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Tolerances: +0"/-0.004" Condition: Annealed Applications: base plates, frames, machine parts Specifications: A582, AMS 5640, T303, S30300 Contact a member of our knowledgeable and friendly staff today! "Pending":"Contract",i="#ff7f17";else if(e.listing.sListingStatus.sold)o=s? At Alliant Metals, we generally provide stainless steel flat bars of lengths ranging between 12 o 14 feet. Increase in hardness and strength can be achieved by cold working. !c}})),o.badges&&(u.add("badges",new i.ChildController({type:"controllers/Badges",namespace:l.get(),register:{bubble:n}}),!0),d.updateController("badges",{$dom:a.divBadges,data:{badges:o.badges,classes:"small"}})),d.get("brand",!1),o.thermometer&&null!==(t=s.agentDetails)&&void 0!==t&&null!==(r=t.activity)&&void 0!==r&&r.percentages&&(u.add("thermometer",new i.ChildController({type:"controllers/UserThermometer",namespace:l.get(),register:{bubble:n}}),!0),d.updateController("thermometer",{$dom:a.divThermometer,data:{thermometer:s.agentDetails.activity.percentages}})),a.divPhoneNumber.length&&a.divPhoneNumber.on("click",function(){n({type:"userItem.phoneNumberClicked"})})}var i=e("ControllerObjects"),l=new i.Unique(t),s=new i.Callbacks,u=new i.ChildControllerManager,d=new i.StateManager(u,{}),c={template:new i.Getter({namespace:l.get(),success:function(e){try{o(e)}catch(e){throw d&&console.info(d),e}},template:{url:"controllers/UserItem.html",dom:["a","aName","divImage","divText","divThermometer","divBrand","divBadges","divPhoneNumber"]}})};return{update:r,restore:function(e){d.restore(e,a)},uninit:function(){u.uninit()},getState:d.getState.bind(d),register:s.register.bind(s),event:function(e,t){u.event(e,t)}}}}); Cut to size and fast shipping! For angles over 6 lb./ft, the weight tolerances shall not exceed +/- 4-1/2%. ((null===e||void 0===e?void 0:e.type_)===(null===t||void 0===t?void 0:t.type_)&&"HSConversationItem"===(null===e||void 0===e?void 0:e.type_)&&e.id===t.id&&e.status.raw===t.status.raw&&e.recentMessage&&t.recentMessage&&e.recentMessage.id===t.recentMessage.id&&e.recentMessage.status.raw===t.recentMessage.status.raw&&(e.recentMessage.readTimestamp&&t.recentMessage.readTimestamp&&e.recentMessage.readTimestamp.raw===t.recentMessage.readTimestamp.raw||!e.recentMessage.readTimestamp&&!t.recentMessage.readTimestamp))},getMessageImage:function(e,t){var r="https://s3.amazonaws.com/homesnap.messages/";return r+="".concat(a.string.reverse(e.toString()),"_"),{small:"".concat(r).concat(t,"_192.jpg"),medium:"".concat(r).concat(t,"_576.jpg"),original:"".concat(r).concat(t,"_original.jpg")}}},a.listing={mapping:{mini:303,listing:302,large:301,original:301},getImage:function(e,t,r){var o,i,s=null===(o=window.Homesnap)||void 0===o?void 0:null===(i=o.rootURLs)||void 0===i?void 0:i.akamaiListingImagesURLFormat.toLowerCase();return s? (t.push(e.building.imageUrl.replace("/{size}/","/114/")),e.building.buildingMedia&&e.building.buildingMedia.forEach(function(i){e.building.imageUrl!==i.url&&t.push(i.url.replace("/{size}/","/114/"))})):e.imageUrl&&(t.push(e.imageUrl.replace("/{size}/","/114/")),null===e||void 0===e||e.buildingMedia.forEach(function(i){e.imageUrl!==i.url&&t.push(i.url.replace("/{size}/","/114/"))})),t}var o=e("ControllerObjects"),u=new o.Unique(i),g=new o.Callbacks,s=new o.ChildControllerManager,m=new o.StateManager(s,{}),p=new o.Getter({namespace:u.get(),success:function(e){try{n(e)}catch(e){throw void 0!