-headed Bear can. Glory in my hand, in my staff that still bore the weight of the Old World just as the symbol on my back did. Hopeville, High Road, Ashton tiny cracks in the Earth, {emph}nothing compared to the road carved ahead. {Slightly sympathetic}Let it give you what strength it can soon, it will be no more. New way of thinking. It had only one message in its core - to get home, at any cost. That's Legion territory. Tunnelers. Let that burn. Of course my reputation with the NCR is going to be the highest out of all of them; they make up most of the faction quests. Not Elijah. What's {emph}inside that machine - that's all that mattered. Either way, the Divide giants are awakening. You believe. {Beat, making offer}If you brought Mojave gifts, might be able to shape something for the road. Then if the East falters after, I'll bring the Divide there as well. {Emph}You carried that thing to the Divide. But no, the Legion will burn as well. {Beat}Or is it just, you, {speaking title}Courier, without the Bear's corpse to weigh you down. Families of Vegas were once tribes. I believe that one person can make or break a nation. They're split like any two-headed animal, trying to go in different directions, ending up nowhere. Still to have helped carry out such an act, then not face it Not my way. {No sound file}. {Beat}Courier Six was Courier Six. {Deliberate, slow, little anger here}The road you made with your tracks, again and again. {Sneers}I carry nothing for them. In the Mojave, that'll only get you sand between your fingers - or over your grave. Keeps them anchored. Other Marked Men had NCR gear - and they weren't carrying masks or blades. I thought it was the end. Not going to waste time trying to make the blind see. Giving the two-headed bear strength. We're too far from Vegas to argue perspective on it. intact. I need to know why you're doing this - not for my sake, for history's sake. Even if the missiles launch, and I die here - if I can convince you, that's enough for me. Giving hollow men like Kimball, like Crocker, half the life Hanlon had. {Accusing}You've walked the West, more than I have. {Thinking}You were the only one willing to make the journey to and from here a hard road. Let's settle things here. {Legion Opening}There's your signal faint, but there. {No sound file}. Still, you're here now. {Quieter}No matter what they suffer {Reflective}the radiation, fire of the Divide, sustains them. Then much like the Mojave before the Bear tribes, towns, clutching to life. {DUPE}Enough. The soldiers that look like they'd been flayed? Was the only time I'd heard a machine speak in the Divide, the only machine with a voice. I honored them. Made your way through Old World towns, the tunnels that join them now, the High Road. {Dismissive}Still, takes a long time for such patterns to develop. Their deaths here were a mercy - compared to the ones that still walk the Divide. Wherever it is, it's been silent if it spoke again, we'd know. If you saw their corpses, you saw mercy. {Frowns}Both both survived, pieces of them. I want to know more about this package I delivered. {"I"}Believe that. In the logs you mentioned a tribe called the Twisted Hairs - your tribe? I could care less about history - and even less about Caesar. At the end of the Divide, through the trenches and wreckage - that's where you'll find me. Promises to keep. {Cold}We {emph}all have death following us, only a question of how close. {Slight reverence}And they awoke. {Disgust}Dead-ends. Inhabitants? I'm going to kill you. {No sound file}. Civilization, a hand from the past, not history but maybe a past deeper, farther than that to a place where this {beat}God really exists. Your words - empty as your actions. Fallout: New Vegas has no shortage of wacky and colorful characters for the player to interact with as they go on their journey. If you don't - you will. {No sound file}, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic008. Getting all the upgrades let's you not kill . And did. Some brought by blade. Sawyer) Writing Credits Cast (in credits order) Produced by Music by Inon Zur Casting By Timothy Cubbison Brenda Marie Phillips Art Direction by Joe Sanabria . If you have a better one, you grant it - my choice in names won't carry past you and I. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic116. Overview; Armor and Clothing; Characters; Creatures; Factions; Items; Locations; Quests Like we do. You will. After this, only one flag will remain over the Mojave. And you made me see how one could do it. Where another history was put to the blade, lesson taught. Same madness. If we get separated, I'll meet you above Hopeville, near the Canyon Wreckage. {Scorn, player laid a mine, "Hanlon's" a famous mine-layer}Worthy of Hanlon. You chose Ulysses because of the "two flags" reference - is that tied to the war in the Mojave? {Beat}Happened in the Mojave. My name for it. Kill me, perhaps. That, and the flag beyond it, another symbol, big enough to challenge him. Machines bombs, things of NCR, are your tools, not mine. >. Changing it - that's something else. "My name is"}Not my given name, close enough. What made you turn from the East? Contents 1 Topics 2 Conversation 3 Combat 4 Detection Topics Conversation Combat Detection I watched, waited. When I {emph}followed your road to the Divide those years ago, I saw the symbol I wore all around me. It wasn't just a flag to them it was a place, an idea they had {emph}cared for. {Cold, player blew it}Your nation will burn, as intended, and the last words of its messenger, were not for its people, but to beg for mercy. Others by Couriers. The Bear is diseased, barely clings to life. You maybe blinded by Vegas's light, or the promise of that Chip. Can still smell the pride - and the fear. {Cold}Now the flag you follow will answer for it. May have seen the cracks in Vegas's walls already. Knew you'd survive but no need to go any farther. There was death in that package, and while the Chip is important to Old World ghosts no, you are more dangerous than that Chip ever could be. {Himself, slight disgust}Or drink that mess. {DUPE}Let's end this, Courier, you and I. And even when you could have turned away, you brought it again, in that machine. {Thinking about self and player}When one is ruined like Graham was sometimes home is the only place left. You brought the Divide to life, Courier. Mines. Is that why you're not Legion anymore, then? There's nothing in the Divide. {Quieter}You see true. [SUCCEEDED] {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. {Slight snide}Still - curiosity drove you this far. In 2281, he was one of seven couriers hired by Victor [6] to carry strange packages to the New Vegas Strip, but his delivery was left to the Courier after Ulysses' mysterious disappearance. Bear couldn't hold the Divide. {Anger, "Justice"}Just? If the Divide couldn't kill you perhaps these spears of the Old World can. It's just a name - you have {emph}no idea who I am. Promise of something better. I had an idolized reputation with the Legion and I spoke with Ulysses. Their deaths here were a mercy - compared to the ones that still walk the Divide. {No sound file}, They bear false versions of Legate Lanius' mask, the one Caesar fashioned for him. This road leads nowhere. {DUPE}[FAILED] No your answer is not enough. . [Legion] I'll see that you answer for it. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic058. {Narration}{Target: Legion}missiles fell on the East and the Legion encampment at Dry Wells where the Twisted Hairs had allied, then been betrayed by Vulpes and Caesar. {Contacting player through radio}There you are, you went quiet for a time knew killing the Bear wouldn't prove easy {slight disgust, hates ED-E}you and your machine, you survived. What I hadn't known was that you still {emph}lived after the Divide. I'll find this trigger - then I'll come find you. The past of other Legates are not filled with victories. Far enough to know Caesar's word did not drive me. When he arrives, he'll fall on Hoover Dam like a hammer, {quiet}break the Bear in two. You have spoken truly. So I retract the above quote as the best and replace it with every single word spoken by Dornan in Fallout 2. I don't understand how a package could have done this. {Marked Men have been killed}Killing them is mercy. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic063. Storms, bullets sand and wind, yet still you walk. {Cold, appraising}I spoke those words in anger, and I did not expect an answer. Things you did. The Divide's irradiated are you sure you want to stay here? That's part of why I'm here. {Beat, slightly ominous}And ghosts need the living to do their work. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic084. {To himself, echoing Caesars orders}Caesars orders. {Beat}Your flag will burn. Comes down to perspective, how far one's walked, and what they've left behind. {Frowns}But you killed like NCR. I'll bring the Divide to your home, your nation. An Old World spirit, perhaps - filthy, diseased. {Beat}Just like the Divide, and all the roads that lead to it. You've wasted enough of my time. It was like my entire dead tribe in the firelight, teeth grinning red in the dark - eager corpses, blood-covered ghosts. Basically. To this road, you and I. Perhaps the shadow of the Bull does walk with you. I learned their weapons as a means of respect. {Quiet}But no the dead number more than my brothers. Got a few holotapes left, ones from the medical center. {Beat, this is the punchline}Through it all, kept calling out - maybe calling for home. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic035. The East. {Irritated, player hasn't given up}So you came, {disgust}Courier, to what - watch your homeland burn one last time. Enough for {emph}all of NCR? {Beat}Maybe the markings on the package reminded you of the road home. I don't think that's what's important here. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic002. If you're hearing this, you have, through blood or word. He's the myth, the weapon the Legion needs. Another tribe, consumed by the Bull - nothing left. Their flag speaks to their spirit. I've had enough of this - whatever your game, I'm done. {Beat, cold}There's more. {Beat}The Mojave awaits. Graham was broken on the wall of the Dam. Nos valeurs nous rassemblent the iceman cometh hickey monologue . Took it from history, found it in a book. All the while, they were looking to cast our history on the fire. {Half of the Marked Men have died, combat is half over}We've shown them fear, but not enough. I wasn't begging for mercy. The symbol I destroy, it has already proven itself wrong. A longer history than what happened here. Now what? If it doesn't, that answers my question. [Legion] If I destroyed the NCR in this place, why do you care? An Old World symbol. Throughout the course of the game they can meet merciless killers, optimistic do-gooders, and even a supermutant or two. Caesar's orders to the Frumentarii were to watch for him, find Graham. {Cold}My home in the East, Dry Wells, is no more. {Testing, slow in the middle}Convincing me - changes nothing. Won't leave - not yet. {To himself, quieter}Shows trust only walks so far West. {Reflective}Can be a place of mind, a moment where you know who you are, the history of it. Without them it would fall dark. Curious, maybe. Some time before I realized the why of it. {A little uncomfortable}You scavenge words. Only takes a few of them, locked below ground, to tear apart the earth and cast dust, sand ash into the skies above. Been my call, Vegas would be one of the first pieces of the Old World to burn. I can hear it in your voice. {Quiet, bring to a close}Can't escape what's been done. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic029. Actions would have had more voice. The logs of the Big Empty mentioned you'd spoken to history. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! {Beat}These questions - your words, or mine - what do they matter to you. Hesitated. Like following a river current. {No sound file}. {Beat, but}What you did that's not {emph}all that cuts at me. {No sound file}. {Frowns, slight testing}You struck first. {To himself}If I'd never laid eyes on it, never spoke of it but once found, it was all Caesar could see. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic108. I have seen several mentions of people having the problem with Lonesome Road that when it checks and compares your reputations, it always defaults to NCR no matter what your actual standings are with different factions. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic003, < Topic Storage: Player mentions holotapes at end. {Slightly coy, knows where it is}Buried in the Divide. I never sought to escape. Answered for his failure - twice, some say. Any who die beneath the flag of the Bull their death should be in battle. Once under different flags, now they are equal in their hatred of the trespassers. {Quieter}Might be that history needs to have its say. {Slight mocking}Come to carry out Caesar's law? For the two-headed Bear NCR they don't have symbols in the same way Legion does. Wouldn't have made it through Crimson River Trail a few years back without it - losing so much blood early on, was a Cazador feast. Well, I just said all that because I'm betting you have some way to stop all this. The Mojave'll become Vegas. The Chip - a choice. The rest - up to you. Same symbols as before the war, now a flag carried by a tribe of children. [Legion] You didn't kill me in Primm because you still thought I was Legion. No Courier would go to the Divide but you will. {Beat, slight condemnation}Charging ahead, like the rest of our brothers, blood in your eyes. Symbol's an Old World one, had one head then, better off for it. Think it wasn't your choice? And even then you have to pick the right speech options. {Beat}You could have stayed in the Mojave. I'm not responsible for this, there's no way I could have known. Even the chance was a lie. {Disdain, player has it wrong}New Canaan? I'm not interested in the history of this, we're done talking. Radiation from the War might have created them. Caesar is dead, died on the operating table. {DUPE}{Derisive}The soldiers of the Bear? All roads lead back to one's home. ~~~~~ Legend It hasn't proven itself wrong. Not immediate, maybe, but in time. I still don't understand - why are you doing this? Wasn't sure if both of you'd make it - above, then below the underpass. Another flag. The Long 15 is no more. Too proud, maybe - {quiet}or maybe something there, from his past, that needed killing. You have forgotten all you were, traded glory for savagery. {Beat, emph}Careless, as careless with futures then as you are now in the Mojave. 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