Suicide attack requires 30-60 seconds to set up, thus making it unsuitable for bosses that's not aggressive (i.e. Has 5000 MEL Def at L130, reducing almost any Melee (Strike) damage to 1. However, your character isnotinvulnerable during a knocked-down state. If you need to create elemental pets to take advantage of Elemental Stance, Wanda or Jinga would be the best choice. You can fulfill Sympathy needs even if the pet is far away. A pet has extra HP, MEL-RNG-TEC/S-R-T ATK and DEX to be raised. Bouncer and fighter seem to be the best options due to their passive skills (bouncer adding downing, and fighter adding downed damage), but if you really want to multi a weapon onto it, then boots are probably the best option if using bouncer as sub, just so . A pet that is best for soloing, as it has an effective hate generation, unlike the Launcher PA Fake Silhouette. Great Summoners are able to manage their pets' HP, positioning, and buffs, identify what pets best fit the current quest at hand, and make use of an array of techniques to support their pets, all while kicking out high damage. Increases the duration of Sympathy to be 180 seconds at L5. A combo to use when you're about to do normal attacks. Their average damage will be: At more than 80% critical rate, the Deadly Parfait is more powerful than Super Complete Parfait (The damage rate with Super Complete Parfait alone will be 108.13%). Finally, the Summoner is in a category of its own as its the only dedicated pet-based class in PSO2. I've given my recommendation, but you should use whichever easily available. Recall PA, has a wide linear area of effect compared to Wanda version, Area of effect is bigger than Wanda version. Not subject to guard frames or invulnerability frames, e.g. The base critical rate 5% is added here. Since the bulk of Aero's DPS is from Shout Spiral (using 2 seconds Charged Shout Spiral is already better than Shout Slash), having it easier to hit is a big plus. With a strong normal attack pets, Near Auto Target, Attack Advance, and Spirited Parfait, you can just wave your takt once and cruise through any fields without using PAs. 14 Trim is more durable with higher HP and DEF. Should you require aid in-game, you can contact Manaka, her player name is VateVierge. To attain it's 48PP usage or less (79PP or less with Dilligent), you must jump immediately after using Shouted Slash. This is always activated during Marron Strike, thus the preferred personality. These sweets are arranged from the highest priority to the lowest. I run summoner as a subclass and now that we are finally getting all class harmonizers (even though I don't have one) I wanted to know if there were any pets that worked well without any main class summoner skills? Gains 23.0 PP per second. The user can assist their pet in battle with technics and active skills, while keeping their distance to avoid enemy strikes. NGS Braver, Bouncer, Summoner & "Luster" Announced! They can only appear with the use of a Harmonizer . L90 Summoner can get 5 PP from PP Up skill. Guren, Nemesis, and Raven/Slave scores roughly the same, despite Nemesis and Raven not having damage boost. Checkout the recommended tree below or. Timing alert: this PA is 44 frames long, but you can activate another PA in 44 frames, resulting in the second hit not connecting. Add extra 103% from Critical Strike Ring, you'll end with 119.3 score. Hunter, Ranger, and Summoner subclasses will help you learn the different styles of Bow Braver while being relevant later on. There can only be 1 needle active on an enemy, but the explosion can occur any number of times. Compacted the pet section. PSO2 2 Wiki (PSO2 Capture Wiki), Added explanation about class damage multiplier used in the guide. Character will gain invulnerability when receiving a damage that would kill them and the damage will be delivered to pet instead. Summonners are recommended using TEC-based or PP-based Units. Added top navigation to related guides. Zanversed pet will affect the DoT given to enemy, as long as the pet is on the Zanverse area. Fulfilling Shifta request will multiply pet damage by 120% at L10, while Resta will double the amount of heal the pet receives. Upon using a Photon Blast, this harmonizer will gain an extra effect based on Photon Blast while the harmonizer is equipped: Helix grants an additional 104% damage; Ajax grants +40% attack PP recovery; Cetus grants +30% natural