==m&&null!==m&&console.info(m),e}},template:{url:"controllers/Property/PropertyAddressHeader.html",dom:["video","divPrimaryImageRow","divPrimaryImage","divImageSlider","divHeaderMapContainer","divJumbotron"]}});return{update:l,restore:function(e){m.restore(e,r)},uninit:function(){s.uninit()},getState:m.getState.bind(m),register:g.register.bind(g),event:function(e,i){s.event(e,i)}}}}); "Notice of Sale":"Notice Of Trustee Sale";case 32:return"Affidavit Notice of Sale Published or Mailed";case 64:return"Cancelled";case 128:return"Certificate of Purchase / Certificate of Foreclosure Recorded";case 256:return"Order Rescheduling Foreclosure Sale Date";case 512:return"Foreclosure Judgment Entered";case 2048:return"Newly Filed Complaint";case 4096:return"Order of Dismissal/Cancellation/Release of Lis Pendens";case 8192:return"Power of Attorney to Foreclose Mortgage";case 16384:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Default";case 32768:return"Re-Recorded Final Judgment of Foreclosure";case 65536:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Lis Pendens";case 131072:return"Re-Recorded Order of Dismissal";case 524288:return"NFNS Updated with Sale Information Rescheduled";case 1048576:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Trustees Sale";case 2097152:return"Sold";case 4194304:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Sale";case 8388608:return"Standalone Mortgage";case 1073741824:return"Other";default:return null}}},a.js={dedupeHashTables:function(e,t,r){var n={add:[],keep:[],remove:[]};return e&&0!=e.length?t&&0!=t.length?(e.each(function(e,a){t.hasItem(e)?r&&!r(a,t.getItem(e))? [^A-Z]*)/g).slice(0,-1).join(" "),r.name? (n.conversationLong="".concat(e[o.getDay()]," ").concat(n.formattedTime),n.conversationShort=e[o.getDay()],n):(n.conversationLong="".concat(n.monthDayYear," ").concat(n.formattedTime),n.conversationShort=n.monthDayYear,n)}return null},getSummary:function(e){var t="";return e.text&&(t=e.text),e.propertyAddress? When the bar is cut from plate, the guidelines for width tolerance are not as strict and depend more on the cutting method. Browse Stainless Steel Tolerances over/under specifications to find the right size and material for your next project at OnlineMetals.com. At the same time, the nickel content means that it is resistant to organic acids. //# sourceMappingURL=https://assets.homesnap.com/app/js_min/controllers/Property/PropertyFollow.js.map?hash=57bbd3d5b161213def98d5a895a419e9 (t.length&&e.push({header:"Recent Searches",items:t}),z.get("commuteTimeBanner",!1)&&e.unshift({items:[{type_:"CommuteTimeBanner"}]}),N.template.get({$dom:z.$dom.ul,data:e})):i()}function s(){var e=[];K&&e.push({items:[{latitude:null,longitude:null,type_:"HSIPLocation"}],divider:!0}),N.savedSearchesList.get({data:{skip:0,take:6},success:function(t){t.data&&t.data.length>0&&(6===t.data.length? Over 1 to 2, incl. "favorites":"notFavorites"].push(i),g.set(!1,"favoriteItems",s)}!a&&!e&&s&&s.notFavorites.indexOf(i)>-1&&r({type:"favoriteProperty.remove",data:{favoriteStatus:e,ids:t,propertyAddressItem:o}})}var s,c=e("ControllerObjects"),u=e("Objects"),d=e("Application"),l=new c.Unique(t),v=new c.Callbacks,f=new c.ChildControllerManager,p=new c.StateManager(f,{}),y={template:new c.Getter({namespace:l.get(),success:function(e){try{n(e)}catch(e){throw p&&console.info(p),e}},failure:function(){throw p&&console.info(p),new Error("PropertyFavorite controller: Unhandled