We apologize for this inconvenience and invite you to return as soon as you turn 13. Elmasry, Jack Here you can explore important information about Columbia University Football. View campus maps, driving directions, andtransit options. Staff will recognize childrens skills and achievements, but our goal is to promote fun and positive relationships. to build a profile. When requesting On-Campus Interview dates please keep in mind the following: Cancellations: Employers mustnotify CCEof anycancellations at least 5 business days prior to the date of the interviewto receive a full refund. Consent is not a condition of purchase. Connect with every college coach in the country and commit to your dream school! Apodaca, Isaac Columbia College Recruiting Prospective Student-Athlete Questionnaire The Department of Athletics at Columbia College is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and the Appalachian Athletic Conference (AAC). Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM 5:00 PM. If you do not currently use any of these browsers, here are links to download Google Chrome and Firefox for free. You can certainly start by filling out the Columbia University Swimming And Divings recruiting questionnaire and getting on their list, but thats only the start. Businesses worldwide need leaders and managers who can find innovative ways to create value. Columbia University does offer athletic scholarships for Volleyball. Each week, campers participate in activities around a weekly theme, such as scavenger hunts, orienteering, trivia games, dance, and more! Find job postings in CA, NY, NYC, NJ, TX, FL, MI, OH, IL, PA, GA, MA, WA, UT, CO, AZ, SF Bay Area, LA County, USA, UAE, SA, North America, abroad. Bolster, Scott Full Name. - All State Pitcher - Milford High School (2006) Yang, Michael Thanks for visiting the Columbia University Women's Swimming scholarship and program information page. If you do not currently use any of these browsers, here are links to download Google Chrome and Firefox for free. Lou, Joseph Get Discovered by college coaches. . No digging up contact information. View allrequired formsto complete for camp. Staff Directory. New faculty and staff are welcomed and provided guidance. Are you interested in early decision? OFFICE HOURS On-Campus Interviews allow you to host your job and internship interviews within the Center for Career Education. 533 W 218th Street Parent New York, NY 10027, Baker Athletics Complex Make an impact and contribute to our global community. A Chula Vista, Calif. native, Woodley graduated from The Bishops School in La Jolla, Calif., where he was a three-time First Team All Coastal League selection, was named Defensive Most Valuable Player of the Coastal League in 2016, and was a two . 2021-22 Roster. The new tennis center, while mostly complete, still has some construction planned over the summer. - Academic All-Big Ten Compliance. Leal. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Columbia University 41 Schermerhorn Street #1062, Brooklyn, NY 11201, You are using an incompatible browser. We're a 50-person climate tech startup based in Detroit, MI, and we plan to double in size over the next year . This information is very valuable for all high school student-athletes to understand as they start the recruiting process. Kid-centered programming means our camp staff plans daily programming with the kids likes and dislikes in mind, but daily schedules might change based on the counselors' overview of the day. I'm thrilled to announce my verbal commitment to the admissions process at Columbia University in the City of New York where I will be continuing my academic and athletic careers. Santa Clara, CA NCAA DI . Intermediate and Advanced swimmers will have small group instruction lasting about 45 minutes. Chang, Josh The Head Coach of Columbia University Swimming And Diving is Jim Bolster - make it as easy as possible for them to learn about you as an athlete, and be able to start a conversation with you. Academic Services. For the best experience, we recommend, New York Men's Swimming And Diving Scholarships, Columbia University Men's Swimming And Diving, start your free recruiting profile with SportsRecruits today. - Whole Room / 1 hour - $150.00 All rights reserved. What is kid-centered programming? Columbia offers a generous benefits package for you and your family. Yale, 2010. Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Athletic scholarships are available for NCAA Division I, NCAA Division II, NAIA and NJCAA. Business Administration, Management, and Operations. Create a free account in LionSHARE, Columbias job and internship database. "I'm incredibly excited to continue this journey at Columbia," said Griffith, who will enter her eighth year leading the program. Find out what coaches are viewing your Our program attracts independent thinkers who immediately add value to the organizations that hire them. Resources, discounts, and programs to support a work-life balance. Total Softball has first class facilities, equipment, technology, enhanced by a qualified and dedicated staff. We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. Reach out for additional information on how to get started! Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Opens in new window. Target students from abroad with diverse backgrounds. Volunteer Diving Coach. - 1 Tunnel / 1 hour - $30.00- Whole Room / 1 hour - $75.00 You are using an incompatible browser. Alma Mater/Graduation Year. Best women's Division 1 swimming colleges : Stanford University Harvard University University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA) Princeton University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Yale University University of California Duke University Columbia University University of Florida Recruiting Areas - Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Northern California, Kentucky, West Virginia. Fite joined the Columbia staff ahead of the 2021 season. - 3x All State Catcher, - Played travel for ICE Fastpitch out of Clarkston, MI, - Former German Professional Player in the European Championships Search for colleges, create a recruiting resume and connect with any college coach in the country in just a few clicks with SportsRecruits. NEW COMMIT: The University of Pittsburgh has officially begun Class of 2028 recruiting after receiving a verbal commitment from in-stater Kimmy Shannon of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Story Links. When requesting an Information Session date, please keep in mind the following: A list of up to date Career Fairs and Events, along with registration, can be found in LionSHARE by going to the left-hand navigation bar, clicking on Fairs and searching for Columbia University.. In some situations, students may require an evaluation by a clinician at Columbia Health in order to receive a waiver. Through year round skills camps, leagues and private lessons, Total Softball is the best asset in the Midwest for a competitive advantage. College coaches This information is very valuable for all high school student-athletes to understand as they start the recruiting process. And discoverability is the key to college exposure and recruitment. Subject line:Request for Swim Requirement/ PE Requirement Wavier. Columbia University Football Program Information Powered by West 116 St and Broadway New York, NY 10027 (212) 854-1754 http://www.columbia.edu Year Founded: 1754 Religious Affiliation: None College Type: Private , Urban Enrollment: 6170 (full time undergrad) Tuition In State: $61,788 Tuition Out of State: $61,788 Division: NCAA I-AA Conference: - Former North Ridgeville H.S. Search for colleges and universities by athletic division, geographic location, area of academic study and more for free right now! The Center for Career Education can offer your organization many resources to help meet your hiring needs! Interview rooms cost $150 per schedule per day. Those who do not pass are encouraged to take a Beginner Swim course at the first opportunity. According to information you submitted, you are under the age of 13. Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering. Microsoft no longer supports most versions of Internet Explorer, since it released Microsoft Edge in 2015. Columbia-Barnard Athletic Consortium Opens in new window. Using LionSHARE, you can post job and internship opportunities, schedule on-campus interviews, register for career fairs, career nights, or industry showcases, and request on-campus and off-campus employer events. Also, we host and assist with on-campus employer events such as information sessions, panels, etc. Reporting to the Mizzou Made athletics academic support staff, the graduate assistant will work in all facets of the student-athlete academic support services. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. Intermediate and Advanced swimmers will have small group instruction lasting about 45 minutes. Zhang, Jim Computer Software and Media Applications. Columbia Swimming Recruit Form. Send Message, Gustavo Leal Receive emails and text messages when college coaches interact with your profile. 