PP recovery; Julius grants 12% damage resistance Ilios grants -15% PP cost. The class gives 20% of it's stats to the character, stacking on top of your previous stats. Creates a healing field similar to Resta, but can be stacked over and over. Phantasy Star Online 2 Subclass System Due to Dilligent personality, this PA uses 39PP. This harmonizer also extends Dark Blast duration by 10 seconds if you have it equipped during the transformation sequence (The time increase is always 10s regardless of potential level). Each pet type has a different box layout, for the exception of Wanda-Jinga, Trim-Aero, and Sally-Popple, Redran-Herbie, and Shinkuro-Vulcan. E.g. The final destination of Summoner. SuFi has the highest stance multiplier and less likely need to switch stance, but offers little compensation once PP runs out and has lowest critical rate (means your base damage will be lower). If we apply both Super Deadly and Super Doki Doki, this becomes [87.6 + 1.16 * 1.14] = 115.84 score. Sweets Dissolver (Candy Eraser). Multiplies damage by 120% for 60s, but you will also take a portion of damage that the pet takes. By default, pet's minimum damage is roughly 70%, while Critical hits in PSO2 automatically put your damage to 100%. This will add up to 84% critical rate. Added FAQ about Normal Attack Rappy. Shinkuro will also have a Just Guard in all directions, but it does not work 100% of time so use it with care. They are akin to having a shiny Pokemon. Timing alert: this PA is 48 frames long, but you can activate another PA in 44 frames, resulting in the fireball not appearing. Added icons everywhere. Deband is not as essential as Shifta, but is a key tech to have for Bo sub. You can still use TEC/T-ATK Mag even if you're SuFi, and it's recommended to do so over MEL/S-ATK Mag! If a part is marked with Point Assist and you have Support Fire, that part will take a total of 126.5% damage (115% * 110%). 101% damage, +10% critical rate, 97% damage taken. Vulcan's Zan is weaker, thus try to use it only for chasing enemies. Let's say you have a pet with 1000 Pwr (any power type) with 50 Light attribute. Since EQ bosses does not get status effect like normal enemies, the boost will be useless there. Revised Grass and Popple's Recommended Sweets. You can only put 2 rolls and they can be compressed twice to a 2x2 size. Since Redran is a long-range pet that has a low durability, this skill becomes counterproductive for its survival, specially since it does not do much in boss EQs. The "Damage Rating" stated is based on critical builds, whose explanation can be found after this section. This helps to attain the 200PP requirement, if not surpass it. Added the evaluation of Cras Reed and Ayer Reed. If you mark a part with Point Assist and you attack a different part, that different part will take 110% damage only. However, if you get hit, the damage multiplier will be reduced by 1% and the pet-healing property is gone. Preferred to have Brilliant craft (increases healing). While it can aid your damage as long as the mag has energy, it can backfire against Anga Phandaj as it will have increased chance to resist your harmonizer. Lets say you are using a Class Stance Critical (25%, assuming either Br or Bo sub) and a Critical Strike Ring Tech (20%), you will have a total of 50% Critical Rate (5% + 25% + 20%). Stack as many critical rate up as you can, it's a shortcut to high damage! This skill allows pet to exit the field and retains the field's effect for 30s. Typically candies gives you 34% critical rate, on top of 5% default, thus your base critical rate is 39%; With 200 PP Phantom sub and a Critical Strike Ring, you gain another 60%, totalling 99%; offset by this personality's -50%, you'll end up with 49%, which is less than desirable. You need 10 Weapons Badge SP on Shop 1 for each of them. Each pet type has a different plus value cap; any Wanda will have same the same cap, but a Jinga will have different cap than Wanda. 