[36] Each family of otters was shown to have its own unique audio signature. [42] Population densities varied with a high of 1.2/km2 (3.1/sqmi) reported in Suriname and with a low of 0.154/km2 (0.40/sqmi) found in Guyana. Cape clawless otters inhabit the southern two-thirds of the African continent. 5 years and older. [63] Duplaix identified two critical factors in habitat selection: food abundance, which appears to positively correlate to shallow water, and low sloping banks with good cover and easy access to preferred water types. April 12, 2023 / 11:04 AM / CBS News. The three Guianas remain the last stronghold of giant otters in South America, with pristine giant otter habitat on some rivers and good giant otter densities overallstill, but for how long? Habitat degradation and loss is the greatest current threat. Though most live in freshwater rivers, lakes, and wetlands, the sea otter and the smaller marine otter are found in the Pacific Ocean. [20], Phylogenetic analysis by Koepfli and Wayne in 1998 found the giant otter has the highest divergence sequences within the otter subfamily, forming a distinct clade that split away 10 to 14million years ago. The piscivorous habits of giant otters lead to negative human perception and conflicts with fisheries. They give birth between August and September, and the young pups emerge for the first time in October and November, which are the months of lowest water when fish concentrations in the dwindling lakes and channels are at their peak. A group of giant otters easily corners and captures fish. [18] Carter and Rosas found average areas a third this size. km and consists of a mated pair and their offspring of several generations. Otters are widely distributed. Runways are well-defined land paths that link waterways and other facilities. It turns out the thick, luscious fur that keeps them dry and warm has been a long coveted possession of humans. It is regulated internationally under Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) meaning commercial trade in specimens (including parts and derivatives) is prohibited. Although some breeding occurs throughout the year, the peak of the breeding season is from late spring to early summer. Data on the occurrence and habitat use of giant otters Pteronura brasiliensis in the 4,437 km 2 of Balbina hydroelectric lake in central Amazonia, Brazil, were collected from September 2001 to December 2005. [62] Furthermore, Defler observed associations between giant otters and the Amazon river dolphins, and suggested that dolphins may benefit by fish fleeing from the otters. The giant otter is the South American cousin to the sea and river otters of North America, as well as those of Europe and Africa. Well suited for an aquatic life, it can close its ears and nose while underwater. They will seek a peaceful place (or "picnic spot") to eat their prey. SOUTH YORKSHIRE, England - A wildlife park in England is celebrating the surprise arrival of rare giant otter triplets. [70], The species has also appeared in the folklore of the region. They also have webbed feet, water-repellent fur to keep them dry and warm, and nostrils and ears that close in the water. [61] Carter and Rosas have found captive adult animals consume around 10% of their body weight dailyabout 3 kilograms (7lb), in keeping with findings in the wild. [58] The giant otter seems to be opportunistic, taking whatever species are most locally abundant. Atypical of mustelids, the giant otter is a social species, with family groups typically supporting three to . They are so adept with their teamwork, they easily outcompete larger predators like jaguars and caiman for fish. A deadly fungus with mysterious origins is raising alarms, Fast fashion goes to die in this Chilean desert, Behold the surreal magic and mystery of slime molds, See how Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr around the world, 'The Odyssey' offers more than just monsters and magic, The forgotten history of cats in the navy. The outdoor Montreal zoo is holding its grand opening of the new privately funded, $1.4-million river otter habitat today. [63] Otters do not visit or mark every site daily, but usually patrol all of them, often by a pair of otters in the morning. The smaller neotropical otter is far more shy, less noisy, and less social; at about a third the weight of the giant otter, it is more vulnerable to predation, hence, a lack of conspicuousness is to its advantage. All rights reserved. The fact that it is exclusively active during the day further suggests its eyesight should be strong, to aid in hunting and predator avoidance. [8], The Boror people have a legend on the origin of tobacco smoking: those who used the leaf improperly by swallowing it were punished by being transformed into giant otters; the Bororo also associate the giant otter with fish and with fire. Otters mark their territories with scent. They prefer areas with stable river banks for them to make their dens, which are dug into the mud of the bank sides. Estimates have been provided for the following countries: 60 animals in Bolivia in the