I didnt know your name was Google. (Besides, of course, finding the triggers to pull so they can control them.). How to Ignore a Narcissist The Right Way? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662, Nicole Kidman has a great relationship with her youngest kids, Sunday and Faith, whom she shares with her husband. If someone has said something mean or hurtful to you, it can be hard to know how to respond. Childhood abuse and trauma. Now, lets check out some of the most sarcasticand most satisfyingways to shut someone up. Narcissists make empty promises constantly, leaving their victim feeling hopeful, yet confused and let down. 22. And in most cases, they are the way they are because of deep-buried trauma. And if they dont, itll fluster them enough to stop for a moment. You dont have to be a dog to be a bitch, I suppose. 24. The other quirk is how they wash their hands of any responsibility when things go badlylike everythings your fault. Sarcasm is simply a form of verbal communication, and like any other form of communication, it can be effectively dealt with. Youre like Rapunzel, but instead of letting your hair down, you let everyone down in your life. Im not self-absorbed! Simply respond with: See?. When a narcissist is especially mean to you, let them have it with this line: Thanks for reminding me why nobody likes you. Whatever vitriol they spew back in your direction wont match your first strike. If you can live without them in your life, then, by all means, use this and watch the fireworks that follow. The best advice we can give anyone is to let them go and move on with your life. If this is the case, weve come up with 21 funny things you can say to a narcissist to put them in their place. What Does it Mean When a Girl Calls You Love? Halloween Words That Start With A Halloween Words That Start With B Halloween Words That Start With C Halloween Words, Halloween is a festival celebrated on the 31st of October every year, and during this time, people love to use. They blame everyone and everything except themselves. When it comes to self-absorption, Brawny paper towels have nothing on you! If they continue to ask, repeat NO. Dont you just hate it when someone says something potentially insulting and you cant think of a snappy comeback? All of it is a part of being a well-rounded, emotionally healthy human being. Give them a piece of your mind by saying this lineor a wittier, funnier version about the Earth not revolving around you if you can think of it. Its an enjoyable technique to use with your partner or someone youre attracted to. Remember when I asked for your opinion? Now, what if youre not romantically interested in them? Youll be surprised at how liberating itll feel when you stand up for yourself. Friendships provide many benefits, but you may feel lonely if you lack friends. 8. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you yawn while a dullard is telling their story. Even a small thing like someone at work being recognized for an accomplishment while your partner feels overlooked can cause a narcissist to throw a fit. To get the complete list of red flags to watch out for in a narcissist, heres my article on all the weird things narcissists say and do. This episode of Inside Mental Health podcast explores. Remember a narcissist can be rattled by the littlest of things. 16. Change the record! After dropping this bomb, get up and walk out. He studied at the University of Amsterdam and has a bachelor's in Clinical Psychology. Yuck their gum by letting them know you dont see them that way. And yet here are some good reasons you should respond when someone tries to hush you up: As the saying goes: What you allow is what will continue. If someone bullies you into silence and you say nothing, it comes off as compliance, and the bullying will continue. It will drive the point home. They traffic in emotional abuse and manipulation. It can help to stay focused, set healthy boundaries, and know when to walk away. Sure, they may be impressive, but their personality detracts from their success. 26. Oh, Im sorry. How Do You Outwit a Narcissist in Conversation? Good luck! Well, at least you're really pretty. Sarcasm is often used as a way to insult someone without seeming like youre being mean. Thats my take, though, and Im sticking with it.. This is when you rant a little or get something off your chest, and your narcissist companion hijacks your rant and makes it about themselves. When someone with narcissistic personality traits vents about how their life isnt going the way they want, point out their self-involvement with this witty line. Otherwise, instead of appearing witty and charismatic, youll come off as abrasive and rude. Lastly, this is for when a narcissist asks you for yet another favor, and you know theyll promptly forget about you once youve done it for them. Do not fall for their tricks, and dont fall for the same mistake again. If they have any sense of social know-how, theyll take the hint and stop texting. Remember: What you allow is what will continue. A statement like this just might shake them out of their stupor and get their act straight.Or not. You may find it helpful to consider the grey rock approach. 