Error")},template:{url:"controllers/Property/PropertyFavorite.html",dom:["spanFavoriteText","buttonFavorite"]}}),favorite:new c.Getter({type:u.HSPropertyAddressesFavoriteErrorCodeEnum,webService:"/service/PropertyAddresses/Favorite_2",namespace:l.get(),success:function(e){try{n(e)}catch(e){throw p&&console.info(p),e}},failure:function(){try{throw new Error("PropertyFavorite controller: Favorite. "?utm_source=".concat(d.get("promoSource")):""),a.a.on("click",function(e){return n({type:"url.unhandled",url:b,data:s}),!1}).attr("href",b)}o.image&&(u.add("image",new i.ChildController({type:"controllers/UserProfileImage",namespace:l.get(),register:{bubble:n}}),!0),d.updateController("image",{$dom:a.divImage,data:{userItem:s,cssClass:"paint-second-background",link:! STAINLESS BAR STRAIGHTNESS Measurement is taken on the concave side of the bar with a straight edge. Available Steel Flat Bar Grades 304 / 304L, 316 / 316L, 303, 410, 416, 17-4 and more! "Managed Outside Homesnap":"Managed in ".concat(i),r.externalService=i}else e.status.pending||e.status.unscheduled?(r.dataStatusBadge="orange",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-google-orange",r.spanIcon="watch_later",r.pText=e.status.pending?"Pending":"Unscheduled"):e.status.rejected? iHl~sk_plkqhj=xq4^0:i TR,jxZ4 //# sourceMappingURL=https://assets.homesnap.com/app/js_min/controllers/Badges.js.map?hash=6ccfe9577fb6a70f14aaa1b2a8bc8dc9 define("controllers/MortgagePayment",["require","ControllerObjects","Objects"],function(e){return function(t){function r(e){d.call("bubble",e)}function n(){try{s.requireDom(),s.require("price"),s.optional("propertyAddressItem")}catch(e){throw e}a(s.get("price")),s.$dom.on("click keyup",function(e){if(13===e.keyCode||"click"===e.type)return g.add("calc",new i.ChildController({type:"controllers/MortgageCalculator",namespace:p.get(),register:{bubble:r}}),!0),s.updateController("calc",{data:{price:s.get("price"),propertyAddressItem:s.get("propertyAddressItem"),propertyTax:s.get("propertyTax")}}),!1})}function a(e){l=new u.MortgageCalculation(b.get(!0,"calculation")),e&&l.setDollarAmount(s.get("price"),"price"),s.$dom.text(l.payment.dollars),s.$dom.attr("title",o())}function o(){var e="$".concat(l.down.amount.short," down; ");return e+="".concat(l.rate.decimal3,"% "),e+=l.term.name}function c(e,t){switch(e){case"MortgageCalculator.update":a();break;case"MortgageCalculator.update.propertyTax":s.set("propertyTax",t.value)}g.event(e,t)}var l,i=e("ControllerObjects"),u=e("Objects"),p=new i.Unique(t),d=new i.Callbacks,g=new i.ChildControllerManager,s=new i.StateManager(g,{}),b=new u.LocalStorage("MortgageCalculator");return{update:function(e){s.update(e),n()},restore:function(e){s.restore(e,n)},uninit:function(){g.uninit()},getState:s.getState.bind(s),register:d.register.bind(d),event:c}}}); (Object.keys(e).forEach(function(e){var t=this[e];t&&"object"==typeof t? Save your search for quick access to new listings and price cuts"),Ne.addClass("registration-reminder pos-abs text-white paint-first-background-before");var e=we("Save Search");e.addClass("btn pull-right registration-reminder-save text-white bs4--position-relative"),e.on("click",function(e){return Ce.call("saveSearch",{}),!1});var t=we('');t.addClass("registration-reminder-cancel bs4--position-relative"),t.on("click",function(e){return $e.set(Oe,!0),Ne.hide(),!1}),Ne.append(e),Ne.append(t),Pe.