northwest in the Madre de Dios-Beni sub-basin; 50 individuals in 118,031 km of the Pantanal (Paraguay river sub-basin), and 600 animals in the 186,460 km of the northeast (Itenez sub-basin), totaling an estimated 700 individuals; less than 250 animals in Ecuador; at least 200 animals in French Guiana; and 24-32 animals in Paraguay. There are estimates for the populations of a few areas: 2,000-5,000 individuals in the Brazilian Pantanal; 180-400 individuals in Madre de Dios, southeastern Peru; 31 individuals in Cantao State Park, Brazil; 75 individuals in Amana, Brazil; at least 130 individuals in Balbina Lake, Brazil; 54 individuals in Araguaia, above Bananal Island; 32 individuals in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador; and at least 35 individuals in Rewa Head, Guyana. Thick and water repellent, their fur keeps their skin dry despite a mostly aquatic lifestyle. Like most other otter species, giant otters come ashore to give birth. Who buys lion bones? The hunting decimated their populations. [25][31], The species possesses 2n= 38 chromosomes.[32]. It lives in streams, wetlands and slow flowing larger rivers. [48][49] They then search for new territory to begin a family of their own. Straight line lengths for Eurasian otter home ranges in Sweden average about 15 km (9.3 mi.) Otters are usually found no more than a few hundred meters from water. Otters are very social animals, and considerable amounts of time are spent on grooming, playing, and resting together, as well as cooperatively hunting. The implementation of CITES in 1973 finally brought about significant hunting reductions,[14] although demand did not disappear entirely: in the 1980s, pelt prices were as high as US$250 on the European market. [5] At Tierpark Hagenbeck in Germany, long-term pair bonding and individualized mate selection were seen, with copulation most frequently taking place in water. Breakfast with the otters and the fishers. Incorrect descriptions of the species have led to multiple synonyms (the latter subspecies is often P. b. paranensis in the literature). They are capable of spending their entire life at sea, but sometimes rest on rocky shores. Sign up to keep reading and unlock hundreds of Nat Geo articles for free. We compared giant otter feeding habits between seasons and habitats in the Southern Pantanal, Brazil, by analyzing feces . Group hierarchies are not rigid and the animals easily share roles. . [52][53][54], In the wild, it has been suggested, although not systematically confirmed, that tourists cause similar stresses: disrupted lactation and denning, reduced hunting, and habitat abandonment are all risks. [85][86] Bolivia designated wetlands larger than the size of Switzerland as a freshwater protected area in 2001; these are also home to the giant otter. Photo story: the flavours of Oman's Ad Dakhiliyah region, 7 hands-on food and drink experiences to try in Italy, Behind the fairytales: a journey into the Black Forest, Hitting new heights: learn how to be an Alpinist in Chamonix, Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark, Photograph by Ernane Junior, National Geographic Your Shot, The secret superpowers of elephants, in stop motion, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Within groups, otters are extremely peaceful and cooperative. It plays an important role in the mythology of the Achuar people, where giant otters are seen as a form of the tsunki, or water spirits: they are a sort of "water people" who feed on fish. The species is territorial, with groups marking their ranges with latrines, gland secretions, and vocalizations. French. Their webbed paws combined with their flexible, muscular bodies and long tails help them navigate the river with ease. This species is monogamous, and pairs stay together for life. At six feet long and weighing 75 pounds, they certainly live up to their name. Southern river otters are found in Argentina and Chile. The giant river otter. This photo was submitted to Your Shot, our photo community on Instagram. Weight. Index Giant otter characteristics Giant otter reproduction and behavior What does the giant river otter eat? However, the most serious threat to giant otter populations today is habitat destruction. Giant otters are able to swim 330 feet (100 meters) in less than 30 seconds. Axolotls and capybaras are TikTok famousis that a problem? The estrous cycle is 21 days, with females receptive to sexual advances between three and 10 days. Giant otters served as Yaku runa's canoes. Otters are found almost all over the world and in many wet habitats, such freshwater . Although this might sound like a camping trip for a human family, this is actually the life of the giant otter. The giant otter subsists almost exclusively on a diet of fish, particularly characins and catfish, but may also eat crabs, turtles, snakes and small caimans. [39] At least one case of a change in alpha relationship has been reported, with a new male taking over the role; the mechanics of the transition were not determined. [62] The spectacled caiman is another potential competitor, but Duplaix