30 Good Excuses to Leave Work Early (on Short Notice). They can be a pain to deal with and even worse to live with, and its tempting to clap back at them after one of their tirades. #6: "Sorry You Feel that Way. 1. Our website uses cookies to make your browsing experience better. Youre so vain, you probably think this sentence is about you. When faced with indisputable proof (like receipts, photos, e-mails), someone with narcissistic traits may redirect attention back onto you as a distraction. And who knows? Reading Suggestion: How Are Sons of Narcissistic Mothers Affected in Life? Either way, its important to remain calm and collected. So sad, I can never be like you. According to MayoClinic, narcissistic personality disorder one of several types of personality disorders is "a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. Inward signs of narcissistic rage include passive aggression, resentment, entitlement, and biting sarcasm. Next up we will take a look at some commonly asked questions. Outward signs may include screaming, personal attacks, blame-shifting, and other cruel and harmful behavior such as physical abuse. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. I work with a couple guys always having bad things to say about me one more than the other saying mean hurtful things to me , Ive tried to control myself because I have a bad temper. Itll make them angry in the short term, but it might also open their eyes to their behavior later on. If youre always the one getting picked on, try to be more assertive and stand up for yourself. When they start picking an argument or fight with you- shut it down immediately. Some of the best comebacks are sarcastic ones, and this is a prime example. Drop this line when they contact you out of the blue. Youre always talking about how great you are, but if you were actually half as good as you think you are, youd be twice as good as you are now. All else, use your head. Being told to keep your mouth shut will always sting, no matter what the situation is. But a little humor can lighten the load and in some cases, may even cause the egomaniac in your life to take a step back and examine their behavior. But if you decide you want them back, you don't want to beg for their attentionyou want them to come crawling back to you.Or, maybe you don't want them back at all, and you just want to reject them one last time. I didnt realize you knew I was still alive! Not only are they an anal orifice, but theyve been one all their life. What if they dont? Use this acronym. Theyll know hogwash when they hear it. Awareness Act 2022 All Rights Reserved. And the narcissist might go as far as spreading toxic misinformation about you. But your instincts exist for a reason. When they say you need to shut up, you tell them theyre an asshole and you dont care about their opinions in one fell swoop. I will not stand for you saying that again., If you continue to yell at me, I will leave., I need a 15-minute break, then we can resume this discussion., filing complaints with human resources or higher-ups, physical threats toward you, loved ones, or your pets. Theyll likely shoot back with something childish, like, NO! You dont want to say something so mean that it causes them to go off the deep end and hurt themselves. Reading Suggestion: The 10 Best Excuses To Not Hang Out With Someone. Phrasing your points in the form of I statements can help you get through to the person. Your face doesnt need a thing. Your email address will not be published. Unfortunately, a narcissist landed in your life. This witty comeback is best used when youre in a group and making a suggestion. Narcissists can seem impossible to deal with. Rattling the cage in the short term can lead to long-term positive change. I cant wait to expose all of your nonsense! Whether you seek to take control of your personal growth or improve your wellness journey, Mental Style Project empowers you with the insights and support needed to upgrade your life. Thanks so much for reminding me why I left you in the first place. If you feel uncomfortable or unsure about something they said, question it instead of agreeing with them and moving on. You cant avoid it. Stare them back in the eyes, and hold your gaze. Im sorry. This zinger will knock a narcissist off their feet. Halloween is a fun and exciting holiday and having a variety of words to describe it adds to the experience. Set down your phone and focus on your body's reactions. And dont worry about them getting mad at you for refusing they never cared about your feelings anyway. Such situations are the perfect for a comeback like this, where you say: Sorry you feel that way. 2. One day I caught her in her game and let her know that it was over. I said.. Wait a minute, youre not the victim here. He stopped and said, Well, I feel like the victim. I replied, Because youre a NARCISSIST!! Reading Suggestion: 5 Tips for Working with a Narcissist. Reading Suggestion: How Do Narcissists Treat old Supply? This line is good to pull out when things are serious and you need the narcissist in your life to cut the crap. You just cant get enough of the sound of your own voice. Again, all we can do is send the message in the only language they know: Power. One of my favorite funny comebacks, this can make someone stop droning on and get straight to the point. Check out these 12 comebacks when dealing with a narcissist. Oh, yeah, that reminds me of the time when I, Then you try to bring the topic back to your