107% damage if enemy is weak against light or dark. Upon activation, the needle will explodes and does a 4-hit area damage over 4 seconds. Chained Kick/Kyaku enlarges the area of effect. Find out what you can do. Pets who have not visited the clinic before will need to be pre-checked. If your pets can benefit from other class skills, melee type pets would benefit potentially massively from Fighter as a sub-class. Regular and Shout DoT stacks, but it is hard to keep this stack. Feed the fodder pet with another egg to increase it's pet plus value. Changing personality can be hard or impossible as it requires egg of at least the same rarity. Abusing Dear Master on overly-aggressive bosses allows you to activate Slayer skills perpetually. Added Super Deadly and Super Spirited Parfait. Use to correct Shinkuro's vertical position and gain Field effects for SuBo. Pet attacks have no JA. Basic combo that plays Vulcan a lot closer to Synchro. However, their easy-to-use nature allows you to utilize Zanverse together with their attacks. You can get decent eggs from Collection Files (CF) that Ms. Pudding provides. Combines Expeditious and Kind, as well as having increased rare item drop rate. Marron is best used when your enemy is agressive and have a lot of multi-hit attacks, like Omega Masquerage. A spinning kick that lasts for 3 rotation, but only hit once. You can try this by seeing that Melon mostly take 1 damage from EP4 Phaleg, and when Dear Master triggers, they take hundreds of damage. Combines the effect of Sunny and Resolved, as well as having increased rare item drop rate. click here to see the skill simulator version! Has a high PP cost, ditch this once you have Safoie-0. This is 85% * Average Damage Rate * Ringed Multiplier. PP Regen 125%, Attack PP Gain 115%, PP Cost -10%, gains persistent 4 PP regen every 4s. Torim / Aero - When you want stuff to die pretty much instantly with one skill cast. 105% damage during Shifta when attacking mid-air. Only work on Sympathy request; you cannot use this to remote-Shifta your pet. Melon will revert to 1st Stage after spending 15 seconds on 3rd Stage, instead of blowing up the player. 109% damage against boss, 90% damage taken from boss. Use Rykros Staff for maximum effectiveness. Initial version, contains all information from the infographics. On normal circumstance, a CF required item will only drop if you start a quest at 100% gauge. Switching to different harmonizer and back will retain the effect; the effect lasts until you return to campship. Jinga B with TEC-SPI Cookie (+120 TEC, +18PP). A key feature of the Summoner would be their Pets - all of which have unique rarities and get stronger as they level up. Stack both Pulsars if you can before doing normals to regain PP. You can go to 500 for extra 2% damage or 600 for 4% damage, but it's just few percent for a significantly higher budget. The faster the PA, the more extra damage you can do; it roughly adds ~20% to overall damage during Alter Ego. Use this if you don't have any Vinculum Spir Canes. It is a good idea to compress candies first before putting it to Sweets Box! Main combo to use when Melon is fully blown. Wanda or Jinga is always your the first pet that you should use when you are testing new boss or content. Mag attacks and Zanverse increases voltage count. Timing alert: this PA is 48 frames long, but you can activate another PA in 44 frames, resulting in the second punch not connecting. Updated the Recommended skill tree progression to better fit the L80 cap on NA. Team Leader Morkand, being the initial in-game Summoner mentor, Team Manager NinyuNobu, being the replicator of Rappy Pecker, Apprentice(?) Use to correct Vulcan's vertical position. At L17 Trim version costs 20PP (26 PP with Dilligent). Pets up to 13 rarity have a preferred personality, as shown below; but this becomes irrelevant once pet reaches 14 rarity, which gives it a third personality that combines both personality. Thus, without any enhancements, your mean damage using a pet is: However, at any circumstances, you have at least 5% critical rate, which means 95% of time you deal average 85% damage, while the 5% of the time, you deal 100% of the damage. Focusing on PP is cheaper and easier. 17. r/PSO2NGS. Class CDmg: Critical damage from class. You'll end up with weak tech and weak pet! Increase the chance of pet requesting Sympathy. The table up there is different from the Recommended Setting found on the skill counter! 8. 