This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. Because the narcissist's emotional scar involved them being unnoticed, humiliated, or subjugated at a crucial point in their psychological development, the overall topic of succeeding, shining, or. She asked me to go upstairs and tell her how I was getting on. My grandmother's sister was also smacked so hard by a nun that she was knocked out. Currie is one of the organisers. There is still never a day when my sister does not fear being punished for something. If that fails, Fyfe intends to take the challenge to the European Court of Human Rights. It was voiced at the highest level last year when the reforming Lord Chief Justice, Lord Woolf, claimed that many convictions of people accused of abusing children in institutional care were flawed and that the law was in need of review. Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. Cameron Fyfe insists that similar stories have surfaced against the Sisters of Nazareth in Australia and Ireland, where their practices, such as the response to bed-wetting and the force-feeding, "were very similar and esoteric". The atmosphere was one of sheer terror. Feminist scholar Ailbhe Smyth adds, "Christianity tells us that we have to help the poor, but we don't have to like them. I hear stories about the nuns from non family members too and not many people have "Found memories" of their days with the nuns. Its no wonder nuns can be so cruel. Bob Marley, "We went to explore the Moon & discovered the Earth" Gene Cernan. Imagine trying to be perfect all the time. These people told you that you were the scum of the earth. By After graduating high school in 1969, Finnegan struggled to deal with the abuse and tell her story, but her efforts fell on deaf ears. Nuns get a bad rap in part because the people that would theroetically support them the mosthi, people who support smart women who chose to live independently of marriage and kids . That is why I want to take them to court.". She has never consulted lawyers, nor sought compensation from the church. It was just the routine.". Marcela, a South American woman who joined an order of cloistered nuns in Italy 20 years ago when she was 19, recounts how the indoctrination was so strict that younger sisters needed. Archaic teaching methods are now seen as barbaric. It's going to come out as physical abuse of children and sexual. It was a very spartan regime. He is never surprised by attempts to discredit people like himself. I know that they are supposed to be married to god and suchbut when you are married to a guy that is never around, doesn't talk to you, sets up impossible rules, and never has sex with youwell you would be cranky too. She fell, he was told. Celibacy is NOT normal for humans. In the grounds, he noticed that where once there were playing fields there was now a children's nursery. 5 Top The Silver Thong Member 33.4k She and her group are demanding the pope help victims of nun abuse and fire anyone who has covered up crimes by Catholic clergy. There was nothing unusual about it. Archbishop Conti has not only accused the victims of seeking pots of gold, he has told them that, "on your part, there is a need to forgive". (9 Reasons Why), Why Are Netflix Originals So Bad? Thank you again for your insight. But today, many of those who were in the sisters' care have come forward to claim that, behind the locked doors of Nazareth House (all the homes had this name), the nuns maintained a ruthless regime. "You were thrashed about the feet, head and hands, you had your hair pulled and your head bounced off the walls. Some nuns come from abusive or neglectful families, and this was even more prominent in the olden days. Awesome teachers and kind OR 2. "They'd come round the beds and make sure you were in the right position - flat on your back with arms crossed out of the covers (otherwise you'd be touching yourself). Thank God they chose the nuns. Go any length of time you can without any form of sexual release and see how it affects you. Investigators said that DNA analysis confirmed that the discovered remains were of children between the ages of 35 weeks and three years. They would use canes, sticks, the leather belts around their waists. No prayers. Nuns indeed put in a lot of hard work. To hide injuries from visitors, children were shut into a "black hole" without bedding, ventilation or light. After leaving Nazareth House, the six were never again in the same room together. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Archbishop Conti has strongly denied Currie's claims, indeed he denies that he ever, "either in the context of confessional or outside the confessional, received any complaint of any kind of abuse relating to the care of children in Nazareth House". Currie, now in his early 50s, lives in a Glasgow tenement. They'd lift the covers to see if your bed was wet. The Sisters of Mercy taught the girls at her high school; the boys were taught by the Christian Brothers. Nothing. I talk to people today who are living there and they say the nuns are just as aweful as they were 50 years ago! It was a form of mental torture.". I know that not all of them are bad nuns, and I don't mean this thread to be disrespect to anyone or even the catholic church. On the mantelpiece there is a fading photograph of him in a grey bow tie with the queen of the Eurovision Song Contest, Katie Boyle. And, like all of those involved in the civil action, she wants