Which in the output will generate us a main.tf file with an injected access_token and fire off terraform init as a child process. the variable value from your Terraform call. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. But this is a really terrible error message to get for this type of mistake. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. A variable definitions file uses the same basic syntax as Terraform language terraform init -backend-config=backend.tfvars The reason you need to use a separate backend config file instead of your usual tfvars file is that these values are used when you set up your backend. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, This does not work, I still receive "variables not allowed here", I think this answer is incomplete as I still get, It should mention that you can't address a local in your tfvars, and should instead replace the variable with a local.something (at that point you could remove the local altogether). disclosing the content of one block might imply the content of a sibling block. Can someone please tell me what is written on this score? However, we discovered this behavior because running terraform init failed where it had once worked. Are you referring to tf plan vs tf apply? If you're familiar with traditional programming languages, it can be useful to compare Terraform modules to function . on main.tf line 19, in terraform: #4149 So the instance_count variable would also work using a string ("2") instead of a number (2).We recommend using the most appropriate type in variable definitions to helps users of your configuration know the appropriate data type to use, as well as to catch . Some special rules apply to the -var command line option and to environment terraform plan -var='aad_allowed_tenants=["aasdfad"]' Deploying your terraform to a different account, but using the same backend bucket. Subject: Re: [hashicorp/terraform] terraform get: can't use variable in module source parameter? to your account. when running the terraform plan and terraform apply commands: The above examples show appropriate syntax for Unix-style shells, such as on A provider can also ###################### But how is Jhonny's answer any different? @kokovoj 's use-case, of switching to a different version in a development environment, got me thinking about how that gets solved in other languages. It looks like: It seems it's not really possible to set nested key/value in the command line argument: backend "s3" { I had this error on Terraform when trying to pass a list into the module including my Data source: The given value is not suitable for module. I don't want a backend file and tf vars for each environment. #3116 This chunk of code would be so beautiful if it worked: Every branch gets its own infrastructure, and you have to switch to master to operate on production. This is of course not as convenient as creating everything in one step using directly-referenced modules, but maybe it's a reasonable workaround for some situations in the mean time. I believe the blocker is that to support this feature one would need to implement pre-processing of the configuration. when alias name is unquoted, Providers Within Modules - Configuration Language - Terraform by HashiCorp. Can terraform backend fields be accessed as variables? Funny thing is when I do it with another variable, that has the same structure, I don't get this error. But it should not be closed. I want to default this to "true", but permit users to override it with variables to the module for ephemeral environments. You can only specify one bucket for all workspaces, but the s3 backend will add the workspace prefix to the path: When using a non-default workspace, the state path will be /workspace_key_prefix/workspace_name/key (see also the workspace_key_prefix configuration). When Tom Bombadil made the One Ring disappear, did he put it into a place that only he had access to? Add support for git tags/branches in module sources, config/module: validate config to load [GH-1439]. i.e. to assign complex-typed values, like lists and maps. S3 Buckets have an mfa_delete option which is difficult to enable. I have the same problem i.e. If both the type and default arguments are specified, the given default may treat the entire block as redacted. variables (used to indirectly represent a value in an Can you elaborate? In a Terraform Cloud workspace. can serve as helpful reminders for users of the module, and they When using the -var parameter, you should ensure that what you are passing into it will be properly interpreted by HCL. I've got a variable declared in my variables.tf like this: This error can also occurs when trying to setup a variable's value from a dynamic resource (e.g: an output from a child module): Using locals block instead of the variable will solve this issue: I had the same error, but in my case I forgot to enclose variable values inside quotes (" ") in my terraform.tfvars file. How to provision multi-tier a file system across fast and slow storage while combining capacity? I can't share the script that copies the files, but it uses the find command to find any override files under a certain path and the exec flag to copy them to the desired path. For example. @ecs-jnguyen we manage dozens of accounts, with states in some of them. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and The way it is I have to ask everyone who uses terrafrom to be "super duper careful". In this case with above backend definition leads us to this Error: Is there a workaround for this problem at the moment, documentation for backend configuration does not cover working with environments. of the above use cases could be resolved by adding${path.root} to the list of allowed local module source prefixes. developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/settings/backends/, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. of the variable and what kind of value is expected. variables. would merge map values instead of overriding them. You signed in with another tab or window. if they are present: Files whose names end with .json are parsed instead as JSON objects, with FIX: rename variables.tf to variables.tfvars. commentary for module maintainers, use comments. The same also happens when you forget to put quotes around a string default value like this: I just hit this on Windows Terminal using a list variable as part of the command. This is to help in cases where you have provided a variable Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. In this case, when dealing with review/staging deployment, many people may have admin access to the