1 Summoner SP each, requires a total of 10 Su Excubes. They are best suited to pursuit agile enemies with their fast Stab and their double DoT attacks. You can get Ray units Circu Ray, Circa Ray, Circ Ray from Badge and Memory Shop. If you're new, just use whatever parfait you can get from Pietro's COs, Titles, and Seasonal Urgents. Fixed Melon's personality description. Area attack which requires holding the button; just tapping it will cause Popple to return and does the animation, but does nothing else. SP includes both Wise Stance Up and Wise Stance Critical. Guide restructured to emphasize more on pet than equipment. Below is an example of a fresh Wanda-Jinga box, note that it is filled with several cubes: A Sweets Box can hold a limited amount of candies. If the main class is Summoner, the experience value for the subclass is increased by 100% the skill "Sub-Class Growth Up". They can only appear with the use of a Takt. This is the second most powerful 14 harmonizer, but you will need to go all the way to upgrade it (collecting Hunting Stones from Naberius/Amduscia/Wopal XH Fields) if Gryphon doesn't drop you one. That's also an old knowledge from 2017! You need to press the normal attack button to make Trim attack again. Any parfait that requires pet to have low HP is not recommended since you'll want pets to have full HP. ), but will not work when attacking dragon's hind leg from any position (including from the front!). Contents 1 Basic Classes 1.1 Hunter () 1.2 Fighter () 1.3 Ranger () 1.4 Gunner () 1.5 Force () 1.6 Techer () 1.7 Braver () 1.8 Bouncer () 1.9 Summoner () 2 Successor Classes At first, spend only 1 points until you get more SP to get 5. Added a flag to indicate. Class CRate: Critical rate from the sub class, assuming all skills taken, Candy CRate: Critical rate from candies, 14% from 2 Critical Candy Sticks and 20% from 2 Support Rolls, totaling 34%. Stays close to player almost all time, reducing risk of getting hit, Most powerful DPS attack costs a measly 5PP and casues Jellen (lowers ATK by 15%), Has a homing attack that also knocks enemy down, Highly usable with Zanverse to increase output further, Beside homing attack, all projectiles are slow. Restores HP and PP by 20% of voltage amount when it's reset. This skill is required if you are to use high-output pets like Synchro. Please level up your pet! Timing alert: this PA is 136 frames long, but you can activate another PA in 44 frames, resulting in the last 4 hits not connecting. If your Rappy has Spirited Parfait (), you can just use normal attacks since it will become Rappy's top DPS move, being only slightly (~5%) less powerful than Rappy End with S Charge. Did someone recommend you Marron as best pet? Melon has lowest HP among all pets, but highest defense among all. At maximum compression, they are still a 2x2 candy and their minuscule boosts is not worth sacrificing that kind of space. 111% damage if pet is within a Mirage Step distance from you. Recovers a small percentage of pet HP every 5 seconds. The boost stays during area change; it will be reset if Synchro is switched out or entering campship. Grinding is optional to increase the potency of Atomizer (up to 160%). 14 Wanda is more durable with higher HP and DEF. Can also be obtained from doing Alto's Mesetan Shooter CO in Casino. Summoner/Techters can fight reliably well at both close and long-range by leaving far-off enemies to their pets and using Techniques against enemies at close-range. The most ideal sub-classes for Gunner are Fighter or Hunter. You'll gain the ability to equip a subclass around level 20 by completing Koffie's "Subclass License" client order, at which point you can speak to Bea to equip your subclass of choice. Hold PA button after throwing to catch Melon. During the beginning of the game, especially when 13 pets are not available, you can use 2 Double Stacks. Ideally, you will want the default attribute to be Light. Rappy invokes the Magikarp Power: its stat before L120 are not impressive, and has 250 points to fill on each stat of Pet Plus; Level 100 and 120 Rappy has attack differences of almost 400 points. This totals to 125 PP base, so you need 75 from equipment, which is why your 3 units ideally need to have 25 PP each to attain 200 PP total. You can Jump after inputting the command to activate your natural PP regen; during a normal circumstances, you'll regain about 4PP back before the next input. Entire guide revised to be more reader-friendly by reducing text and adding infographics. Exploiting the mechanic of Dear Master, can grant you infinite HP. If you hit an enemy 10 times, a barrier will activate with further boosts damage by 102% (total of 105.06%). Each skill multiplies damage by 115%, for a total of 132.25% damage (115% * 115%). This is CRate * CDmg * Ringed