to have her story heard. Are they all mean? One of the nuns said: 'You watch you don't get blood on your dress or you'll catch it.' "When the Sister died, we were told to pray for her in Heaven, but we all prayed that we were glad. "Most of the nuns were Irish and though they were trained to be nuns they were not trained to look after kids, and that is where a lot of the problems were. "You couldn't talk to the nuns in a jokey or friendly way. He sent the envelope to Cameron Fyfe, a Scottish solicitor, with a note naming the boy with whom he had shared that room. Dispenza, 78, has fought for more than two decades for justice for victims of clergy abuse and plans to take her fight to the Vatican on Monday. Nuns are no different; however, we choose not to act upon these natural, sexual feelings and urges. Finnegan told The Post she approached SNAP for support a few years earlier. She was eight. Silence sometimes is a kind of defense which allows victims to hide from the pain (for a while).. So we sat on the sheet to dry it - we were only children. Usually there were cells at each end of the dorm where a nun would keep an eye on us, but when I was beaten there was not a nun to be seen. Kathleen Batey, a 47-year-old cleaner living near Newcastle United Football Club's mighty stadium, is not one of the campaigners seeking legal redress. I've never found it easy forming relationships and had periods when I've had to go to hospital and had all sorts of problems.". our nuns would cut a finger off if you were late for class, some kids only had thumbs, we had to learn a new word every day if you couldn't pronounce it the nun would set about you with a baseball bat, on the day we had to learn Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ten kids got killed, we slept outside on the grass, in the winters we covered ourselves with cowpats (dung) to keep warm, we had turnips for breakfast lunch and dinner, but on sundays we had a real treat for dinner, the turnip was cooked, my aunt on visiting stalag sacred cross found the grave of the mother superior and dug her up, she then used her skull as a toilet, but she was a dirty cursing perverted old b**** herself. One that stands out is the story of a boy who had become very ill. I spent a lot of time scrubbing floors or cleaning shoes. There were frequent visits by "children's officers, town councillors, inspectors, including doctors and psychologists from the home and health department". In some cases, they may be trying to manipulate or control the people around them. I don't need financial help. Finnegan said she has suffered PTSD and anxiety for most of her adult life and has turned to prayer and research on sexual abuse to try to forgive what was done to her. i may have exaggerated a little. It was born out of a fascination with the women who choose . It gives a good idea of the standard of care. To this day I cannot go into a loft or a small room and I sleep with the light on because of that. Why? Currie also told his priest about the "dirt" in confession, "but he was deaf and he would say 'speak up'. After all, we all have our own crosses to bear. I'll also never forget her abject cruelty. [.] ", The Edinburgh lawyer representing Nazareth House, Dr Pamela Abernathy, insists, "No one still alive who was intimately connected with Nazareth House at the time has any recollection of such an incident, nor are there any records of the death of any child during that period.". The nuns were also investigated by an Apostolic Commissioner, and they suffered the same results as other conservative orders in the recent past. Above all, they tell of a complete lack of love in institutions where bewildered children could not comprehend why they were being treated in such a way or why their families had left them in the hands of the nuns. "I began wetting the bed and this was seen as a dreadful crime. The commission spent nearly three years combing through complaints and press reports and interviewing victims. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of being trapped. Archbishop Mario Conti, Scotland's most senior Catholic churchman, has accused the former Nazareth House inmates of being seekers not of justice but of "pots of gold". (11 Reasons Why), Why Are Vegans So Entitled? The stories I have heard just make me cry. Thats awefull! For more than a hundred years, Nazareth Houses all over Britain were home to thousands of children. We were just miserable people, that was all. "I've tried to take my life and spent six months in a hospital after a breakdown. This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. He told a teacher about his embarrassment and she suggested that he could go into any church. He avoided school, sauntered around shops, cinemas, anywhere warm, until he was picked up and sent to an approved school for "delinquents". "When I left [the Cardiff home] at 18 I was just handed a suitcase with hardly anything in it and shown the door. I was clothed, fed, paid a weekly wage. One of them was my sister. Then, in March, a shocking report was published into allegations of abuse and brutality at one of the order's homes in Queensland, Australia, over a 90-year period ending only in 1976. Try to be understanding and compassionate. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? "As a precaution, in case I died," he made a tape-recording and put two pieces of paper in an envelope. Thus, nuns act out their cruelty towards others. ", Other inmates have similar memories. Coming from a guy who feel he has the right to condemn, criticise and berate the practice's of nearly two billion people, have you been given Carte Blanche on this board? I don't think they are a mean as they were back in the turn of the century, but I have had some dealings with them in the last 30 years or so and they can still be mean. When my grandma first went there she only spoke her native language, she spoke no english at all. "She especially hated me. FARINA GRUEL. They are recalling what were, after all, very public regimes of pain and punishment. They also far outnumber priests. More than 400 former residents are planning to sue the order over what they claim was cruel, unnecessary and harmful treatment suffered at the hands of the Sisters. Nuns can be cruel for a variety of reasons. This definitely made it much worse. But trying to be perfect always is enough to make anyone go a little crazy. Joseph had been left alone in verminous conditions. My sister and I have tried unsuccessfully to follow this up. He wasn't prepared to accept that it was the truth. They have authority over those children, and they think that they can do whatever they want to them without reprisal. In the past, victims were very much ashamed and afraid to tell their stories, but they are starting to come forward and we are expecting that this may be as big as the priest abuse scandal.. 'Is it money you're after?' Any child caught speaking native was punished. The excuse is that it was normal in those days.". It was work, work, work. Nuns are held to a higher standard than most people, and theyre expected to be perfect. The Nuns' religious habit played an important role in the experience of power because the habit was no longer just work clothing, but a sign of belonging to a religious community that was an elite establishment of women imbued by Irish society with power and respect. What often makes detection of childhood abuse difficult for the police is that it's an adult's word against a child's, and there often isn't any surviving physical evidence (a sign, say the sceptics, that abuse didn't happen or that it didn't cause any harm). "We've had a lifetime of being accused of being liars and cheats, searching for a pot of gold." The punishments accelerated, she says, after she and her brother began running away. I'd have left you you're just Glasgow tinks.' One of these burst and burnt my foot badly, leaving a permanent scar. Ya the pope is the boss speaking for god. See more. At one time, the training nuns received was outdated and very harsh. Or maybe it's just being in a power of authority with god as your boss. The nuns were terrible.". We can across the grave of the head nun,(sorry cant' remember what they are called) and my beautiful Aunt stomped on the grave and kicked dirt on it and said cuss words! This can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety, leading to nuns taking their frustration out on others. And they didn't beat me." I think so many of them are mean because they think they can get away with it. Eoin O'Sullivan, the Irish historian of Catholic orphanages and schools, cites a very public challenge to the church by Father Flanagan, the priest whose humane childcare was the model for Spencer Tracy in the film, Men Of Boys Town. His childhood memories of the orphanage are filled with emotional and physical terror. "Looking back, I think one of the reasons was that the nuns weren't happy and decided we damn well weren't going to be either. Long gone are the days of teaching nuns to be cruel, and now theyre being taught with more compassion. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. I think it's called how to exagerate for comic effect, like the old Monty Python skit -, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. This mission is still in use today and as far as I know they have not slacked off of the punishments. Sorry, I have to go, she told the nun who had terrified her. She said she never told her father I was afraid of what he would do to the nun when he found out and only summoned up the courage to tell her mother of the trauma just before her death in 2002. Its not easy to grow up in an abusive or neglectful home, which can lead to trauma and emotional damage. Eventually I was rescued by a small boat, but it was terrifying." I saw it.". In my school the nuns, well a few of them were mean. Its a shame, as nuns should represent peace, kindness, and gentleness. I said, 'No, this is about crimes against children.' "I left the faith as a direct result and don't describe myself as a Catholic anymore. It started when I was about eight. Wrong.. "After a real struggle, we have persuaded the legal aid board to support 11 test cases," says Fyfe. This may be qualified in cases of alleged institutional abuse because there is sometimes a chain of corroboration. Thomas Paine, Golda Meir, One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain. The Nazareth House children face another difficulty: the time bar. I remember being made to sit in a cold bath. Nothing. Rocketgirl33, Think for example of other people in committed relationships. I was terrified the whole time and never had a happy day there. Girls abused by nuns often speak of the psychological and spiritual damage done to them, stolen childhood and adolescent years of friendships, dates, dances, and often God. Nuns are not allowed to have families of their own, which can lead to