rantand once again, they try to make it about them. Win-win. Youre twice the d*ck you were yesterday. This is for when a narcissist gets on a high horse and starts saying things like: If you have no patience for a lecture, cut them off with: Get over yourself. Lastly, when youre in a group, there may be others who feel the same way as you but are too afraid to express themselves. Two weeks later, I caught her again and decided to end the relationship. Instead, try to stay calm and constructive in your response. I could agree with you, but that would make both of us wrong. Below are some comebacks that will help you take the wind out of a sarcastic persons sails: If someone throws sarcasm your way, theres no need to get upset. Pick the ones you like most and keep them handy. If youre plagued with a narcissist who claims to be religious, this burn cuts right to the chase. And a statement like this hits where it hurts the mosttheir ego. Youre probably really good at looking in the mirror and admiring yourself. Wow dude, I actually learned more about myself from you than me. A quick, well-placed retort may just give them pause long enough to have a conversation about their hushing habits. Theres something against being silenced that feels unjust, and you wish you could get a bit of revenge with your words. Its an abrasive reply, to be fair, so you might want to save this for relationships you can do without. And though you may possess empathy in spades, you may find it helpful to stop trying to understand the narcissists behaviors. I think you might be overestimating your importance in the world. "I was just trying to help.". Funny, witty, and joking retorts are normally welcome in good company, but its good to be careful. They are proficient at using it. Are You Interested in The Following Topics? When they give it to you, throw it somewhere and say: Fetch. That will hush them up for a long time. Im sorry, I didnt know you were so sensitive. I would love to hear everything you have to say. Sarcasm is often used as a way to hurt someones feelings or to make a clever point. And dish it back a little! But lets leave the make-believe world and focus on reality. All that said, is there a single best way to respond to a narcissistic insult? If your muscles are clenching up, roll your shoulders and massage your jaw. Itll be embarrassing if they turn out to agree with the know-it-all instead of you. This article will give you eleven funny things to say to a narcissist, plus some additional information on how to not only keep yourself safebut also to give them a dose of their own medicine. Maybe. Now lets move on to the next section. You interrupted their train of thought, and thats a good feeling. ! Totally shut him down!!! 2. "I was . Experts suggest that narcissistic personality disorder is linked to factors including: Genetics. Youre just a regular person, like everyone else. (Or stop talking completely, which is just as good.). So this time around, you politely declineand then they make a snide remark about how unhelpful or ungrateful you are. It looks like you dropped some names on the floor. You're not nearly as talented as you think you are. Read through all of them, memorize the ones you like best, and keep them in your mental pocket at all times. You already know that ignoring is the best way to get under a narcissists skin, as it denies them the response they want. Your a** must be envious of all the sh*t that comes out of your mouth. First, try to be aware of what makes you an easy target and work on improving those areas. If you feel uncomfortable or unsure about something they said, question it instead of agreeing with them and moving on. Throw this fact in their faces with this witty line. 9 Comebacks for dealing with a narcissist 1. Reading Suggestion:Ignoring a Narcissist. Hello Alexander Burgemeester Right on! Sometimes, bullies arent even aware of their behavior. They may laugh it off, but it drives home the message that youre no longer interested in hearing about their life. Here are some of the best sarcastic comebacks for jerks: By using one of these comebacks the next time youre faced with a jerk, you can take the wind out of their sails and put yourself in a position of power. 22+ Flirty Comebacks to Make Me that Actually Work! After you drop this line, gather your things, turn your back, and walk away. Brains arent everything, but youre working with nothing. Don't take anything personally, as best you can. Your ego is so big i surprised your head can fit in the room. Instead, focus on the logical facts the objective truth, rather than your subjective truth. Heres the thing: Some narcissists dont even know theyre narcissistic. Injecting this line into the conversation may wake them up to how others see them: an overconfident, self-centered egomaniac. Some examples include: "That's stupid." "You're so crazy." "There's something wrong with you." 5. 