These values exist: Sorting of suggestions depends on extension information and on how well they match the current word you are typing. Jupyter kernel cannot be started from 'Python 3.8.1 32-bit'. // Show Errors & Warnings on files and folder. // - never: Never restore the terminal buffers or recreate the process. You can review and edit this file directly by opening it in the editor with the Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command. Note: VS Code extensions can also add their own custom settings, and those settings will be visible under an Extensions section. VS Code provides several different scopes for settings. // Controls whether the editor should render the vertical glyph margin. // - all: Show the diff decorations in all available locations. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. // - ctrlCmd: Maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux and to `Command` on macOS. // Controls whether the diff editor shows +/- indicators for added/removed changes. // - commandWithGroupAndKeys: Command title and keys, with the command prefixed by its group. // Traces the communication between VS Code and the CSS language server. The updates are fetched from a Microsoft online service. "search.quickOpen.history.filterSortOrder". The following example shows how you can customize settings for javascript and typescript languages together in your settings.json file: Configurations can be overridden at multiple levels by the different setting scopes. Language-specific editor settings always override non-language-specific editor settings, even if the non-language-specific setting // When enabled, Outline shows `operator`-symbols. // - list: Shows search results as a list. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `constructor`-suggestions. // A save conflict can occur when a file is saved to disk that was changed by another program in the meantime. To the right of the Search bar is a filter button with a funnel icon that provides some options to easily add a filter to the Search bar. // - onWindowChange: An editor with changes is automatically saved when the window loses focus. If set to 0 the Open Editors pane will dynamically resize based on the number of editors. // - bounded: Lines will wrap at the minimum of viewport and `editor.wordWrapColumn`. // Configure settings to be overridden for the git-commit language. Well occasionally send you account related emails. // Controls whether an active snippet prevents quick suggestions. // Controls whether the Source Control view should automatically reveal and select files when opening them. Fixed nodePath not working (vscode-tslint) Fixed update from 3.0.4/3.0.5 to 3.1.0 breaks my extension; These headers only appear when there is more than one provider. // Whether to relaunch terminals automatically if extension want to contribute to their environment and have not been interacted with yet. // Controls the width(px) of diff decorations in gutter (added & modified). // Controls from which documents word based completions are computed. // Controls whether characters in comments should also be subject to Unicode highlighting. // Controls whether to focus the inline editor or the tree in the peek widget. If the outline model does not exist, it will fall back on the folding provider model which falls back on the indentation model. // Show references to MDN in SCSS hovers. "editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter". // - modificationsIfAvailable: Will attempt to format modifications only (requires source control). // Controls the window title based on the active editor. 2 Check Settings.json is changed If any of these keys are present in your settings.json and are off or false then turn it ON if off and true if false. The problem is I can't seem to make parameter hints work at all for all the artefacts imported via confluent_kafka. // - never: Never turn on Find in Selection automatically (default). Consequently, the active editor in a locked group is less likely to be replaced accidentally with a different editor. // - never: Never maximize the panel when opening it. Warning: turning on this setting has a performance implication. Everything works fine and I can run code. Unable to turn off code suggestions in Visual Studio Code, Disable Dockerfile POP-UP Assistance in Visual Studio Code. // Plays a sound when the active line has a folded area that can be unfolded. It will fallback to the name in case the line is empty or contains no word characters. // - afterDelay: An editor with changes is automatically saved after the configured `files.autoSaveDelay`. // Force git to use rebase when running the sync command. // Controls how the editor should render whitespace characters. // - spread: Each cursor pastes a single line of the text. // Controls whether to enable VS Code to be the Git editor for Git processes spawned in the integrated terminal. // Set target JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include library declarations. // Preferred path ending for auto imports. The trace may contain file paths, source code, and other potentially sensitive information from your project. // Controls the default find mode for lists and trees in the workbench. // Enable/disable introducing aliases for object shorthand properties during renames. // Controls what type of git refs are listed when running `Checkout to`. // The option `"always"` applies to all parts of the file regardless of markup/css. // Configure an interval in seconds during which the last entry in local file history is replaced with the entry that is being added. // Controls the sorting order of editors in the Open Editors pane. after "os" you get nothing? // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty brackets. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `snippet`-suggestions. // When local echo should be enabled. Built-in fast bracket colorization - Fast bracket matching and colorization for large files. // Controls enablement of Gulp task detection. // - /: Use slash as path separation character. // - off: Focus the last active running instance. See `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle` to control the type of quotes used for string attributes. // Defines a default formatter which takes precedence over all other formatter settings. // Controls when `cursorSurroundingLines` should be enforced. // Controls whether Outline items are collapsed or expanded. // - content: The name of the untitled file is derived from the contents of its first line unless it has an associated file path. // Controls auto save of editors that have unsaved changes. // - project-relative: Prefers a non-relative import only if the relative import path would leave the package or project directory. // Controls whether to follow symlinks while searching. VSCode is one such editor that has gained immense popularity among developers due to its efficiency, flexibility, and extensive library of extensions. // - onlyWithFlag: Only auto attach when the `--inspect` is given. // - recency: History entries are sorted by recency. { A formatter must be available and the formatter should be able to format a range in a document. This works regardless of the suggest widget showing or not. via a launch.json configuration Visual Studio Code uses .vscode/launch.json to store user defined configurations, which can be run using: The Run -> Start Debugging menu item or workbench.action.debug.start shortcut. some extension provided tree view items). "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback". Files are displayed before folders. By default, VS Code shows snippets and completion proposals in one widget. The available editor.suggestSelection values are: Selecting the most recently used item is very useful as you can quickly insert the same completion multiple times. Same effect as specifying `--max-memory=NEWSIZE` on the command line. You can use the GitHub Copilot extension in VS Code to generate code, or to learn from the code it generates. // Controls whether the terminal will scroll using an animation. Nearly every part of VS Code's editor, user interface, and functional behavior has options you can modify. // Enable some language-neutral replacement and quotes beautification in the Markdown preview. // Enables the macOS touchbar buttons on the keyboard if available. // - hasChildProcesses: Confirm if there are any terminals that have child processes. // Defines the model to use for determining which lines to stick. Setting this to 0 hides the Open Editors pane. // When enabled, Outline shows `array`-symbols. // The number of spaces used for indentation or `"tabSize"` to use the value from `editor.tabSize#`. "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.osx". // When enabled, will trim all new lines after the final new line at the end of the file when saving it. // - auto: Only show count badge for Source Control Provider when non-zero. // Defines space handling after keywords in a control flow statement. // Controls whether characters that just reserve space or have no width at all are highlighted. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `variable`-symbols. // - external: Use the configured external terminal. // Controls if the AltGraph+ modifier should be treated as Ctrl+Alt+. "extensions.closeExtensionDetailsOnViewChange". IntelliSense gives both inferred proposals and the global identifiers of the project. // Property is ignored due to the display. // Whether to automatically navigate to the next merge conflict after resolving a merge conflict. 0, // Controls whether the parameter hints menu cycles or closes when reaching the end of the list. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter". Sign in // Controls how to limit the number of changes that can be parsed from Git status command. Preview editors do not stay open, are reused until explicitly set to be kept open (via double-click or editing), and show file names in italics. // When enabled, Outline shows `typeParameter`-symbols. // The font weight to use within the terminal for non-bold text. // Specify glob patterns of files to exclude from auto imports. Extension authors can learn more about adding custom settings in the configuration contribution point documentation. 1) or below (e.g. "workbench.editor.centeredLayoutAutoResize". Can make the font appear lighter overall. // Save all dirty editors before running a task. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.enablePreview` is disabled. // Controls whether file decorations should use badges. // Associate schemas to JSON files in the current project. // When set to `false`, the whole file is parsed to determine if current position is valid for expanding Emmet abbreviations. // - one: Reopen the last active window unless a folder, workspace or file is opened (e.g. For example, the File Explorer decides which files and folders to show or hide based on this setting. Non-CJK text behavior is the same as for normal. Use `0` to disable participants. This version provides better support on modern systems that use modern versions of Unicode. // Control whether to render a global toolbar inside the notebook editor. When set to 0, `editor.fontSize` is used. // Controls nesting of files in the Explorer. The gear icon (More Actions F9 (Windows, Linux Shift+F9)) opens a context menu with options to reset the setting to its default value as well as copy the setting ID or JSON name-value pair. // - languageDefined: Use language configurations to determine when to autoclose brackets. I'm new to VS Code. // The path separation character used when copying relative file paths. "terminal.integrated.tabs.enableAnimation". // Controls the font size in pixels of the terminal. Folders are displayed before files. // Controls if files that were part of a refactoring are saved automatically. When modifying a setting while there is a language filter in place, the setting will be configured in the given scope for that language. // When enabled, new running processes are detected and ports that they listen on are automatically forwarded. // - tracked: Automatically stage tracked changes only. // - medium: Show the name of the file followed by its path relative to the workspace folder. Errors due to incorrect setting names or JSON formatting are also highlighted. // - wordWrapColumn: Lines will wrap at `editor.wordWrapColumn`. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `variable`-suggestions. This order is respected in all three cases. // Fetch data from and to provide auto-completion and information on hover features on npm dependencies. // - off: Smooth caret animation is disabled. "markdown.validate.fragmentLinks.enabled". View header actions may either be always visible, or only visible when that view is focused or hovered over. A setting shows up under this filter if its value differs from the default value, or if its value is explicitly set in the respective settings JSON file. // Controls the location of the primary side bar and activity bar. // Default launch options for the JavaScript debug terminal and npm scripts. Provided the message is specific enough, this can help automate away common responses. // Configure settings to be overridden for the makefile language. Must be the identifier of an extension contributing a formatter. // Controls which editor is shown at startup, if none are restored from the previous session. // - auto: Spawn both a full server and a lighter weight server dedicated to syntax operations. Inherits the setting value from `markdown.validate.fragmentLinks.enabled` by default. . // Controls whether git actions should show progress. // Enables the inlay hints in the editor. can one turn left and right at a red light with dual lane turns? "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets". // Controls whether search file decorations should use badges. // - process: Ports will be automatically forwarded when discovered by watching for processes that are started and include a port. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. // - fit: The minimap will shrink as necessary to never be larger than the editor (no scrolling). If you'd like different behavior, for example, to always select the most recently used item in the suggestion list, you can use the editor.suggestSelection setting. // Control whether extra actions are shown in a dropdown next to the run button. // Plays a sound when a terminal command fails (non-zero exit code). // If set, automatically switch to the preferred color theme based on the OS appearance. // - compact: A pinned tab will show in a compact form with only icon or first letter of the editor name. // Whether to use the enhanced text diff editor for notebook. // - hidden: The cell Status bar is always hidden. Wrapped lines begin at column 1. // The terminal profile to use on Linux for automation-related terminal usage like tasks and debug. // Controls the position of the editor's tabs close buttons, or disables them when set to 'off'. If true, only error notifications will pop out. // Controls the terminal title. // Controls whether a top border is drawn on tabs for editors that have unsaved changes. If a language service knows possible completions, the IntelliSense suggestions will pop up as you type. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `typeParameter`-suggestions. A formatter must be available, the file must not be saved after delay, and the editor must not be shutting down. // Enable/disable default SCSS formatter. "javascript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks". Smart scrolling allows you to lock scrolling automatically when you click in the output view and unlocks when you click in the last line. // Automatically open the explorer view at the end of a debug session. to your account. Use `null` to use the default indent size. // Controls how untracked changes behave. // Controls whether to use `.gitignore` and `.ignore` files when searching for files. // Controls whether the terminal bell is enabled. "terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions". // - Beside: Open the diff view next to the current editor group. // Global debug launch configuration. // - always: Always maximize the panel when opening it. The Settings editor is the UI that lets you review and modify setting values that are stored in a settings.json file. // Whether new shells should inherit their environment from VS Code, which may source a login shell to ensure $PATH and other development variables are initialized. Use `workbench.colorCustomizations` to override the bracket highlight colors. // - path: Sort the repository changes by path. // - hidden: Untracked changes are hidden and excluded from several actions. // When enabled, fetch all branches when pulling. Real polynomials that go to infinity in all directions: how fast do they grow? For example, when turned on, it will decrease the left margin width. // When a Markdown editor is scrolled, update the view of the preview. For example, in JavaScript, the semi-colon (`;`) can be a commit character that accepts a suggestion and types that character. // - verbose: Explorer will prompt before all undo operations. There are several other handy filters to help with searching through settings. // Controls whether the editor should detect links and make them clickable. Note that this setting does not have an impact on the first window that is opened. If like me you always forget, open the palette, the shortcut will be displayed: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! // Enables commit signing with GPG or X.509. // - auto: Files with less than 10 results are expanded. "markdown.preview.scrollEditorWithPreview". Try restarting VS Code and this should solve the issue. // Controls whether the Explorer should expand multi-root workspaces containing only one folder during initialization. Set it to a larger value if you feel it's hard to resize views using the mouse. // Control whether outputs action should be rendered in the output toolbar. // Controls whether the centered layout tries to maintain constant width when the window is resized. // - non-relative: Prefers a non-relative import based on the `baseUrl` or `paths` configured in your `jsconfig.json` / `tsconfig.json`. Navigate to the extension's Details page and select the Support link. // - always: Always turn on Find in Selection automatically. // Controls whether the editor should automatically surround selections when typing quotes or brackets. // When enabled, Outline shows `enumMember`-symbols. . // Persist terminal sessions/history for the workspace across window reloads. All '\' need to be written as '\\'. Text will show with jagged sharp edges. // - includeExtension: Prefer including the file extension. // - full: Each cursor pastes the full text. A language service provides intelligent code completions based on language semantics and an analysis of your source code. // - auto: Enable audio cue when a screen reader is attached. // - always: Always confirm if there are debug sessions. // Show only keyboard shortcuts in screencast mode (do not include action names). // A list of properties that are not validated against the `unknownProperties` rule. "markdown.validate.fileLinks.markdownFragmentLinks". // Controls the layout for when an editor is split in an editor group to be either vertical or horizontal. Select an extension tile below to read the description and reviews to decide which extension is best for you. You can trigger IntelliSense in any editor window by typing Space (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Space) or by typing a trigger character (such as the dot character (.) // Controls whether an action button is shown in the Source Control view. // Controls the number of extra characters beyond which the editor will scroll horizontally. // - off: Disable hot exit. I want to show parameter hints when I position cursor within the parentheses of the calling method. // Controls how terminal reacts to right click. // Controls whether to use the message from the commit input box as the default stash message. // Controls whether a full text editor will be used to author commit messages, whenever no message is provided in the commit input box. Disabling this will delete files/folders permanently. // Controls if the lines should wrap in the Debug Console. // Controls how links to other Markdown files in the Markdown preview should be opened. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `enumMember`-suggestions. How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code? The updates are fetched from a Microsoft online service. When using the last option, recentlyUsedByPrefix, VS Code remembers which item was selected for a specific prefix (partial text). // Unicode characters that are common in allowed locales are not being highlighted. // The terminal profile to use on macOS for automation-related terminal usage like tasks and debug. // Controls whether the editor should highlight matches similar to the selection. // Controls whether the Linux primary clipboard should be supported. // - alwaysCommitToNewBranch: Always commit changes to a new branch. // Controls the behavior the 'Go to Definition'-command when multiple target locations exist. (On Windows and macOS, a reload of the window is required after turning this off.). // The number of milliseconds to show the bell within a terminal tab when triggered. // Defines space handling after a binary operator. Have a question about this project? // When enabled IntelliSense shows `user`-suggestions. Note this conflicts with the Sublime Text Keymap and Settings Importer extension. Set to `null` to delete the environment variable. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Type Definition' is the current location. // Controls the delay in milliseconds after which the hover is shown for workbench items (ex. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `module`-symbols. // Controls the font size for the input message in pixels. The key bindings shown below are the default key bindings. // Plays a sound when terminal Quick Fixes are available. Options are used to create a request using the `got` library. // Settings for code editors used in notebooks. // Controls the format of the label for an editor. // Enables logging of the TS server to a file. // Configure which watching strategies should be used to keep track of files and directories. This checks that the target files exists. VSCode Version: 1.14 insiders OS Version: Mac 10.12 Set "editor.parameterHints": false In a js file, write: setTimeout (|) where | is the cursor position Try to manually tigger parameter hints using the keyboard shortcut or the Trigger Parameter hints command mjbvz assigned joaomoreno on Jun 9, 2017 numpy methods - no parameter hints though. // - debugAnyway: Ignore task errors and start debugging. Can members of the media be held legally responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret? Simply using the gcc provided by homebrew did the trick. In a multi-root workspace a choice for which root folder to use is offered. // - auto: Let VS Code detect which renderer will give the best experience. // The default character set encoding to use when reading and writing files. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. // Controls whether the last typed input to Quick Open should be restored when opening it the next time. 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