120. Post-Careruns after camp from 3:00pm to 5:30pm and takes place in Dodge Fitness Center all camp sessions. The official Women's Swimming and Diving page for the Columbia University Lions This information is very valuable for all high school student-athletes to understand as they start the recruiting process. NEW YORK The Columbia men's swimming and diving team has re-loaded with eight new members set to join the program this fall, head coach Jim Bolster announced today. NEW COMMITS: Columbia University has received a pair of verbal commitments* to kickstart their Class of 2025 recruiting from Devon, Penn. High school student-athletes have a discoverability problem. Nebraska, has announced she will be joining the Columbia University Swimming and Diving team in the fall of 2021 . Our coaches, with more than 30 years combined experience at every level, will take every step possible to provide a setting where the athlete will get the most out of the sport of softball and improve her skill at every level. By taking advantage of this extensive network, more than 92 percent of NCSA verified athletes play at the college level. Columbia Business School is located on the Universitys Manhattanville campus on W 130th St between Broadway and Riverside Drive. If you are hoping to get recruited it is critical to understand who to talk to - and NCSA has the details you'll need. Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General, Linguistic, Comparative, and Related Language Studies and Services, Slavic, Baltic and Albanian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Slavic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, Germanic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other, Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General, Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature, Business Administration, Management and Operations, Business Administration and Management, General, Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursin, American/United States Studies/Civilization, Regional Studies (U.S., Canadian, Foreign), Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies, Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies, Natural Resources Conservation and Research, Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering, Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering, Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences, Research and Experimental Psychology, Other, Development Economics and International Development, Political Science and Government, General, Private not-for-profit (no religious affiliation). Paul Rice enters his first year on the Columbia Football Coaching Staff as its Linebackers Coach and Special Teams Coordinator. It is located in New York City, on Columbia University's historic Morningside Heights campus and at the new Baker Athletics Complex. Most importantly, I'd like to thank my parents for their endless support. Canteros-Paz, Michael Completed Feb 4, 2023 Karl Michael and Spaulding Pools Cornell vs. Columbia (M) Completed Jan 28, 2023 Ithaca, NY Dartmouth vs. Columbia (W) Completed Jan 28, 2023 Karl Michael and Spaulding Pools Navy vs. Columbia Completed Jan 21, 2023 Lejeune Hall Columbia vs. Princeton Completed Jan 20, 2023 New York, NY More results Commitments RP Ryan Pak I'm a : Parent Student-Athlete My Email Athlete Sport NEW YORK Megan Griffith '07CC has signed a five-year extension to remain the head coach of the Columbia women's basketball program. Need-based and academic scholarships . You need your profile to showcase all of your academic and athletic achievements, and be able to instantly connect to college coaches who are interested. Note that applications are not being accepted from your jurisdiction for this job currently via this jobsite. Story Links. Click the below flyer to read more -, Tunnels in Softball Room @ Wixom (8, 9, 10) Our commitment to excellence provides campers with the opportunity to further develop their skills in multiple sports by receiving instruction from NCAA Division 1 coaches, professional athletes, collegiate student-athletes, physical education teachers, and other educators. Cho, Noah Additionally, please review our Interview, Offer and AcceptanceGuidelines. Popular activities include handball, flag football, track relays, water games, soccer, and enjoying the big sprinklers. Experience. Download Guide . These events offer a more focused event around a particular industry or theme andtypically attract 10-15 employer participants and about 200 students. Varsity Coach Kevin Tyrrell. Public Administration and Social Services, Other. Columbia University New York, NY Bellevue Club Swim Team Bellevue, WA Bellevue High School Bellevue, WA Highlights 2022 WIAA Boys 3A State Championship Feb 17 2 time Champion 1st place 100 Y Fly - 47.60 1st place 50 Y Free - 20.64 2021 Pacific Northwest 15 & Over Championship Dec 16 Champion 1st place 50 Y Fly - 21.71 3 time Finalist Recap Men's