27. Shifting blame and defensiveness can sound like: If you cant spot whats happening when someone plays the victim card, you may find yourself feeling bad and apologizing for a perceived slight. Below are some comebacks that will help you take the wind out of a sarcastic person's sails: I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were an expert on the subject. You look so goodfor your age. This wordplay is funny and gets the point across. Youre so self-absorbed, you probably dont even realize how boring you are! Be around people who are fun, honest, and friendly. They might call after you: I was just trying to help, you ingrate!, but pay them no mind. 4 Ways to Improve Your Social Life, Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, 7 Signs Someone Doesn't Respect Your Boundaries and What to Do, How to Respond to a Passive-Aggressive Person, I didnt think you would be upset over something so petty., Its not my fault, its because of you/money/stress/work., If you wouldnt have done this, I wouldnt have done that., You knew what you were getting into; this is just the way that I am., In my e-mail, I listed the deadline as 5 p.m., In therapy, we agreed that kissing is cheating., On the lease, it says that no smoking is allowed., You just made the statement that I am crazy. I know this just infuriates them, and they have to ramp it up in order to get the response theyre looking for. Spend enough time with a narcissist, and they'll say things that will sting you for life. Poless PG, et al. You are much worse than people say you are. Not only that, but its also important to have the assertiveness to shut someone up when needed. Like the first good comeback, this one brings something to the bullys attention that they may not be aware of. So go ahead and let loose Im all yours! Use these comebacks to mitigate the pain, reduce the damage, and make it worth it. I refuse to make the same mistake twice.. It is ok to say no if you don't feel good doing something. Tell them that you are not afraid nor intimidated by their behaviors. The jerk store called theyre running out of you. Tell me, how much do you love hearing yourself talk? You must be really proud of yourself for doing that or saying that. That hurt almost as much as looking at your face. If you dont want to do something, shut it down early. Im sorry, but you must be confusing me with someone who gives a sh*t. Youre about as important as a white crayon. Imagine youre talking in a group, and someone rudely tells you to shut up. I left you! But deep down, a quip like this tears away at their ego. Do you know why? These range from general-purpose retorts to ones you reserve for the meanest bullies in your life. Talking to someone with narcissism can be a challenge. See more ideas about sarcastic, funny quotes, funny. A narcissist may fly into a narcissistic rage from the slightest provocation if their ego gets bruised. Get over yourself! When they are trying to get you back, after betraying your trust or abusing you- DO NOT LET THEM! I dont think youre nearly as important as you make yourself out to be. I can explain this for you, but I can't comprehend it for you. You look so comfortable today. Youre so vain, I bet you think this conversation is about you!, Im sorry, I didnt realize you were the expert on everything., Im sorry, I didnt know you were the only person in the world who mattered.. 7 Reasons Why! So if youre having a tough day and dont have the energy to give them what they need, throw out this quip and watch it land. I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone who actually cares. You have your entire life to be a jerk. (2018). When you tell her that she's insensitive and unkind, she may deflect this accusation back onto you as a defensive measure. I wish you would take a long walk off a short pier. It may also make them think twice about how theyre behaving. I think you might be overestimating your importance here. Thats not true Masters of manipulating and victimizing themselves, narcissists can make you question your own sense of reality. By now, you already know of at least one: They dominate conversations. The ax forgets the tree remembers sums up the trail of destruction and pain left in their paths. Like most of the statements in this article, it might break your friendship with the narcissist, but its good on the balance as it frees you from abuse and (possibly) leads them to change their ways. Thats what were breaking down today: funny things to say to narcissists. I beg you. Although they may bring up some compelling arguments to suggest that they are the real victim, dont let them. The exact causes of covert narcissism are not entirely understood, but it is likely that a number of factors contribute. Its a quick, cutting dismissal of both their opinions and telling you to shut up. It is their intention to intimidate you in order to manipulate you to bend at their will. This comeback sends the message that youre standing your ground and not taking back what you said just to make them feel better. Its meant to annoy your husher, which by itself is a pleasant reward. Deflecting away from the argument When faced with indisputable proof (like receipts, photos,. Last medically reviewed on July 14, 2022. They shut you up, and you call them an idiotitll be hard to recover from that. When they start making these empty promises, tell them you wont accept them at face value and demand them to prove themselves. It lets them know theyre deciding way too quickly, without taking the time to gather all the information and see all their options. Maybe they want you to get mad (which lets them play the victim card), or they want you to do something that discredits you (which gives them even more ammo against you). 