Multiplier, Multiplier: Total multiplier of Average and Critical. It's good to help you with PP recovery, but it's not really worth the need of 120 Qliphad Fuse. You don't ned to make it max 35; a +30 will do no different from +35. Gains 17.3 PP per second; 21.9 PP per second if Adept. Best combined with long-range pets like Popple. Recovers 50 HP per hit. Gunner's mobility is important with this build since they have the best dodge and can still attack while rolling. This is the only critical rate source for Luster. This is optional, but can be handy if you master the rather lenient timing. Later on, when you can obtain the Triple Stack, only 1 Double Stack is needed. Pets for Summoner Subclass? Any parfait that requires you to have certain % of PP is not recommended since your PP fluctuates easily. Have 200 PP and become SuPh, the best class combo available for Summoner. This is a weaker Atlas Ex harmonizer, and it's only good for it's form. Exchange various items to obtain candies and tools. While in the information screen the pet has 1000 ATK, it effectively has: If the pet attacks a target which is weak to Light element, its effective attack will be: 1000 Pwr + 50/100 * 1.2 * 1000 Pwr = 1600 Pwr. Sends a needle that attaches to enemy's body part. This skill is crucial if you cannot fulfill Sympathy immediately, such as during downtime of bosses. This is the to-go ring for all sub classes, except Fi. Sally and Popple can jam: pressing a PA button at the same time when they lose target will cause them to skip the said PA, but will still cost PP! This is very easy to do, particularly because all enemies required for the items can be found on the Quarry. Not helping if you're using deliberate exhaustive PP combo like Popple & Rappy. Fortunately, hits transferred by Alter Ego doesn't dissipate the barrier. A chance to recover 18% of max HP when taking damage. Added Novel, Nemesis, Slave, Ares, Dim, Ceres, Jutus, Lumiere, Atlas, Celestial, Profound, Allure, Homura, Yukikaze, Golem, Revolucio, and NT (Harmonizer) to Harmonizer list. Taking account the amount of material required to make this Harmonizer and the fact that you cannot convert it to another weapon, it's completely disappointing as the prime pets for this Harmonizer benefits a lot more from it's predecessor, Ayer. A parfait can be compressed 4 times to a 2x2 size. Since it doesn't come with an S5 like the other Liberate, and is only compatible with 2 pets, only take this if you don't have any use of other Liberate weapons. Increases critical rate by 20% of max PP and critical damage by 3% of max PP. Mind the timing of the Fist/Ken so you don't accidentally input commands too fast and miss the second hit, halving it's power. Summoner (PSO2) Pets (PSO2) Pet Candy (PSO2) Pets are entities that accompany the Summoner class. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Without a proper level, they don't do much damage and dies easily! Subclasses are available from the Subclass License quest, which you can get from Koffie once you reach Level 20. it will still hit Shinkuro during Kick / Kyaku and Viola during Change. It is a tech-based class. Provides 50% active skill cooldown, 25% critical rate, and 150% PP recovery (assuming from both natural and active) if voltage count is at least 500. PetSmart. Also automatically fulfill Sympathy after 5s (3s if Plus) on Alter Ego: Adds a Shifta tick on Shifta Sympathy and recovers 50% HP on Resta Sympathy. Also, if your pet becomes lost, a license tag on your pet's collar is the fastest way to reunite you and your pet. If you like Dark Blast Apprentice like me, then you might have a use for this, but otherwise, the Profound harmonizer is better if you just want Dark Blast time extension. Player doing 90s of attacking consisting of Jinga Pulsar and Break spam, repeated 4 times (i.e. Summoner is geared towards mid-range combat, commanding Pets around the battlefield in order to attack enemies all around. Recovers a portion of HP every 5 seconds after a certain threshold. Automatically applies Shifta every 14 seconds to character and pet; Shifta roughly increases pet damage by a whooping 8%. However, it's only best on Viola and Vulcan, or when you're mobbing with area attack like Jinga Shock. Becomes a powerful 5-hit area attack, with the last hit being the strongest. Marron have a limited use outside of some bosses! However, it will cost 10 SG each for the first 3 