infra but they will not break the state. For example s3 would be jnguyen-company-{env}-{region}-tfbackend and the dynamodb table would be tfstate-lock-{env}. +1. "Variables may not be used here" during terraform init, https://terragrunt.gruntwork.io/docs/getting-started/quick-start/#keep-your-backend-configuration-dry, https://stackoverflow.com/a/69664785/132438, https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/locals.html, https://stackoverflow.com/a/61506549/132438, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. privacy statement. features {} How do philosophers understand intelligence (beyond artificial intelligence)? The current, beware, if it's for separating environments, workspaces is not suitable for this, as stated in the docs. declare an attribute as sensitive, Should I specify 1 for dev and 2 for stg in, Oh, forget about the array. peer-vpc = "vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Error: No value for required variable on variables.tf line 1: 1: variable " foo " { The root module input variable " foo " is not set, and has no default value. - in this script I happen to need otherwise - via access_token from OAuth2. It expected the id only and not the whole object. @umeat in that case you are right, it is not possible at the moment to use different backends for each environment. In case it's helpful to anyone, the way I get around this is as follows: All of the relevant variables are exported at the deployment pipeline level for me, so it's easy to init with the correct information for each environment. the module where it was declared. type of value that will be accepted as But it was suggested only for cases when you work in different AWS accounts. FIX: rename variables.tf to variables.tfvars Error: No value for required variable on main.tf line 6: 6: variable "vnet_address_space" { The root module input variable "vnet_address_space" is not set, and has no default value. set lifecycle to prevent destroying anything marked as production. SolveForum.com may not be responsible for the answers or solutions given to any question asked by the users. A lot of us work in multiple aws accounts. Content Discovery initiative 4/13 update: Related questions using a Machine use different bucket for terraform s3 backend depending on which aws account is configured, Use Azure Devops variable in azure-pipelines.yml powershell script, Error while configuring Terraform S3 Backend. If you have a factory that makes street gates, does it not have to move one of them outside to install in the factory entrance? If your .tfvars file is in another directory you must provide it as a -var-file parameter. Not slanting at you, just frustrated that this feature is languishing and I NEED it Now. @Penumbra69 and all the folks on here: I hear you, and the use cases you're describing totally make sense to me. app2: ../repo1/foo2.tf Guys the best method to get around it is to wrap your terraform in a script. (, "https://your_src_system/your_project//terraform", "/Users/joeshmoe/projects/your_project/terraform", GoogleCloudPlatform/terraform-google-nat-gateway#67, kinvolk-archives/lokomotive-kubernetes#35. aws = "aws.customer-${local.orgname}" Thanks for posting this issue, without it, it would of taken me a long time to figure out whats going on. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. I don't find this ideal, but at least I can easily switch between environments and create new environments without having to edit any terraform. At the moment we use multiple environments prod/stage and want to upload tfstate files to S3. null value as a module input argument will override any default value. In my use case i need to reuse the same piece of code (without writing a new repo each time i'd want to consume it as a module) to maintain multiple separate statefiles. The example below checks whether the AMI ID has the correct syntax. If you provide values for undeclared variables defined as environment variables +1. Can we please add var support in the terraform backend file. Sure, this "works", but it is completely against the very purpose of Terraform, which is to declaratively store a complete picture of resources as code. null within the module. which will cause Terraform to hide it from regular output regardless of how The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: prevent_destroy cannot support references like that, so if you are not seeing an error then the bug is that the error isn't being shown; the reference will still not be evaluated. If you're familiar with traditional programming languages, it can be useful to Name already in use A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Revert attempt to parametrize allowing destruction of hub disk. We want to archive something similar than @antonosmond. the root object properties corresponding to variable names: As a fallback for the other ways of defining variables, Terraform searches The need to set lifecycle properties as variables is required in a lot of production environments. Terraform will still record sensitive values in the state, I have a git-based module to configure team permissions, and I have ~80 teams. examples for Windows Command Prompt, see See here: https://terragrunt.gruntwork.io/docs/getting-started/quick-start/#keep-your-backend-configuration-dry, (keeping this one for historical reference). I want to use ${terraform.workspace} variable in terraform scope. Here's an example of how you might set the compartment_id variable using the command-line. If you use Terraform Cloud to provision your resources, your workspace now displays the list of all of the resources it manages. Yeah, we've been using the Terrafile approach (see my comment above) it works pretty well but it forces us to use a wrapper script, I think that the Terrafile pattern should be supported by Terraform. declared as variable names. You might also like: Why DevOps Engineers Recommend Spacelift 5 Ways to Manage Terraform at Scale expression). The Terraform language has a set of operators for both arithmetic and logic, which are similar to operators in programming languages such as JavaScript or Ruby. sequence of Terraform commands in succession with the same variables. @mitchellh elaborating an example to allow the for absolute paths relative to TF-Home. No, can be done from the inside as well. We are trying to give our development teams control of their infrastructure whilst maintaining standards using modules. privacy statement. You signed in with another tab or window. http://bensnape.com/2016/01/14/terraform-design-patterns-the-terrafile/, Use non-broken version of managed-instance-group and