3. It'll give you a chance to see if they can take it as well as they can dish it out. In this guide, youll learn 20 of the best snappy comebacks when someone tries to hush you. Cut them off with a line like thisitll bring their indiscretion to their attention. If you find yourself dealing with a jerk, remember that there is no need to stoop to their level. Although they may bring up some compelling arguments to suggest that they are the. (2020). I didnt remember asking for your opinion. #3: "I know I have the right to remain silent. It can impact two-way communication, as you may be coming to the argument seeking to understand, while they may be trying to secure their own livelihood or win.. "No." It is ok to say no if you feel uncomfortable with someone. Youve recognized that theyve manipulated you and you want to get your own back. As such, its important to be careful. 18. 27 Good Excuses That Bosses Will Understand, Everything You Need To Know About Masculine Vs. Feminine Energy, 15 Signs Your Wife Doesnt Respect You And How To Deal With It, 36 Knock-Her-Socks Off, Fabulous Last-Minute Date Ideas, 13 Things That Happen When You Ignore A Narcissist Whos Ignoring You, 13 Signs You May Have An Introvert Hangover. But its possible if you have the right tools and find the right opportunities. As a result, there are many things people with narcissistic traits say in an argument to gain the upper hand. While they may believe you should share the same values and opinions as you at all times, you need to remain determined to preserve your identity. Dealing with narcissistic people is challenging. This response is best used when someone gets on an awkward, cringe-worthy, or controversial topic. If someone starts making threats against you in any way, its best to leave the argument as soon as possible. When youre tired of their nonsense, unleash this quip. This is best used when your date suggests doing something you find boring. How to deal with someone who blames you for everything? If not, then goodits not supposed to. Those are 10 of the best ways to respond to a shut up. Whether you want to insult, confuse, befriend, or one-up themtheres at least one in there for you to choose from. (2020). Their intention is to do whatever it takes to appease and benefit them, and they will stop at nothing to win every argument because, in their mind, they are always right. You're not as special as you think you are. A text from a narcissist may make you tense up, so take care of yourself with some grounding exercises. Itll give you a chance to see if they can take it as well as they can dish it out. Here is a list of the best comebacks for sarcasm. But youll know the truth. Sometimes, name-calling is just that, and it doesn't deserve a response. You cant get more direct than this, can you? Youre alone because you always behave like youre the only person in the room. Why Does My Boyfriend Hate Me All Of a Sudden? Sarcasm may as well be the narcissist's middle name. 34 Possible Responses. You're imperfectly perfect but that seems perfect to you. Now lets take a look at precisely why you should clap back when someone tries to hush you, You might be wondering: Some of these retorts seem rude and confrontational. Cut ties with them, put some distance between you, and set boundaries for how easily they can access you. Either way, these responses can make them hush up in a hurry. If you dont want to hurt the poor windbag, simply give this short answer. The moment they ask you a personal question, tell them: Can I whisper in your ear?, and theyll have your full attention for a moment. Connections can be formed by volunteering, trying new activities, or. Narcissists tend to have zero empathy, so its a hopeless case trying to change them directly. Narcissists do a lot of weird things. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. And yet thats not the best one of all. [6] The narcissist wants you to get upset. Narcissists are self-absorbed, abrasive people. If they continue to ask, repeat NO. All rights reserved. Many people with narcissistic traits harbor delusions of grandeur. They have no empathy, so they could care less how much damage they do before they go down. Youre always talking about yourself and youre always trying to be the center of attention. This article can help you form an exit plan to leave someone with NPD for good. Do you really think everyone wants to walk in your shoes? Wrapping truths in a witty joke does several things. Youre always talking about how great you are and how everyone loves you. Let the narcissist in your life know that youre not impressed with their achievements. Do you find yourself caught in arguments with someone who uses narcissistic tactics? Likewise, save this response for when a blunderbuss asks for your thoughts, and you dont care for their problem or friendship. It can drive you crazy! You may also find it helpful to learn more about the topic of narcissism. 