Swimming and Diving at Navy January 21, 2023 2:00 P.M. MSWIM. (2003 & 2004), - Holds Lake Shore H.S. What makes Total Softball unique is our ability to offer programs year round. Campers will have access to Columbia's top-notch Division 1 Athletic facilities. Computer and Information Sciences, Other. Student-Athlete. We recommend switching to Chrome, Firefox, and/or Safari for not only SportsRecruits, but for all websites. Pro-rating options are available if communicated and requested before registering for camp. By taking advantage of this extensive network, more than 92 percent of NCSA verified athletes play at the college . All refund requests must be made no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the camp week. Total Softball, headquartered at Total Sports Wixom, is an indoor softball training facility that offers an incredible opportunity for any fast pitch athlete wishing to make a commitment toward improving her skills. On average, 34% of all student-athletes receive athletic scholarships. search for recruits on NCSA's platform 741,611 times in 2021. - 1 Tunnel / half hour - $20.00 What makes Total Softball unique is our ability to offer programs . Jr. Here you'll get information regarding the college and details on their Women's Swimming program like who to make contact with about recruiting, names of, Columbia University Women's Swimming Program Information. - Fields at Farmington, West Bloomfield and Washington Township (varied dimensions), Pro Turf Outdoor Fields at Total Sports Wixom 2022-23 Men's Swimming and Diving Roster. If you are interested in getting recruited by Columbia University Swimming And Diving, you should get to know more about the school, what academic programs are offered, and important members of the coaching staff - these are the people you need to connect with. Woodley is a December 2021 graduate of Columbia College with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. Tennis sessions typically occur four times a week while at Baker. We welcome you to search job openings, explore our employee benefits and apply to join one of the nation's most prestigious . There is no additional information to display. Here are two of our most popular articles to get you started: NCSA College Recruiting (NCSA) is the exclusive athletic recruiting network that educates, assists, and connects, families, coaches and companies so Columbia University Women's swimming Program Coaching & Recruiting Staff QUICK QUESTION? In-Person and Virtual Drop-in Hoursoffered MondayFriday from 2 p.m.4 p.m. - Inducted into the USA/ASA Softball Michigan Hall Of Fame (2004) Hometown / High School. - 1 Tunnel / 1 hour - $30.00 Post-Care is $160 /week or $40 /day. Diving Coach. Build, maintain and track progress with colleges on your target list. Target full-time students for summer internships and full-time opportunities. ***Three 80ft long tunnels*** Health and Medical Administrative Services. - Committed to play at Concordia University Ann Arbor Trisha Wellock. NCAA DI. Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services. Kids' Night Out | Camp Dates | Forms |Tuition | Schedule | Cancellation Policy | Registration| Contact, Lunch: not provided on site, please bring your camper's NUT FREE Lunch and we will refrigerate, Snacks: we will provide an afternoon snack that is NUT FREE with GLUTEN FREE options. NCSA College Recruiting (NCSA) is the nations leading collegiate recruiting source for more than 500,000 student-athletes and 42,000 college coaches. - All State Pitcher - Grosse Pointe North High School (1992), - Former Lake Superior State Pitcher (2004-2008), - LSSU Female Freshman Athlete of the Year (2005), - 2X All State Pitcher - Lake Shore H.S. - 2 Tunnels / 1 hour - $50.00 Post hr/recruitment jobs for free; apply online for Management / Campus - Program Manager job Michigan, USA. - MAC Player Of The Year (1996) I'm a : Parent Student-Athlete My Email Athlete Sport 1st year at Columbia. 212-854-1803. View Full Bio, Seungjoon - 1 Tunnel / half hour - $35.00 Programming features an ever changing combination of classic PE games, backyard favorites, sports, and special surprises to keep kids happy, active, and engaged. Regarding her . Out of Facility Training Get Recruited. Swim sessions, which include group lessons and recreational swim, occur four times a week for an hour. - Contact Total Softball directly at - softball@totalsportscomplex.com - for more information. Success Through Well-Being. Assistant Head Coach. Griffith's new contract will run through the end of the 2027-28 season. Swimming tests are administered in the Uris Pool, located on the first floor of the Dodge Fitness Center. - 1 Tunnel / half hour - $20.00 Expand