found no conflict with the species in Suriname. [50] Males actively participate in rearing cubs and family cohesion is strong;[51] older, juvenile siblings also participate in rearing, although in the weeks immediately after birth, they may temporarily leave the group. See what's so cool about these six-foot-long freshwater denizens. If you've ever been scuba diving or snorkeling, you know that donning a pair of large fins makes you swim far faster than your own feet, which are designed for land. Can we do the same? 04. They give birth within these dens during the dry season. The survival of the giant otter populations in the Guianas is essential to the survival of this endangered species in South America. [42], Aggression within the species ("intraspecific" conflict) has been documented. It may be the solution to overfishing. Duplaix documented interaction with the Neotropical otter. Reproductive behavior has largely been documented by observations of captive animals. Females appear to give birth year round, although in the wild, births may peak during the dry season. One report found between three and eight campsites, clustered around feeding areas. Rolling places are bare patches of ground where otters roll and groom. Although giant otters are losing the battle in human conflict, they have evolved amazing adaptations to help them survive nature's challenges in the wild. [29] The legs are short and stubby and end in large webbed feet tipped with sharp claws. The giant otter is an especially noisy animal, with a complex repertoire of vocalizations. These include providing at least the minimum recommended land-to-water area ratio, and that all enclosure land surfaces (both artificial and natural) are nearly entirely covered with the recommended substrate conditions (e.g. As human activity expands, giant otter home ranges become increasingly isolated. Currently, giant otter populations are threatened by habitat fragmentation, making them an endangered species. Habitat fragmentation and loss, as well as pollution, are the current major threats to the Giant otter, as the areas where they live are degraded and destroyed by logging, mining, and damming. The Civil War raged outside their homes. They dwell in flooded forests, slow moving rivers, streams, lakes and swamps. [17] The ears are small and rounded. Fish from the order Perciformes, particularly cichlids and perch, were seen in 97% of scats, and Characiformes, such as characins, in 86%. [1] P. b. brasiliensis is distributed across the north of the giant otter range, including the Orinoco, Amazon, and Guianas river systems; to the south, P. b. paraguensis has been suggested in Paraguay, Uruguay, southern Brazil, and northern Argentina,[14] although it may be extinct in the last three of these four. During the day, river otters are active, hunting fish, crustaceans and even small caiman in their family groups. Full. Giant otters are found throughout almost all of South America. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Giant Brazilian Otter populations in Uruguay and Argentina are thought to be extinct. [90] The indigenous Kichwa peoples from Amazonian Peru believed in a world of water where Yaku runa reigned as mother of the water and was charged with caring for fish and animals. Sea otters (genus Enhydra) are found in coastal waters of the North Pacific, rarely more than 1 km (0.6 mi.) Giant otters prefer habitats with non-floodable banks that have vegetation cover and where there is easy access to hunting places in relatively shallow waters. All rights reserved, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. At 9-10 months they can hunt independently and look just like their parents. Breakfast with the otters and the fishers. In other otter species, vision is generally normal or slightly myopic, both on land and in water. The species was so thoroughly decimated, the number dropped to just 12 in 1971. copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. March. Each animal may eat six to nine pounds of food per day. Today we're going to learn more about where they live, how their populations are changing and some cool facts about the giant otter. Although generally peaceful, the species is territorial, and aggression has been observed between groups. The family members clear an area beside a stream for their living quarters, of up to 50 sq meters, usually near feeding sites. Two subspecies are currently recognized by the canonical Mammal Species of the World, P. b. brasiliensis and P. b. paraguensis. As the largest otter, it can reach up to 2m in length. [48], The giant otter is an apex predator, and its population status reflects the overall health of riverine ecosystems. Territories differ from home ranges. [13], The otters form the subfamily Lutrinae within the mustelids and the giant otter is the only member of the genus Pteronura. They make their dens under boulders and ledges, and in driftwood and tangles of vegetation. 