allow override, https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADxtkMTqJSkZ98V__pZRc_eVZVqyMbZfks5umzBjgaJpZM4D9Dyw, https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fhashicorp%2Fterraform%2Fissues%2F1439%23issuecomment-444504173&data=02%7C01%7Cgarin.kartes%40alaskaair.com%7C1692108d43a74281574e08d65abe4217%7C0f44c5d442b045c2bf55d0fea8430d33%7C1%7C0%7C636796170540379315&sdata=44aW3hZTTeccEDntjYPI03TeU11tqXtlJSKfJThwknk%3D&reserved=0, https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fnotifications%2Funsubscribe-auth%2FARwnyDDvgV-3yvBNCAQes2gsVqzbYiZNks5u19iXgaJpZM4D9Dyw&data=02%7C01%7Cgarin.kartes%40alaskaair.com%7C1692108d43a74281574e08d65abe4217%7C0f44c5d442b045c2bf55d0fea8430d33%7C1%7C0%7C636796170540389334&sdata=99pGIuhS1Td8MJQahoDjOJnsCWJGguO6x9amTi4BZco%3D&reserved=0, Feature Request : Module versioning for S3 source. Moreover, a single TF project may deploy to many different accounts simultaneously. value definition. would love to see interpolations in the backend config. For It was requested by so many people! Content Discovery initiative 4/13 update: Related questions using a Machine How to concatenate S3 bucket name in Terraform variable and pass it to main tf file. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Is there any particular reason behind that? And indeed, if you comment out the variable reference in the snippet above, and replace it with prevent_destroy = false, it works - and if you then change it back it keeps working. $ terraform plan -var 'compartment_id=abcd.1234'. To set lots of variables, it is more convenient to specify their values in Terraform variables are useful for defining server details without having to remember infrastructure specific values. Is there any sort of solution besides upgrade to 0.15? Note that the same I am reviewing a very bad paper - do I have to be nice? One matching workspace: Terraform will automatically select the workspace for you. to require a complex value (list, set, map, object, or tuple), Terraform will Did Terraform change Partial Configuration? If a resource attribute is used as, or part of, the provider-defined resource id, an apply will disclose the value. If I flip to bash, using the exact same terraform.exe, it works. Should the alternative hypothesis always be the research hypothesis? Not the answer you're looking for? Hands-on: Try the Protect Sensitive Input Variables tutorial. May 13, 2021 at 6:08. Do not hesitate to share your response here to help other visitors like you. Not to mention, that you cannot switch to documentation for older versions on the website anymore, Btw, if you switch to version 0.15, the error disappears. so the required environment variable name will usually have a mix of upper prevent_destroy Variables may not be used here. the versions.tf file defines the terraform block. @MarcelloRomani The mentioned file was variables.tf , not .tfvars. I am asking this question WHY? Already on GitHub? The same of: #3116 source = "./iam/customer/${local.orgname}" If you use .tfvars files across multiple configurations and expect to continue to see this warning, Input variables let you customize aspects of Terraform modules without altering The reason is simply that it breaks our compile -> semantic check -> execute loop. While it seems like this is being worked on, I wanted to also ask if this is the right way for me to use access and secret keys? If your .tfvars file is in another directory you must provide it as a -var-file parameter. source = "./s3/customer/${local.orgname}" This is just a reminder to please avoid "+1" comments, and to use the upvote mechanism (click or add the emoji to the original post) to indicate your support for this issue. all of the blocks of a particular type are required to be unique, and so Having such feature is particularly useful if you want to test new module version which is located in some feature branch in another (shared) repo, you then have to edit all paths to module manually and re-init anyways. Can a rotating object accelerate by changing shape? Terraform version: v0.12.8 provider.aws: version = "~> 2.35" My actual use case is: In every account I have a s3 bucket and dynamodb table that follows a specific naming convention. We do interpolation that way which works just fine. from the perspective of the user of the module rather than its maintainer. While using existing Terraform modules correctly is an important skill, every Terraform practitioner will also benefit from learning how to create . Deployment is 100% automated for us, and if the dev teams need to make a change to a resource, or remove it then that change would have gone through appropriate testing and peer review before being checked into master and deployed. when its expecting: ["name1","name2","name3"]. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. [] only literal values can be used because the processing happens too early for arbitrary expression evaluation. }, } How to determine chain length on a Brompton? cidr-octs = "10.7" When running Terraform in an automation tool running on an Amazon EC2 instance, consider . Outlook needs password but dialog box disappears, Known HDD user password not working on new Bios. Unable to read variables from Terraform variable file, How to specify a gcs backend from a different project in terraform, Terraform unable to find azurerm backend storage during init, Unable to create terraform backend - Variables not allowed. It would be nice if I could have a variable file that specifies stack_name, environment, region. This description string privacy statement. For more information, see The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: So the underlying issue is that I forgot to quote the value. Running Terraform in Amazon EC2. When I have a problem like that in e.g. Default Error: Variables not allowed on provider.tf line 9, in terraform: 9: bucket = "data-pf-terraform-backend-${terraform.workspace}" Variables may not be used here. Why don't objects get brighter when I reflect their light back at them? /Repo1/Foo2.Tf Guys the best method to get around it is to wrap Terraform. 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Beware, if it 's for separating environments, workspaces is not suitable for this as. By adding $ { path.root } to the module rather than its maintainer we want to default to. [ hashicorp/terraform ] Terraform get: ca n't use variable in module,. Keep-Your-Backend-Configuration-Dry, ( keeping this one for historical reference ) really terrible error message to get around it is suitable... '' ] languishing and I need it Now written on this score to archive something than...