your skills, grow your career, and explore new opportunities. Paul Tinnion. We do not support Internet Explorer. In the event that you request a cancellation, a $100 administrative fee will be deducted from your refund. SAAC. - USSSA A World Series Champ, Most Outstanding Pitcher, All World Team (2006), - Training Locations - Wixom, MI & Farmington, MI, - Total Softball Special Events Coordinator See end of page for registration forms, Alexis Bonk - South Lyon - Wayne State University, Gabrielle Sherman - Millington - Kent State University, Jessica Garmen - County Day - University of Michigan, Lauren Sciborski - South Lyon East High School - Northwestern University, Lauren Curry - Anthony Wayne High School - Northwestern University, Gabi Salo - Escanaba High School - University of Wisconsin, Sierra Kersten - Clarkston High School - University of Michigan, Hannah Cady - Clarkston High School - Northwestern University, Abbey Tolmie - Clarkston High School - Central Michigan University, Lena Monteith - South Lyon High School - Central Michigan University, Taylor Turner - Springfield High School - Miami University (Ohio), Skye Grant - Howell High School - Northern Illinois University, Lucy Cronin - South Lyon East High School - Central Michigan University, Kaycee Loehr - Walled Lake Northern High School - Davenport University, Katie Parker - Schoolcraft High School - Western Michigan University, Caitlyn Kowalski - Notre Dame Prep Academy - Bucknell, Skylar Coberley - Bay City Central High School - Central Michigan University, Kathryn Rex - Notre Dame Academy - Penn State University, Erin Carter - Fenton High School - University of Iowa, Jaiden Batyik - Tecumseh High School - University of Toledo, Tessa Nuss - Lake Orion High School - Binghamton University, Madison Jordan - Lowell High School - Central Michigan University, Marika Deemer - Perrysburg High School - Manhattan College, Camille Gray - New Boston High School - Saginaw Valley State University, Alyssa Ansara - Anthony Wayne High School - Rider University, Jenna Cantalupo - Anchor Bay High School - Hillsdale College, Allysa Lake - Allen Park High School - University of Charleston (WV), Makayla Thompson - - Kent State University, Alisa Shelt - Wauseon High School - Wheeling Jesuit University, Lauren Esman - Gull Lake High School - University of Michigan, Ashley Rieger - Napolean High School - Grand Valley State University, Aubrey Shroyer - Napoleon High School - Purdue Northwest University, Micah Higa - Huron High School - Saginaw Valley State University, Callie Tatum - Anchor Bay High School - Lawrence Tech University, Mara Sczecienski - North Farmington High School - University of Hartford, Sam DiCicco - Dakota High School - Central Michigan University, Marisa Muglia - Regina High School - Saginaw Valley State University, Baby Hang - Grand Haven High School - Ferris State University, Emma Cerroni - Flat Rock High School - Grand Valley State University, Reyann Kruger - Perrysburg High School - Roosevelt University, Rebecca Cottrell - Portage Central High School - University of Toledo, Hannah Carson - Mount Pleasant High School - University of Michigan, Cheyenne Hindman - Slippery Rock High School (PA) - Eastern Michigan University, Samantha Mills - L'Anse Creuse High School - Central Michigan University, Melina Livingston - Regina High School - Penn State University, Ashley Kent - Franklin High School - Robert Morris University, Paige Blevins - Clarkston High School - Central Michigan University, Kasidy Carson - Lake Orion High School - Hillsdale College, Aleah Marra - Anchor Bay High School - Rutgers University, Jenny Bressler - Plymouth High School - University of Nevada Las Vegas, Allison Ross - Riverview High School - St. Francis University, Piper Roth - L'Anse Creuse North High School- University of Detroit, Samantha Harris - Walled Lake Northern High School - Central Michigan University, Grace Chelemen - Carlson High School - University of Michigan, Sara Moos - Northville High School - Saginaw Valley State University, Jessica Kreuzer - Walled Lake Central High School - Saginaw Valley State University, Alexis Koehler - Northville High School - Northwood University, Nicole Miiller - Midland High School - Northwood University, Abigail Joseph - Goodrich High School - Michigan State University, Alyssa Harris - Woodhaven High School - University of Findlay, Madilyn Micallef - Edsel Ford - Concordia University Ann Arbor, Abby Tolstyka - Northville High School - Cleveland State University, Hannah Davies - Our Lady of the Lakes - Bowling Green State University, Myia Killich - - Eastern Michigan University, Avieri Ludwig - Anchor Bay High School - Macomb Community College, Taryn Peru - Bath High