535-640 mm. The giant otter possesses short fur compared to other otter . Overall, currently, Giant otters are classified as Endangered (EN) and their numbers today are decreasing. A wavering scream may be used in bluff charges against intruders, while a low growl is used for aggressive warning. [11] The genus name, Pteronura, is derived from the Ancient Greek words (pteron, feather or wing) and (oura, tail),[12] a reference to its distinctive, wing-like tail. It is the longest member of the weasel family, Mustelidae, a globally successful group of predators, reaching up to 1.7 metres (5.6ft). Please be respectful of copyright. 52-million-year-old bat skeletons are the oldest ever found. [47], Details of giant otter reproduction and life cycle are scarce, and captive animals have provided much of the information. The triplets were born on . How U.S. abortion laws went from nonexistent to acrimonious, These Native Americans were taken from their families as children. [87], Throughout its range, the giant otter interacts with indigenous groups, who often practice traditional hunting and fishing. The smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) of Asia may be its closest extant relative; similar behaviour, vocalizations, and skull morphology have been noted. Explore their stories. Currently, there are almost none in Argentina and Uruguay, and they are very rare in Paraguay. The Asian small-clawed otter is the smallest of all otters, measuring 65 to 94 cm (26-37 in.) [26] Guard hairs trap water and keep the inner fur dry; the guard hairs are approximately 8millimetres (one-third of an inch) in length, about twice as long as the fur of the inner coat. Home ranges vary in size with species, location, and resource distribution, and are generally larger for males. Although there is somewhat limited data about the exact number of giant otters in the wild, scientists agree that they are an endangered species, in danger of going extinct. How magnesium affects your sleep and anxiety, Your eyes may be a window into early Alzheimer's detection, 6 hiking and biking trails to explore in the Alps this summer. Nearly all otter populations have been impacted to some extent by human activities. The giant otter, a native of South America, is listed as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Females are smaller at 1-1.5m (3.3-4.9ft). For example, stress to the parents during cub-rearing due to inappropriate enclosure conditions has been the primary reason for cub neglect, abuse and infanticide. Axolotls and capybaras are TikTok famousis that a problem? Elephants are learning to live with us. River otters can measure up to 1.4 metres in length from nose to tail, and weigh up to 14 kilograms. Heres how. Their nostrils and ears close to keep water out, and waterproof fur keeps them warm. She is also certified in secondary special education, biology, and physics in Massachusetts. Quick hah barks or explosive snorts suggest immediate interest and possible danger. Parasites, such as the larvae of flies and a variety of intestinal worms, also afflict the giant otter. [70], Even if without direct predation, the giant otter must still compete with other predators for food resources. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. [21], The giant otter is clearly distinguished from other otters by morphological and behavioural characteristics. Preferred habitat features include high banks for denning, thick vegetation and high fish densities [2,3]. [14][76][77], More recently, habitat destruction and degradation have become the principal dangers, and a further reduction of 50% is expected in giant otter numbers within the 20 years after 2004 (about the span of three generations of giant otters). [6] In Spanish, river wolf (Spanish: lobo de ro) and water dog (Spanish: perro de agua) are used occasionally (though the latter also refers to several different animals) and may have been more common in the reports of explorers in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Trees surround them in the tropical forest, providing shade in the heat of the midday sun. Among the Achuar people, they are known as wankanim,[8] among the Sanum as hadami[9][10] and among the Makushi as turara. [89] A Ticuna legend has it that the giant otter exchanged places with the jaguar: the story says jaguar formerly lived in the water and the giant otter came to the land only to eat. It is the noisiest otter species, and distinct vocalizations have been documented that indicate alarm, aggression, and reassurance. Can gum infections trigger arthritis symptoms? They hunt alone or in groups, sometimes using coordinated efforts, and must be successful often to meet their daily intake quota. It is also known as the Guiana flat-tailed otter, margin-tailed otter, and winged-tailed otter. These can become quite extensive, including "backdoor" exits into forests and swamps, away from the water. The Alaskan sea otter population numbered more than 100,000 in the 1980s. [70] One difference in behavior was seen in the country in 2002: the normally inquisitive giant otters showed "active avoidance behavior with visible panic" when boats appeared. [83] Duplaix returned to the country in 2000 and found the giant otter still present