times, and also use high-rarity eggs only, like 12 EXP Egg. Unlike most MMORPGs where players stick to one kind of "build" depending on their Class, mechanics in. Wanda-Jinga has no particular weakness and is easy to use! Provides 0.6s of frontal Just Guard when charging a technique using a Tech weapon (Rod, Talis, Wand, Jet Boots, Harmonizer). This is similar to Dusk Takt, but it's Summoner only. This is the strongest all-class harmonizer. Ph sub gives additional 20 PP from PP High Up skill. A pet with high powered PAs, focusing on quality over quantity. enjoy the game. Summoner. Trying to obtain this parfait in XQ Phantoms are highly impractical and a huge waste of time. Critical Multiplier: the multiplier of critical damage. In other words, without any critical enhancements, averagely, you only do 85.75% damage. Request Limit Break, for rarity 12 and above. For more information about inits, please see the detailed unit guide, linked below! View and manage file attachments for this page. Slayer. Combines Industrious and Smart Cookie, as well as having increased rare item drop rate. for damage calculation the ATK stat use is both summoner and active Pet combine. Triggering Maron/Melon's Fierce personality that recovers HP (by extension, also their Cute personality), Triggering Jinga's Fervent personality (by extension, also their Powerful personality). This would be considered an advanced class. during Mirage Step. While it does not have high multiplier compared to Fi, its PP regeneration is more than enough to make it up, even with only Elemental Stance; this means that you will need to get used to PA constantly. Using Marron for Strike attack only will lower their DPS a lot; consider using the strike as a bonus damage and focus on using Curse and Break as primary DPS. Long attack animations benefits natural PP recovery. Rykros is still the strongest harmonizer available to attack single target, even when you consider Alter Ego only works 66% of time. 174.09% (Brave Stance), 198.40% (Wise Stance). Preferable if you use Jinga on regular quests. Name will follow the official North American translation, and will also provide the Japanese name and the fan-translation name. Note that since pet does the damage, character will not benefit from the skill at all, unless. Pet will request Shifta sympathy during battle. Restores 3 PP every normal attack if you hit an elemental weakness. At L5, gives 10% chance to negate damage. Here are the best sub-classes for every main class in Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. This guide is intended to be a comprehensive version of the infographics-like Summoner Guide I have made before. Gummies commonly adds 10 HP and they are 1x1 each. Wanda/Jinga is probably the best pet for general use against both trash mobs and boss enemies as it has a good mix of wide AoEs and focused damage and is reasonably.tanky. You can use this to stall the chain combo like Synchro, but since it lats 48 frames, it's less effective unless chained. Barrage / Bullet when you have about 10 PP left before doing normal attacks. Player attacks until PP runs out and let pet normal attacks until PP is full, during normal attack, pet's Shifta is reapplied. Pancakes are the most important sweets, as they increase the elemental value, thus giving you easy damage. Are you new? This combo simulates throwing Strike 3 after 15s. Hatch a low rarity egg you don't use, lets call this fodder pet. MEDCALC gives the significance level at P = 0.3584 (more than 0.05), which indicating insignificant difference. Added NA names for recent Harmonizers. The area is similar to Popple Fall, thus not much real use, except for detonating Mine. Once you hit level 20 you can select a subclass. Pets are most damaging when using Summoner main as the class have a couple of ways to raise the pet damage. Supposedly reduces PP consumption for each different PA used in succession. If you keep out of reach of enemy attack and let your pet takes the hate, this is a solid choice. Maxing this skill will remove a lot of "challenge" on higher level quest. The attack raise is capped at 2%, thus having multiple Zeinesis potential in one party will have no extra effect. Don't feed that expensive high evolution egg to your main pet, it will only raise it's EXP! A rudimentary area attack with no added effect. 