School - University of Detroit, Anna Dixon - Farmington Hills Mercy High School - Hillsdale College, Carley Barjaktarovich - Richmond High School - Lehigh University, Emily Koperdak - Mattawan High School - Northern Kentucky University, Trinity Cumo - Portage Central High School - Seton Hill University, Julia Kennedy - Father Gabriel Richard - Miami University Ohio, Hannah Vachon - Oxford High School - University of Saint Francis (IL), Aubrie Benward - Eaton Rapids High School - Aquinas College, Madelyn Turner - Grass Lake High School - University of Findlay, Raechel Carroll - Southgate Anderson High School - Wayne State University, Jenna Davis - Rockford High School - Aquinas College, Olivia Thomas - Anthony Wayne High School - Case Western Reserve University, Mckenna Roy - Lake Orion High School - Lawrence Tech University, Taylor Simon - Lakeshore High School - Davenport University, Maegan Jodway - - Lawrence Tech University, Justice Ruggles - Grass Lake High School - Ohio University, Sarah Hige - Northville High School - Lawrence Tech University, Mckenzie Anderson - Eaton Rapids High School - University of Northwestern Ohio, Sydney Williams - - Indiana Tech University, Kalani Lau - Lake Fenton High School - Saginaw Valley State University, Riley Jones - Novi High School - Trine University, Courtney Callahan - Walled Lake Northern - Michigan State University, Riley Hecklinski - Saline High School - Indiana University, Kendahl Dunford - Dakota High School - Florida International University, Tala Dean - cole Secondaire Catholique LEssor High School - Central Michigan University, Abbey Hatler - Columbia Central High School - Eastern Michigan University, Logan Carter - Fenton High School - Western Michigan University, Alexis Taube - Mattawan High School - Kent State University, Madyson Cole - Portage Central High School - Rutgers University, Aliena Magiera - Lutheran Northwest High School - Central Michigan University, Sarah Holton - Edsel Ford High School -Madonna University, Hannah Bunker - Walled Lake Northern High School - University of Massachusetts, Chelsea Wiggins - Marquette High School - Oakland University, Madison Scarsella - Clarkston High School - University of Detroit, Lauren Kanai - Forest Hills Eastern High School - Taylor University, Nicole Schwerin - West Bloomfield High School - Lawrence Technological University, Sophie VanAcker - Mercy High School - Lehigh University, Mercede Daugherty -Watervliet High School - Trine University, Emily Pawelski - Howell High School - Madonna University, Montana Spears - Cabrini High School - Saginaw Valley State University, Emma Paryaski - - Concordia University - Ann Arbor, MacKenzie Muncy - Walled Lake Northern - Schoolcraft College, Veronica Watson - Almont High School - Cuyahoga College, Emma Bergman - Oak Harbor High School - Ohio Dominican, Mikayla Grajczyk - Notre Dame Academy - Notre Dame College, Brooke Henning - - Grand Valley State University, Taylor Rieger - - Grand Valley State University, Chloe Swaisgood - Fremont Ross High School - Tiffin University, Rebekah Yenrick - - University of Toledo, Jordan Diggins - - Concordia University Ann Arbor, Ellie Muilenburg - Grandville High School - Davenport University, Kristin Mihalic - - Southeastern University (FL), Gina Barber - Plymouth High School - Lawrence Tech University, Grace Stock - Vicksburg High School - Calvin College, Nicole Bauer - USA High School - Stanford University, Haley Hoogenraad - Zeeland High School - University of Michigan, Abby Krzywiecki - Mercy High School - University of South Alabama, Summer Callahan - New Boston Huron High School - Michigan State University, Morgan Gardner - Romeo High School - Central Michigan University, Madyson Ampe - Belleville High School - Sienna Heights University, Abby Skvarce - Clarkston High School - University of Michigan, Sydney San Juan - Walled Lake Western High School - Hillsdale College, Jamie Squires - Salem High School - Oakland University, Rachel Zerona - Plymouth High School - Oakland University, Ari Chretien - Walled Lake Northern High School - Eastern Michigan University, Kaylen Glenfield - Garden City High School - Western Michigan University, Gabby Grooten - Portage Northern High School - University of Michigan Dearborn, Jayla Jackson - Belleville High School - Embry-Riddle University, Mikayla Alexandrou - Southgate High School - Saginaw Valley State University, Isabella Buttazzoni - Walled Lake Central High School - Northwood University, Sarah Fringer - Dakota High School - Brown University, Lauren Pletscher - Durand High School - Oakland University, Genny Soltesz - Mattawan High School - Columbia University, Lindsay Brandon - South Lyon High School - Sienna Heights