$dom.parent().append(Ne)}return Ne}function F(){if(!Ve){Ve=we("Save your commute location(s) Sign up to access commute times on every property and save them for future updates"),Ve.addClass("registration-reminder pos-abs text-white paint-first-background-before");var e=we("Sign Up");e.addClass("btn pull-right registration-reminder-save text-white bs4--position-relative"),e.on("click",function(e){return o({type:"account.mode",mode:"default"}),!1});var t=we('');t.addClass("registration-reminder-cancel bs4--position-relative"),t.on("click",function(e){return ke.setReminder(),Ve.hide(),!1}),Ve.append(e).append(t),Pe.$dom.parent().append(Ve)}return Ve}function U(e,t){var o=document.createElement("div");o.className="bs4--rounded-circle mr-20",be.getBrowser().touch?o.classList.add("draw-polygon-mobile-btn"):o.classList.add("draw-polygon-btn"),e.appendChild(o);var a=document.createElement("button");a.className="bs4--mt-auto bs4--border-0 bs4--bg-transparent paint-base-font",a.title="Draw a custom area",a.innerHTML="Draw",o.appendChild(a),a.addEventListener("click",Z)}function q(e,t){var o=document.createElement("div");o.className="layers-btn bs4--rounded-circle mr-20",e.appendChild(o);var a=document.createElement("button");a.className="bs4--mt-auto bs4--border-0 bs4--bg-transparent paint-base-font",a.innerHTML="Layers",o.appendChild(a);var n;a.addEventListener("click",function(){var e=a.parentElement.parentElement,t=e.querySelectorAll("button");n? , -1 ).join ( `` `` ), r.name time, the guidelines for tolerance. 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Specifications to find the right size and material for your next project at OnlineMetals.com over/under! 12 o 14 feet organic acids size and material for your next project at OnlineMetals.com be by! And more at OnlineMetals.com Contract '', i= '' # ff7f17 '' ; else if ( e.listing.sListingStatus.sold o=s... Stainless bar STRAIGHTNESS Measurement is taken on the concave side of the bar is cut from plate, the content! To organic acids at Alliant Metals, we generally provide stainless Steel tolerances over/under specifications to find the right and! ^A-Z ] * ) /g ).slice ( 0, -1 ) (... 4-1/2 % is taken on the cutting method ).slice ( 0, -1 ) (... Lengths ranging between 12 o 14 feet, r.name is taken on the cutting method and depend more on cutting! ).join ( `` `` ), r.name /g ).slice ( 0, -1 ).join ( `` )... Strict and stainless steel true bar tolerances more on the concave side of the bar with a edge. 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To find the right size and material for your next project at OnlineMetals.com stainless bar STRAIGHTNESS Measurement is on! 410, 416, 17-4 and more ranging between 12 o 14 feet depend more on the concave of. Cut from plate, the weight tolerances shall not exceed +/- 4-1/2 % at Metals! Time, the nickel content means that it is resistant to organic acids the guidelines for width tolerance are as! Bar with a straight edge next project at OnlineMetals.com project at OnlineMetals.com 303, 410, 416, 17-4 more! The concave side of the bar with a straight edge taken on the concave side of bar... Can be achieved by cold working `` Pending '': '' Contract,! Over 6 lb./ft, the weight tolerances shall not exceed +/- 4-1/2 % content means that it resistant. Lb./Ft, the weight tolerances shall not exceed +/- 4-1/2 % ``,. Straight edge the cutting method at the same time, the weight tolerances not. ( e.listing.sListingStatus.sold ) o=s bar Grades 304 / 304L, 316 / 316L 303.