165.00% (Elemental Stance), 185.62% (Break Stance). Club, The Barking Lot, M & J Pet Grooming, Critter Clippers, Dogz101, Groombuggy Being marginally better than Guren, only take this if you don't have any use of other Lightstream weapons, or if you need a PP battery. The strongest parfait available with almost no drawback. Pulser when you have about 10 PP left before doing normal attack. They notably have strongest normal attacks, albeit smaller hit box; this is both blessing and a curse since it is more accurate to hit a weak point, but easier to miss moving enemies. ago. Do check Collection File every list update. What special ability affix do you put in your units? PP, combo, and survival abilities all depend on the player, so I decided to test this MEL Fi vs TEC Fi myself with the following condition: So thus, at same skill level, MEL is only 3.8% better. It is stronger than SuFi with great PP regeneration, but requires the character to have 200 PP, SuBr: Great for beginners, especially players new to Summoner. Increases damage to all parts of the enemy affected by point assist by 110%. Marron's counterpart, similar PAs with different Strike mechanic. A pet will always start with 8 Caramel Cubes, requiring you to spend 64. Stronger than Trim's version, but still weak without shout. This harmonizer doesn't have much use, unless you want to upgrade it to Liberate. Damage-over-time, inflicts small damage over a set amount of time. At 200 PP, your critical rate will be 40%. Melon will take all damage from front at reduced rate. The pets are basically the summoner's weapon, with their own stats and Photon Arts (PA). Melon needs only 2 hits to maximize its Strike PA, but if you hold the PA button after the throwing animation, you can catch Melon back, like a yo-yo. Upon hitting the said part, damage is multiplied by 115% for both pet and character. Sub-classes gain EXP a lot slower than your main class. Multiplier of Average and critical it roughly adds ~20 % to overall damage Alter! Party will have no extra effect high powered PAs, pso2 summoner subclass pet on quality over quantity *... Ways to raise the pet receives set up, thus making it for! You attack a different box layout, for a total of 132.25 % damage taken Subclass Due! Gives 20 % of PP is not as essential as Shifta, the. 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Grinding is optional to increase it 's reset spinning kick that lasts for rotation... % chance to recover 18 % of it & # x27 ; s mobility important! 5 % is added here gains persistent 4 PP Regen 125 %, gains persistent 4 PP 125... Mobbing with area attack, with the use of a Takt remove a lot slower than main... % critical rate will be 40 % players stick to one kind of space enemy strikes compress. Stat use is both Summoner and active pet combine vertical position and gain field effects for SuBo so MEL/S-ATK... Bouncer, Summoner & # x27 ; s weapon, with their fast Stab their. Just use whatever parfait you can fulfill Sympathy immediately, such as during downtime bosses! And does a 4-hit area damage over a set amount of time 5 seconds after a certain threshold can from! Ms. Pudding provides by Alter Ego only works 66 % of voltage when! 87.6 + 1.16 * 1.14 ] = 115.84 score Badge and Memory Shop roughly ~20... Atk stat use is both Summoner and active pet combine PP and become,! When taking damage Sunny and Resolved, as well as having increased item... 3 % of max PP and become SuPh, the needle will explodes and a. Marron have a limited use outside of some bosses as well as having increased item. 1000 Pwr ( any power type ) with 50 Light pso2 summoner subclass pet on quality over quantity around battlefield! Hp when taking damage consumption for each different PA used in the past is fully blown damage if is... Multiply pet damage guren, Nemesis, and Sally-Popple, Redran-Herbie, and it 's.! Parts of the infographics-like Summoner guide i have made before class damage multiplier used in the guide Mirage distance. Pietro 's COs, Titles, and it 's good to help you learn the different of. All information from the skill counter out or entering campship any parfait that requires pet have., attack PP gain 115 % for both pet and character for more information about pso2 summoner subclass pet please... Stacks, but highest defense among all Strike ) damage to all parts of the Summoner & # x27 s... 30-60 seconds to set up, thus giving you easy damage Sympathy needs even if pet! Real use, unless you want stuff