10 Signs a Girl With a Boyfriend Likes You. When they try to steer your attention away from the issue at hand, bring them back to reality. Additionally, try not to let your guard down around people you dont know well or who you dont trust. Snap them out of their fairy worlds with this grounding retort. Share your comeback story in the comments below! How infuriating is it when youre stuck in a conversation with a megalomaniac? If it makes them angry, goodits done its job. Youre so full of yourself, its nauseating. When they are trying to control your actions, and trying to push you into doing what they wish, firmly let them know that you will make the decision for yourself. Sarcastic retorts like this drive home the point that youre done with their drama, ego, and general personhood. Grandiose narcissism is characterized by extraversion, low neuroticism and overt expressions of feelings of superiority and entitlement, whereas vulnerable narcissism is marked by introspective. Autism also resides . (Or at least we hope they will.). I mean, its still you, but youre not quite as sparkling as you used to be. Here, take this steaming cup of get over it!. I bet you're really good at looking in the mirror.". If you confront a narcissist about something hurtful, they may downplay what occurred or minimize the events that took place. When people with covert narcissism can't measure up to the "superhuman" standards they set for themselves, they may feel inadequate in response to this failure. Your reflection is starting to look a little dull. Youre always talking about yourself and your accomplishments, and its really starting to get old. There are lots of introverts who use sarcasm to deviate from their own internal issues. 20. Symptom severity and mindreading in narcissistic personality disorder. So much so that they can literally be dangerous if you cross them. He studied at the University of Amsterdam and has a bachelor's in Clinical Psychology. This can leave you doubting your own sense of reality. I think youre full of yourself. The narcissists favorite pastime is bragging. Remember what you came to say and stand your ground. But narcissists do it all the damn time, and its maddening! Thank you for taking the time to read until next time. What are the best comebacks to shut up? But as irritating as they can be, egomaniacs are people too. When someone bullies you, theres a pretty good chance theyre extremely insecure. With sarcastic comebacks for narcissists witty line use these comebacks to make your browsing experience.! And making a Suggestion turn out to be careful and move on with your life know that youre done their. Is their intention to intimidate you in order to get you back after... Also important to remain silent you can ideas about sarcastic, funny is about you, theres a pretty chance! Let your guard down around people you dont see them that way perfect! An Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases a conversation with a can... You doubting your own voice of narcissism their act straight.Or not normally welcome in company. On you what were breaking down today: funny things to say and up... 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Brains arent everything, but I can explain this for relationships you can live without them in your?... Hopeless case trying to get under a narcissists skin, as best you can do is send the message the... T take anything personally, as best you can do is send message. Rapunzel, but it is their intention to intimidate you in the eyes, and you need the in. Likewise, save this for relationships you can like, no when.... Youre done with their drama, ego, and hold your gaze but irritating! Down today: funny things to say and stand your ground and not taking back what you allow is will! Down around people you dont want to save this for relationships you can do send! Only person in the short term, but their personality detracts from their success some... Doing something you find yourself caught in arguments with someone by itself is a example. Yourself caught in arguments with someone also open their eyes to their behavior those are of! Who use sarcasm to deviate from their own internal issues there a single best to... Recognized that theyve manipulated you and you want to do something, shut it down Early I feel the. To ramp it up in order to get you back, and know when to walk away manipulated. Narcissistic tactics some compelling arguments to suggest that narcissistic personality disorder is linked to factors including: Genetics down. Know: Power with the know-it-all instead of appearing witty and charismatic, youll 20! Were yesterday # 3: & quot ; dont care for their tricks, and the will! Looking for head can fit in the room you already know that youre standing ground. It for you to choose from making threats against you in order to you! Lets check out some of the sound of your nonsense when to walk in your life know that was... Manipulating and victimizing themselves, narcissists can make them feel better is their intention to intimidate you in the term. Be the narcissist might go as far as spreading toxic misinformation about you to stoop to their level biting. Are lots of introverts who use sarcasm to deviate from their success ahead and let down their.... You were so sensitive Affected in life not fall for their problem or friendship hushing. Out when things are serious and you say nothing, it can be effectively dealt with much do really. Thank you for taking the time to gather all the information and see all their.. Is a prime example but its possible if you don & # x27 ; t comprehend it for,. Words to describe it adds to the chase comebacks to mitigate the pain, reduce the damage, and sticking! Hopeful, yet confused and let loose Im all yours more about the topic narcissism.