on the Kaburi Creek, a "jewel" of biodiversity, although increased human presence and land use suggests, sooner or later, the species may not be able to find suitable habitat for campsites. It is the noisiest otter species, and distinct vocalizations have been documented that indicate alarm, aggression, and reassurance. It lives only in the rivers and creeks of the Amazon, Orinoco, and La Plata river systems. Their fur is extremely soft and is a chocolate brown except for a pattern of large creamy white patches under their long neck, thought to be unique for each individual otter. A deadly fungus with mysterious origins is raising alarms, Fast fashion goes to die in this Chilean desert, Behold the surreal magic and mystery of slime molds, See how Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr around the world, 'The Odyssey' offers more than just monsters and magic, The forgotten history of cats in the navy. The breeding system of territorial groups, including only a single breeding female with non-reproductive . [30], At the time of Carter and Rosas' writing, vision had not been directly studied, but field observations show the animal primarily hunts by sight; above water, it is able to recognize observers at great distances. It is one of the most endangered mammal species in the Neotropics. Can gum infections trigger arthritis symptoms? Newborn pups squeak to elicit attention, while older young whine and wail when they begin to participate in group activities. The species was listed as endangered in 1999 and wild population estimates are typically below 5,000. If fish are unavailable, they will also take crabs, snakes, and even small caimans and anacondas. Giant otters are especially noisy and have a complex repertoire of vocalizations. [45] The giant otter seems to prefer prey fish that are generally immobile on river bottoms in clear water. [39] In captivity, this may increase to 17, with an unconfirmed record of 19. Schoolchildren, however, had a more positive impression of the animal. Want the full story? Ensuring that the animals have sufficient privacy from human disturbances (visual and acoustic, from zoo staff or visitors) at parturition and during cub-rearing is also essential, but not sufficient. Other researchers suggest approximately 7 square kilometres (2.7sqmi) and note a strong inverse correlation between sociality and home range size; the highly social giant otter has smaller home range sizes than would be expected for a species of its mass. )[78] The animal sometimes drowns in nets set across rivers and machete attacks by fishermen have been noted, according to Duplaix, but "tolerance is the rule" in Suriname. [37], The giant otter is a highly social animal and lives in extended family groups. Like human families, these animals mate in monogamous. Also, there are two known subspecies: P. b. Brasiliensis and P. b. Paraguensis. Giant otters are mammals related to the weasel family. It constructs extensive campsites close to feeding areas, clearing large amounts of vegetation. Giant otters are large aquatic carnivores that inhabit rivers and seasonal lakes in South America. Amanda has taught high school science for over 10 years. They live in monogamous pairs with several generations of family, sometimes with 20 individuals living together. A family has a home range of 12 sq. The other two clawless otters are similar in size to river otters. One report suggests maximum areas 28m (92ft) long and 15m (49ft) wide, well-marked by scent glands, urine, and feces to signal territory. In Brazil it is known as ariranha, from the Tup word ari'raa, meaning water jaguar (Portuguese: ona-d'gua). The Giant Brazilian Otter lives in South America in the Amazon and Orinoco basins from Venezuela to Paraguay and South Brazil. [19] Giant otter fossil remains have been recovered from a cave in the Brazilian Mato Grosso. Same-sex territories do not overlap, and they are patrolled and defended by their owners. [14] (Larger figures may reflect two or three family groups temporarily feeding together. California otters often prefer kelp beds, probably because of the protection and food resources they provide. There are 13 species in total, ranging from the small-clawed otter to the giant otter. Trevor Platt/Getty They have a gestation period of between 9-10 weeks and usually give birth to 1-3 cubs. )[38], Group members share roles, structured around the dominant breeding pair. Slides offer quick access to water or other facilities. The giant otter is diurnal, being active exclusively during daylight hours. [63] It occurs in freshwater rivers and streams, which generally flood seasonally. [56] It feeds mainly on fish, including cichlids, perch, characins (such as piranha), and catfish. Follow us on Instagram at @natgeoyourshot or visit us at natgeo.com/yourshot for the latest submissions and news about the community. Heres how. The Giant otter, living in South America, and the largest of the otters in its total length, is the cousin of the sea and river otters in North America, Europe, and Africa. 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