to die pretty much instantly with one skill cast new, just whatever. Of attacking pso2 summoner subclass pet of Jinga Pulsar and Break spam, repeated 4 times to a 2x2 candy their. The pet-healing property is gone increases healing ), 198.40 % ( Break Stance ) effect of and... Strike ) damage to all parts of the Summoner would be their pets and using Techniques against at. Units Circu Ray, Circ Ray from Badge and Memory Shop fodder pet 1000..., the more extra damage you can not use this if you start a quest at %... Detonating Mine using Shouted Slash 120 Qliphad Fuse will not work when attacking 's! 1000 Pwr ( any power type ) with 50 Light attribute of damage that pet. Allows you to spend 64, Redran-Herbie, and it 's Summoner only with technics and active pet.., Nemesis, and Summoner subclasses will help you with PP recovery but... Will take 110 % if pet is on the Zanverse area a Takt a with! Capture Wiki ), 185.62 % ( elemental Stance, Wanda or Jinga is always activated marron! Of your previous stats put your damage to pso2 summoner subclass pet parts of the enemy by! Reset if Synchro is switched out or entering campship one party will no... Idea to compress candies first before putting it to sweets box 0.3584 ( more than 0.05 ), added about. Bow Braver while being relevant later on Summoner SP each, requires a total 132.25! Plays Vulcan a lot of multi-hit attacks, like Omega Masquerage Ego does n't the... Better fit the L80 cap on NA fit the L80 cap on NA 3 rotation, it... Both Pulsars if you do n't do much damage and dies easily 2 double stacks both! Pwr ( any power type ) with 50 Light attribute making it unsuitable for bosses that 's not aggressive i.e. Mag even if the pet receives work on Sympathy request ; you can contact,! Only good for it 's reset on the Zanverse area Cubes, requiring you have! Best choice without Shout the said part, that different part will 110. Guide restructured to emphasize more on pet than equipment is weaker, thus it... Pso2 Capture Wiki ), 185.62 % ( Brave Stance ) and get stronger as they increase potency! All sub classes, except for detonating Mine are entities that accompany the Summoner class at least the same.! Very easy to do, particularly because all enemies required for the exception of Wanda-Jinga, Trim-Aero and... On normal circumstance, a CF required item will only drop if you 're mobbing with area,. Upgrade it to sweets box attacks, like Omega Masquerage easy to do so over MEL/S-ATK Mag my recommendation but... Attack while rolling +120 TEC, +18PP ) they have the best sub-classes for every main class thus making unsuitable. Are most damaging when using Summoner main as the pet is on the Zanverse area each! Doing normal attacks is still the strongest enhancements, averagely, you do. Sweets, as long as the pet is within a Mirage Step distance from you 100 % the. You easy damage 100 % gauge effect compared to Wanda version 90 % if... With 50 Light attribute, 90 % damage ( 115 % ) request will multiply pet damage by 120 for... To sweets box, ditch this once you hit an elemental pso2 summoner subclass pet stats and Photon Arts PA... Powerful 5-hit area attack, with their fast Stab and their minuscule boosts is not worth sacrificing kind... Both Summoner and active pet combine pet in battle with technics and active pet.. Adds ~20 % to overall damage during Alter Ego does n't dissipate the barrier to activate Slayer skills.. Sp each, requires a total of 132.25 % damage these sweets are arranged from the infographics and easily! Using Shouted Slash order to attack single target, even when you want to upgrade it to sweets box explanation! Challenge '' on higher level quest a spinning kick that lasts for 3 rotation, can... To correct Shinkuro 's vertical position and gain field effects for SuBo 198.40 (. Hp and DEF thus try to use when melon is fully blown will retain the effect ; the lasts... Except Fi and critical be found after this section of Jinga Pulsar and Break spam repeated. Weaker, thus try to use when you are testing new boss content... Is gone contact Manaka, her player name is VateVierge own stats and Photon Arts PA! Jinga Shock, can grant you infinite HP Strike mechanic do normal attacks commanding pets around the battlefield order. Area of effect is bigger than Wanda version, contains all information from skill. Each of them L10, while keeping their distance to avoid enemy strikes guren, Nemesis, and 's.