feelings of jealousy and resentment towards those with families. She and her sisters were in Nazareth House for just 18 months - they left when their father, who regularly made the long trek across the country to see his daughters, suddenly arrived in his work clothes to take them away. Nun of Monza by Giuseppe Molteni. ", Her younger sister has never forgotten that day: she could scarcely swim, but managed to grasp a long log. I was never so happy as when I left that place, but it's stayed with me ever since. She had been sent with her sisters to Glasgow's Nazareth House from their home in the Highlands after their mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis, a disease that was still "like a death knell in the 1950s". If you were scrubbing the floor and looked up you could get a whack over the head or even be kneed in the face. They've always ruled by fear. She was three or four years old. Its not easy to keep your feelings bottled up all the time, which can lead to stress and anxiety. (11 Reasons Why), Why Are Harleys So Expensive? It was a dreadful experience and I will never forget it. Strain if necessary, season with salt or sugar, and serve. "I was spat on. An aunt who came to visit was told I was confined with an infection. Her big sister saw her being lifted out of the water, "all cut and bleeding. As . She also comments that the very notion of charity was "a virtue that never brought with it affectivity." I was in bed by 7pm and they used to check you were asleep with your hands across your chest. It was so tragic. Eventually, four years after her encounter with Sister Alphonso, she went to a solicitor. All we want is for the Catholic church to change its ways and let us live in peace. What gives? Currie was horrified and took himself to the police to tell them about his memories of the place he remembered as the "House of Hell". We saw her being brought out of the water. The measure, which had languished in Albany for more than a decade, allows a one-year window for alleged victims to file lawsuits against their attackers, no matter when the abuse occurred. There is the cruel nun (The Magdalene Sisters), the anti-fun nun (Sound of Music) . FOR MORE than 100 years, the Poor Sisters of Nazareth cared for children in the order's dozens of homes across Britain. You believe the bibles the word of god? See Details 2.Why were Irish Nuns so Cruel? She came for a visit one year while she was still in good health, and we all took a trip to the mission to pay our respects to family members buried there. The archbishop also accused Currie of being unreliable. Nuns with leather straps hanging from their waist beside their rosary beads. I think the average age for priests and nuns in the US today is like 70. I froze and became that 15-year-old kid again, she said. When finally a key was found, they went in: the room was almost as he had left it, and behind a plywood panel there were his childhood documents, exactly as he had predicted. The group refused to put the issue on the agendas of their annual meetings, Dispenza told The Post. "I was passed to the child abuse unit at the age of 39." In most movies, nuns are seen as strange recluses from society. ", Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. "I just want it out of my mind." ", She is outraged by suggestions that her motivation is securing compensation. I would listen to these stories as he told my mom and I thought as a 10 year old, "Why were these nuns so cruel!". 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Sister Margaret McCurtain, a glinting Dominican scholar and one of Ireland's best-known Catholic reformers, suggests the "sexual oppression of nuns could emerge later in the form of cruelty". So I guess if someone can tell me why they are so mean and abusive that would be nice. But the fact remains, why were nuns so cruel? And the Poor Sisters aren't poor (the order has 154m in the bank) - they've been rebranded and they're simply Sisters. There was real hate there. Then there were all these flashbacks." The nuns fell into two categories for me: 1. Strangely, this type of thinking goes against the doctrine by which nuns are supposed to live. Other times it's more that the nun's reason for having become one is less about being 'called' than a try at redemption or willing away some horrible trauma in the past . ), it wouldn't be hard to see why some Nuns are high-strung. The walls were in a gothic mansion called Nazareth House, an orphanage in Aberdeen where Aitken was dispatched when he was six. He'd never told anyone. "He sat, feet on the table, and said there were several options. There is, in this context, an absence of any recognition that tenderness should be the norm in relations between adults and children.". Gruel definition, a light, usually thin, cooked cereal made by boiling meal, especially oatmeal, in water or milk. It could that some people have have self-esteem problems. My grandfather told a story of how, when he was a young kid, one of his friends whispered something to him. Their father didn't stop them: "I thought there was nobody. Once the other boys were lined up and I was beaten with a wooden sandal on my knees and elbows. Cusiter became one of the former inmates whose evidence initiated the unprecedented criminal prosecution in Scotland in autumn 2000, when Sister Alphonso, appearing as Marie Docherty, was convicted of four charges of cruel and unnatural treatment. The Nuns had been punishing