University, Alexa Flores - Ladywood High School - Davenport University, Brooke Beale - Lakeland High School (Oakland University), Sydney Schultz - Lakeland High School (Lawrence Tech University), Alexa Cherney - North Farmington High School (Lawrence Tech University), Genna Skalski - St. Catherine of Siena High School - Lawrence Tech University, Carlin MacDonald-Gavin - Holy Names Catholic High School - Hillsdale College, Cari Padula - Mercy High School - Western Michigan University, Bailey Stevens - Powers Catholic High School - Mott Community College, Alex Sobczak - Mercy High School - University of Michigan, Leah Crocket - Penfield High School NY - University of Michigan, Alexa White - New Boston Huron High School - Michigan State University, Rachel Vieira - Clarkston High School - Central Michigan University, Ryann Hollis - Belleville High School - Southern University, Mikayla Marciniak - Plymouth High School - Oakland University, Olivia Logan - Riverview High School - Eastern Michigan University, Mikayla Blaska - Clarkston High School - Princeton University, Emma Colegrove - Waterford Kettering High School - Tennessee State University, Ashley Messina - Troy High School - Wayne State University, Alyssa Heren - Saline High School - Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Makenzie Nieto - South Lyon East High School - Mississippi College, Halee Warren - Canton High School - Madonna University, Aidan Falk - Our Lady of Mercy HS - Rochester NY - University of Michigan, Hanna Warren - Canton High School - Central Michigan University, Shelby Hard - Hartland High School - University of North Dakota, Carah Pletscher - Swartz Creek High School - Oakland University, Jessie Mehr - South Lyon High School - Virginia Tech University, Jessica Taylor - Goodrich High School - Hillsdale College, Lacy Tolfree - Saginaw Heritage High School - Central Michigan University, Kelsea Kaliszuk - Tecumseh High School - Oakland University, Taylor Weaver - Romeo High School - Central Michigan University, Hannah Atwell - Montrose High School - Saginaw Valley State University, Alex Logan - Carelton High School - University of Southern Indiana, Mandy Rosol - Goodrich High School - Lake Superior State University, Brooke Senkbeil - Plymouth High School - Aquinas College, Sienna Surber - Jackson High School - Florida State University, Katie Singer - Hartland High School - Hope College, Melissa Bazany - Howell High School - Hope College, Kristina Zalewski - Saline High School - Michigan State University, Autumn Cervantez-Oxford High School - University of North Dakota, Rachael Waynick -Waterford Mott High School- University of North Dakota, Sydney Hasselbach - Clarkston High School - Ferris State University, Casey Bias - Livonia Churchill High School - Ferris State University, Hayley Cruthers - Swartz Creek High School - Ball State University/Valdosta State University, Kayla Rebain - Plymouth High School - Madonna University, Celeste Fidge - Ladywood High School - University of Toledo, Myklan Kish - Allen Park High School - Madonna University, Mariah Fox - Bullock Creek High School - Eastern Michigan University, Jacqueline Murphy - Mercy High School - Loyola University - Chicago, Bailey Darwin - Chelsea High School - Ferris State University, Kelsey Susalla - Garden City High School - University of Michigan, Melissa Palmer - Troy Athens High School - Western Michigan University, Allyson Kus - West Bloomfield High School - Western Michigan University, Kim Granata - Perrysburg High School - Kent State University, Olivia Richvalsky - South Lyon East High School - University of Michigan, Emma Cook - Marysville High School - Madonna University, Shelby Weeks - Warren Woods Tower High School -Saginaw Valley State University, Ashley Lynn - Garden City High School - Northwood University, Ashley Dobson - Kankakee Valley HS-Tallahassee Community College, Tiereny Nelson - Clinton HS - Lamar University, Tricia Graham - Rockford High School - Central Michigan University, Trista Cox - Roncalli Catholic High School - University of Louisville, Mackensy Lakian - Walled Lake Northern High School - Columbia University in New York City, Michelle Stiltner - White Lake Lakeland High School - University of Mount Union in Alliance Ohio, Megan Stamm - Grand Blanc High School -Western Michigan University, Kristina Weltzin - Walled Lake Northern High School - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Courtney Johnson - Romulus High School -Oakland University, Lauren Smith - Milford High School - Central Michigan University, Karley Crawford - Dexter High School - Northwood University, Jessica Wojcik - Milford High School - Northwood University. 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