this boy for not doing his chores and on that fateful night he was murdered by the Nuns. "We had wonderful parents. The retired telephonist has never forgotten the summer of 1955 when the children of Cardonald Nazareth House in Glasgow went to Aberdeen on an exchange. Their accounts of life in the various homes have a common theme: of thrashings even for the most minor misdemeanour or failing, be it sneezing, wetting the bed, or forgetting the words of a hymn. Sleep was routinely interrupted by their constant checks for children wetting their beds and the beating that followed. Claims of abuse have been made about homes run by the order in places including Newcastle upon Tyne, Plymouth, Swansea, Manchester and Sunderland. I am just wondering why. ", What was it, though, that caused such cruelty by women? Others have already pointed out that Nuns are denied any intimacy when they join Catholicism. The mission had boys dorm and girls dorm and behind the dorms outside was a small creek that ran behind the buildings and through the woods. It is a Christian duty, for your greater glory, not theirs. Terrified, I remember holding out my hand thinking an adult would take it. I think my time there has left deep scars. What if I ended up in Nazareth House as an old person?" But it left the family with inconsolable sadness. ", Like other inmates, Cusiter vividly recalls night-time. One bed-wetter was held out of the window by her ankles as punishment. My sister didn't wet the bed at home, but one night she was crying and came to us and said she'd wet the bed. But there is good news in all of this. It is to be a test case, in which 11 former inmates will appear in court, and is expected to be heard in Scotland later this year. Jesus dies for their sins, as He lived a perfect life. Some nuns might feel they are doing all the work and not getting any credit. Its this unattended rage they live with. and so on. The Poor Sisters of Nazareth is one of the oldest established orders in Britain; it has been looking after children in its homes since the 1870s. Why Are Nuns So Cruel? That was when her main tormentor at the Nazareth House in Middlesbrough, Sister Laurence, died. There are undoubtedly some nuns today who arent the nicest people in the world. But in her collection of personal records, there is the evidence: a telegram adorned with top hats and lucky horseshoes, addressed to her at Aberdeen's Nazareth House on August 3, 1955, saying, "Happy Birthday Darling, from Mummy." Why Are Chihuahuas So Aggressive? Then you'd choke and the food would end up on your plate again and she would force-feed you your own vomit. Aitken, who now lives near Chester, was taken to Nazareth House after his mother died in the 1930s. He knew the guy because he came to Nazareth House. "I didn't want money. We want them gone immediately, she said. An official inquiry has found that Sisters of Nazareth nuns subjected children to vicious abuse, humiliation and at times sexual assault of "utmost depravity". It blew into the sea and they went into retrieve it, a stupid plastic ball - of course, they wouldn't have dared do otherwise. "My sister and her friend Betsy Owens were playing with a beach ball. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The survivors have to get past the argument that the religious orders merely delivered the discipline that was standardised, sanctioned and universal in those days. His map also showed a plywood panel, a false wall, and behind that panel, he said, were some significant documents. They are with kids at school every day from 9 to 3, she said. Thin gruel definition: Gruel is a food made by boiling oats with water or milk . I said, 'Every bit.' In the 1960s, when he was in his 30s, he sought help. Sister Mary Juanita Barto and Cait Finnegan in high school, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Judge shoots down Trumps bid to delay E. Jean Carroll rape trial in NYC, Armie Hammer under DA probe months after ex detailed violent rape trauma, cannibal fetishes, At least 6 female teachers arrested for sexual misconduct with students over two days across US, Former Rikers inmate alleges decades-old sex abuse under NY Survivors Act: suit, Split: A Child, a Priest and the Catholic Church. If not you got another whacking. Never has been and never will be. Why are Nuns so mean? In the words of one man who had been put into a home after being abandoned by his family: "Some people say to me, 'Well, that's what it was like everywhere then', but it wasn't. Few years earlier said, 'No, this is about crimes against.. Of alleged institutional abuse because there is still never a day when sister! A few of them are mean because they think they can do whatever they want to my... Keep your feelings bottled up all the work and not getting any credit its ways and let us in! Were never again in the face behind that panel, he noticed that where once there were several options however. Began wetting the bed and this was seen as a precaution, in water or milk solicitor... Today and as far back as I know they have authority over those children, and this seen. Just Glasgow tinks. time I comment with your hands across your chest that panel a... Orphanage in Aberdeen where Aitken was dispatched when he was murdered by the nuns fell into two categories for:! 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Families of their annual meetings, Dispenza told the Post she approached SNAP for support a few of them mean.